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I can definatly see the pink Nano coming out, it would really boost christmas sales....Anyway i think today we will see the last amjor announcements before intel switch, this will include iPods, Powermacs, Powerbooks and probably the Mac Mini's upgrades becoming official.....I look forward to it,

chucknorris said:
Mac OS Rumors, a reasonably reliable source, is saying they've confirmed a PowerBook update for tomorrow and that it will be HD.

Thanks for providing that info ... only eight hours to go.
I got home expecting to download a video of the event. But noooo... 7:55PM here in aus just isn't the right time is it?.. :p
edesignuk said:
I've learnt my lesson from past events....I'm not expecting jack ****.

I have no plans to look at the forums tonight. I hope the servers are up to the feeding frenzy... whatever is released will not affect my immediate buying plans at all. I'll just check various news sources and the front page tomorrow morning to get the low-down.

I'm a pretty useless Mac geek, really.
I'm pretty calm.

Not expecting too much (and thus less chance of disappointment). Would be cool to see an iPhone, but I fear just a bloated iPod. :(

And, since I'm dead broke, I cannot afford any cool gadgets anyway, not even an iPhone, at the moment... :eek:
You guys are no fun. The sweaty anticipation of the next great Apple product is the best part. Remember, it's the journey and not the destination.
Lacero said:
You guys are no fun. The sweaty anticipation of the next great Apple product is the best part. Remember, it's the journey and not the destination.
So you prefer the 6 hours on the plain, each way, in stead of the 3 weeks vacation? :p

I like to see the finished products, not speculate. If you speculate (wildly) you will rarely get exactly what you want and might end up being disappointed, even when Apple are announcing awesome products, just because they weren't what you expected... :)
"Don't rub another man's rhubarb"

edesignuk said:
I've learnt my lesson from past events....I'm not expecting jack ****.


That'd be slick - arch one eyebrow and call Steve Jobs by his full name (the way he does with people with name badges in his films) then tell everyone that he's Colonel Nathan Jessop, they can't handle the truth & he pulls an HD Powerbook G5 out of thin air.


PS I do know what the four asterisks really meant - one pip above Captain, but it should have been two asterisks and a crown for Colonel...
epepper9 said:
I got home expecting to download a video of the event. But noooo... 7:55PM here in aus just isn't the right time is it?.. :p

Er, no. Unfortunately we're looking at around 3 or 4 am.

Would've been perfect for a Paris announcement but nooooooo.......

MWSyd 2007 - now that would be the best idea since sliced bread...
Even though I would like to see updated line ups from Apple (especially for their pro lines), I am hoping, at the same time, they don't release updates (sorry, folks, even by thinking this way). I am addicted to tech equipment and my place is over flowing with boxes I opened up with recent purchases. If Apple releases updated pro line, I am very tempted to whip out my credit card, even though I may not need the updated ones as I have already sufficient arsenal of computing equipment.

a.k.a. Melvin said:

Number 1 . . . Why a video iPod? Nobody wants to watch videos on their phones, why would they want to watch videos on their iPod? Only the Japanese (the world's most notorious gadget heads) want to watch videos and movies on a tiny screen.

Number 2 . . . The PB updates are coming, but probably not for a couple of weeks. I have been waiting since May and I am prepared to be disappointed with tomorrow's event. My prediction is October 25th for PB and PowerMac updates.

Number 3 . . . Why doesn't Apple bring back the Newton? I refuse to get a Windows-based PDA and I am sooooo sick of the inferiority and sync issues with my Palm OS device.

Here's hoping PB's are updated tomorrow. I'm getting one ASAP!


Remember when everyone was expecting a Newton and all we got was an iPod? About 7/10 people said it was gonna be a flop, and I can totally agree with that. </sarcasm>

Remember right before Apple announced it was switching to Intel Processors? About 7/10 voted negative on the threads. When it was actually announced, about 8/10 voted positive.

How is it gonna work now? Let's take an average thread and see how it will turn out.
"Video iPod Really Coming on October 12th?
82 Positives, 38 Negatives

My guess is that when Apple ACTUALLY releases it, it will be a big hit AND the Macrumorers will vote:
100-150 positives, 10-20 negatives
I'll wager my new Video iPod on it.
If they come out with an 80gb iPod, I may have to bite. My 60gb is maxed out, and I'd really like to have some room for photos.
eva01 said:
Not I, as i already have all that I need till the Intel switch
I feel the same though interested, not in another videopod thingy but when the first new machine based on the X86 shows. Powerbook is behind but i wonder what the next MacIntel Desktop is going to look like? Looking at the Developers Powermac its clear Apple would redo that gigantic case into something 1/3 -1/2 Powermac size. Interesting that those 2 PPc's needed all that space and cooling yet the developers 3.6 P4 set up made that case look empty. :D
Lacero said:
Well, I can't wait for a video iPod to add to my growing collection of iPods. One day, I'll give them to my grandchildren or give it away to the Smithsonian Institute.

You're joking, right?

Besides, today's announcement is about the new Apple iPal, a PDA where the entire front face is display and the controls are along the sides for easy use when holding it. It uses a stylus or finger touch. Yes, it does do video and tunes but that is just a side thing. :)
Gah! Guess I will turn in early today.. (Central Australian Time)

Hopefully I will wake up to find a new 15" PB for ordering..

7448B processor with 1mb cache and 200mhz bus
Possibly updated display
And probably an added bonus.. built in iSight!

I just want something to come out today, I hope that it is some new Power Mac's because I am in the market for one and really can't wait until the Intel switch next year.
pubwvj said:
You're joking, right?

Besides, today's announcement is about the new Apple iPal, a PDA where the entire front face is display and the controls are along the sides for easy use when holding it. It uses a stylus or finger touch. Yes, it does do video and tunes but that is just a side thing. :)

F*** that!! Today's announcement will be Apple's answer to the "Media Center PC."
Chundles said:
Er, no. Unfortunately we're looking at around 3 or 4 am.

I've been meaning to say this for a while, Chundles... I love your avatar. I was such a big Graham and The Colonel fan. (Actually, I still am) :D

Best TV show ever!
What the hell is an HD Powerbook? A powerbook with a new video card? A screen that supports HD? It'll probably only have an 1.8GHz G4 or something. I haven't heard good things about HD video and slow computers.

And are they going to have HD on a 12" Powerbook that's NOT widescreen?
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