More like 47.41243567 mph...
After billions of precise calculations, ironically some requiring actual calculus, your story seems unlikely. The iPad would have left your vehicle at exactly 47.41243567 mph, not the ludicrous figure of 50 mph you so carelessly espoused. In the future, please check your facts with the "Official iPad In An Apple Case Left On An Automobile Top Friction Facts Web Calculator" to keep from looking so foolish. 50 mph, sheesh nobody in their right mind is going to fall for such malarky, I mean really.

Who can you believe these days?
After billions of precise calculations, ironically some requiring actual calculus, your story seems unlikely. The iPad would have left your vehicle at exactly 47.41243567 mph, not the ludicrous figure of 50 mph you so carelessly espoused. In the future, please check your facts with the "Official iPad In An Apple Case Left On An Automobile Top Friction Facts Web Calculator" to keep from looking so foolish. 50 mph, sheesh nobody in their right mind is going to fall for such malarky, I mean really.
Who can you believe these days?