to be honest Russian tech is getting better than BigTech...
just try.
i tested all browsers available for linux,Windows, OSX list is very long,
i use for different tabs open, different projects / ideas.
like a juggler.
or to keep ram usage low.
8GB Ram is absolute minimum for a decent multiple tab experience.
opera = has slow free vpn, very slow start-up in linux when installed from snap, when installed form apt-get has No sound.
firefox = slow load all pinned tabs, but my second browser. i miss Netscape.
does Not allow to add easy other seach engines... very bad.
requires address bar and | search bar separated for a better search experience. all in one, is bad.
edge = meh, has disable inactive tabs after x time, but... there was a bug, plays netflix in weak hardware.
chrome = required for some websites, to pay public services, etc...
brave = i dont trust "add free", but... works with web3.0 .crypto websites.
vivaldi = a light weight opera, no vpn, no etc... very fast start.
yandex is the default...but i dont like the latest update, "we want to spy your bookmarks." just click anywhere on the screen to continue. No need to click [OK] button at the bottom.
problem with Yandex is the seach engine,
if you select Yandex, selects "everything in Russian"
need to manually create a
h t t p s : / /
different than DuckDuckGo or StartPage
others are .com/?q=%s
also i dont like short url address bar, i have to disable that, and other features.
i like to see where i am, exactly.
opera also has annoying short url feature.
safari = too simple, not attractive. not smart, not configurable, minimalistic.
other browsers make much more effort to create something revolutionary, advanced, new, different, ahead
almost never use safari. still has No Dark Mode?
old websites with java calculators require Safari 5 or IE8,9,10 Not ie11.
installed with PlayOnMac / PlayOnLinux "Wine".
installing Java 32-bit & 64-bit also seem to work in new browsers.
bug was fixed.
Firefox has different sound than chrome, opera or yandex.
i like it, more warmer, less digital.
but is a small difference "for audiophiles"...
same youtube video or same netflix movie.
for iOS / iPad there was Opera Ocean, very revolutionary...
i liked a lot, very different, all swipe movements, very futuristic.
for Android there is a similar, but Not as good, boring, Not swipe, but push & hold, weird.
Opera Turbo for Mobile is nice... similar to Brave to save metered bandwidth / battery / speed.
sends all .jpg images to their server, lowers jpg quality and sends to your phone, has 3 settings + disabled.
were ok,