Hmm, it might not be your cup of tea. Apparently, Joel scrubbed through the fan favorite episodes from both his and Mike's eras and tried to distill elements from both. The host segments are shorter and more relevant to the films, but I never really liked them all that much to begin with. To me, RiffTrax perfected what MST3k started. I do find it endearing when the occasional meta-joke makes its way in; it's obvious the reboot was created by fans of the original. At one point, the new host yells something about needing to pause the film, and one of the bots says something like, "I don't think you can do that. We're made out of those special parts." But I imagine that can rub people the wrong way.
Well thanks for the info. I may have to check it out now. There's only so many times one can watch Manos and Mitchell (Although, I haven't hit the limit yet.)
I didn't actually know MST3k was a TV show until I was a teenager. I grew up with MST3k: The Movie on VHS and thought it was a bizarre one-off thing, missing all the 2001 allusions.
Oh, you kids.