Will any movies be designed to take advantage of the vision pro? Like some real AVP 3D effect and not the lame 3D red/blue glasses stuff?
The only movies I could think of that could be done that way are the 3D animation movies. But I doubt anyone is going to go back and re-cut those to make the elements somehow truly work in an AVP 3D space.
So at best, we get to see how well the fake blow up size feels (don't get me wrong, that could be hugely entertaining and be cinema replacement if it works well enough).
But from what I read, the 3d movies shot on the AVP (or the iPhone 15 pro in goggles record mode) have a very different feeling in how you can move around and experience them.
I dont think any existing media will have that effect. But I'd like to be wrong if some will and will specifically have that Real Memory AVP 3D effect type of movies? My guess is that will only be available with games and demo videos and not any actual movies from the studios.