I got the ones I wanted too! I always had the mobileme email address I wanted. I also made sure to get two more variations since I had a MobileMe family plan which still allows for more additions!
Because of this sudden urge to get this ideal [firsname].[lastname]@me.com email address...I was slightly upset that I didn't have the perfect gmail account. I randomly went on gmail and clicked "can't access my account" and put it my
firstname.lastname@gmail.com and answered a security question that looked vaguely familiar and....
it worked!
It turned out when gmail first came out, I made myself an account but I never used it since I was in High School and an email account with my firstname.lastname sounded too boring and old. Now here I am with the mobileme email I think is professional and ideal AND a gmail too that I happened upon randomly!
Yes, I'm excited! Now I'm not sure which one to put on my resume...