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macrumors 601
Aug 31, 2009
in a New York State of mind
I've been watching The Wire and The Killing.

I've heard so much good stuff about The Wire that I finally started watching and I'm hooked. SO good. Just started season 2.

I'm also watching The Killing with my girlfriend. Very, very well acted. Right now we're at the end of Season 1.
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macrumors member
Nov 26, 2014
They've already said there won't be an HD 4:3 version.

Is it odd I've never binged on a show? For some reason I enjoy watching weekly, even if it's a show on Netflix. I think it helps immerse viewers into the world more on a subconscious level when you're watching over a longer period of time.

I don't think it's odd. But I think for a lot of us we binge watch stuff we've seen before. I also watch stuff that I didn't have access to when it was on, like The Wire.


macrumors regular
Mar 6, 2014
Watched the entire first season of True Detective. Pretty good.
Watching Scandal now. First season was pretty good.
Catching up on the latest season of The Walking Dead. Love this snow.

Can't wait for Game of Thrones to come back on! :eek::eek::eek:

If you haven't seen Californication, that show is amazingly good!


macrumors 6502
Jul 19, 2002
Just finished up Eastbound and Down after taking a break from it a few years ago. For some reason I find it much funnier this time around.

Apple fanboy

macrumors Ivy Bridge
Feb 21, 2012
Behind the Lens, UK
Got Revenge Season 2 for my wife and daughter this Christmas so will be watching a few of those I guess over the coming weeks. Season 2 of the 100 starts this Tuesday, so that will be another one to set the DVR for.
Other than that, most of the shows we watch seem to be on a break at the moment.


macrumors Haswell
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
One of my very favourite shows of all time - 'Foyle's War' - resumes tomorrow night on TV. This is a show I have loved for years. So, the telephone will not be answered (well, it doesn't work at the moment anyway) and any other distractions or disruptions will not be welcomed.
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macrumors 603
Jul 13, 2008
Got Revenge Season 2 for my wife and daughter this Christmas so will be watching a few of those I guess over the coming weeks. Season 2 of the 100 starts this Tuesday, so that will be another one to set the DVR for.
Other than that, most of the shows we watch seem to be on a break at the moment.

Season 2 is the most uneven season of the show -- but don't give up on it! Season 3 is some of the best Revenge to date.


macrumors G3
Oct 1, 2005
Colorado Springs, CO
I binged watched ever Star Trek series with movies starting in timeline order not air date. It took me a full year. I've also binge watched all of Cheers and Frasier.

Currently I'm watching through Stargate Atlantis after binge watching all of SG:1 (I'm doing it somewhat out of timeline order, too much of a pain to keep track of back and forth).


Original poster
Aug 10, 2010
macrumors apparently
good for you. i'm no 4:3 purist, although that's my preferred aspect ratio, but the show was shot with 4:3 in mind so a transformation of that is an absolute no-go for me. from what little that i've seen they cropped parts at the bottom/top and even decided to stretch (!) certain parts where no additional footage was available (for example the surveilance cam shots). man, this is such a downer for me :(

well, you were right that the series was filmed, and cocnluded filming, in 4:3

there is an interesting read from David Simon on the matter


macrumors 601
Dec 18, 2012
Charlotte, NC
Finally decided to watch 'The Walking Dead'. Already watched Seasons 1-3 and half of 4 in just a couple of weeks. I see what all the hype was about now. It's great television.
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macrumors member
Mar 18, 2011
Finished up The Wire for the third time recently. Now working my way through Ray Donovan.


Apr 15, 2012
We didn't watch any TV all summer/fall and started off the TV season with watching half of season 5 of our guilty pleasure "Downton Abbey" yesterday, probably will finish it today, then it'll be Hannibal (I've seen both seasons but my partner hasn't), House of Cards, Lilyhammer and a few others are on the list too.


macrumors 601
Aug 14, 2008
Dallas, Texas
My wife and I just finished binge watching The 100 and have now started Breaking Bad. The 100 was surprisingly enjoyable for a CW show. I didn't have high expectations, but it was worth watching once we got started.


macrumors G4
Sep 15, 2011
Vilano Beach, FL
Just moved on to Justified. Pretty good so far!

Justified is outstanding. Graham Yost is a terrific talent (creator/showrunner) and the original source material is from Elmore Leonard who’s use of language QT pretty much lifted (and even used Rum Punch as the basis for Jackie Brown).

Plus it has the fantastic Walton Goggins ...

(prepare for segue ...)

Speaking of Walt G :D

We’re currently binging on The Shield, in middle of S3, and it’s quickly becoming one of my Top 10 (if not higher) favorite all time series.

In fact, even at this point (not even half way through), I think I’d rate it over The Wire.
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