Personally, I would not consider Linux or Windows until there's absolutely no macOS options left. I like the UI and UX of macOS (and the old System/Finder before it), I'm comfortable using it, and things make sense on it
to me. Yes, I've used Linux and Windows in the past but it was always to do things that were not possible or at least not easily done on a Mac and never by choice. I imagine it would take years before I get close the same level of comfort I feel on macOS with another operating system.
I've seen people who have hackintoshed older Xeon based systems but it involved more work and some things, like sleep, never worked properly. I'm still very green when it comes to hackintoshing but from what I've gathered, look for hardware with UEFI and try build systems around CPUs that Apple has used on real Macs to maintain maximum compatibility.
Last year, I purchased a used HP Elite 8300 with an i7 3770 from Ebay for about $200 to try and learn more about hackintoshing. To my complete amazement, I was up and running on El Capitan within an hour of greeting the UPS guy for delivery. I documented my experience