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I don't know what I'm going to do to be honest. I have a 2008 3,1 2X2.8 Quad that I'm itching to upgrade because I'm doing more and more HD multi-cam editing and this machine is showing it's age and sputtering more and more.

It doesn't help that A) I'm fed up with Apple's treatment of FCP and am looking to change and B) went to the Adobe Road show last week and got really frustrated seeing the various options HP had on display. Say what you will, having a 'customizable IMac' (AKA the Z1) and almost a dozen flavors of towers to choose from to meet one's true needs (versus settling for the one or two graphic card options one can have) filled me with envy. I loathe Windows with every fiber of my being but right now...I'm feeling like my support for Apple (which I have had since the ][+ and FCP 2) is having the appeal of being in an abusive relationship - "the slap didn't hurt, honest! It was my fault! I wanted too much."

For a considerable chunk of change less I can get a MacBookPro, which may fill the gap until the new MacPro comes out (and if it is sooner rather than later, I have a laptop I can use for those pesky things an iPad just won't cut it). As an external RAID was going to be in the budget...

Part of me thinks I'm over reacting and wonders if these 'new' upgraded MacPros are perfectly fine. The rest of me wonders how to justify purchasing outdated technology that doesn't include that much-vaulted Thunderbolt feature that Apple has been crowing about way to often for far too long...
To Hack or not to Hack.....

Check out the tony mac website.

I could indeed build a Hackintosh, I will reserve judgement on whether to do so, until my 2008 Octo MP can't do the job any more. Nice listings of parts there though, thanks Seb.
I used to refresh every 3-4 years when I used iMacs, this time it looks like I'm going looooooong with the Pro. :D
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Just placed an order for a hex-core with Radeon 5870.


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Just placed an order for a hex-core with Radeon 5870.

Hey congrats on your purchase. I am considering the exact configuration for mine. I know a lot of people are upset about lack of usb 3 and thunderbolt but for someone like me who doesn't have a desktop and am stuck using my wife's 2008 macbook, this thing is awesome.

Is there a way to add usb 3 and perhaps thunderbolt at a later time if need be? Thanks.
When ever a windows guy comes to these forums saying macs suck for gaming, we tell them no one buys a mac for gaming. Well if we don`t buy them for games and now we don`t buy them for work. What do we buy them for. I`m not sure anymore.

I finally see why there is so much loyalty for the Mac Pro's. I was an iMac/Macbook Pro user for 99% of the time. Than I came across a Mac Pro 1,1 for dirt cheap. I thought ok, no big deal. Than I turned it on, than I added some RAM, a new processor, finally got to utilize all my hard drives in unison. That's when I knew, the Mac Pro is an entirely different beast. Even with the 1,1 it blew my MBP i7 out of the water. I just bought that MBP and I hardly touched it since I got the Mac Pro. This is real computing in my book. After I upgraded the CPU's, I probably spent about 30 minutes just staring in amazement at all 8-cores processing in my iStat menu bar.
Who's buying? Not me I just bought a 2012 Mac Pro in August of 2010, a 3.2 quad with a Radian HD 5870. I paid $400 more than it would cost now but I've had almost two years of use. Mine even came with a HDD that had only a 32MB cache. I think WD had already replaced those with 64MB cache models earlier that year.

Mine also came with a really useful, operating system for grown ups called Snow Leopard. You don't have to have it approved for your use online and it has these cool features called Expose and Spaces. It even has a really handy command called Save As :)
Who's buying? Not me I just bought a 2012 Mac Pro in August of 2010, a 3.2 quad with a Radian HD 5870. I paid $400 more than it would cost now but I've had almost two years of use. Mine even came with a HDD that had only a 32MB cache. I think WD had already replaced those with 64MB cache models earlier that year.

Mine also came with a really useful, operating system for grown ups called Snow Leopard. You don't have to have it approved for your use online and it has these cool features called Expose and Spaces. It even has a really handy command called Save As :)

The first paragraph is completely logical. Second one not so much...
Hey congrats on your purchase. I am considering the exact configuration for mine. I know a lot of people are upset about lack of usb 3 and thunderbolt but for someone like me who doesn't have a desktop and am stuck using my wife's 2008 macbook, this thing is awesome.

Is there a way to add usb 3 and perhaps thunderbolt at a later time if need be? Thanks.

Don't know about thunderbolt, but there are USB 3.0 cards you can buy today. For example this one
Mine worked perfect, until I decided to update to Lion. That didn't kill the system though, it just made Maya uninstallable. So the problem wasn't the Hackintosh, just the OS.

I have problems with audio recording that I don't on my 6 year old MacBook with the same interface. So that's one annoyance. And every couple weeks I get a kernel panic on start up. But other than that it's a great machine. Gets 11k on geekbench and it only cost me 300 to convert my gaming pc when my 3,1 broke. So all in all its better than nothing but still, it's much nicer to have some peace of mind that a real mac provides. But peace of mind ain't worth what they are selling the pro for that's forsure.
Actually man sometimes **** doesnt work. Even if you follow all their hardware and software guides you get to the end with a somewhat stable system with many annoyances. I love my hackintosh but to say what you just said shows your ignorance.

Right, except my main desktop is this hackintosh..

I guess I'm ignorant :rolleyes:
I have problems with audio recording that I don't on my 6 year old MacBook with the same interface. So that's one annoyance. And every couple weeks I get a kernel panic on start up. But other than that it's a great machine. Gets 11k on geekbench and it only cost me 300 to convert my gaming pc when my 3,1 broke. So all in all its better than nothing but still, it's much nicer to have some peace of mind that a real mac provides. But peace of mind ain't worth what they are selling the pro for that's forsure.

Realistically I could have just rolled back to Snow Leopard and lived with it. I'd have been fine then. But I found I need windoze for some stuff. I think I'm going to get an iMac. I need OS X.
Right, except my main desktop is this hackintosh..

I guess I'm ignorant :rolleyes:

Yeah you are.

Recommended hardware

Lets look at the GA-Z68MA-D2H-B3 from the CustoMac Budget build.

So it is quite ignorant to say that its because people bought the wrong hardware.

I use a hackintosh for my main comp since my 3,1 broke. Its great, but to say it has no flaws just means the stuff that you have and use works with it, IE (PCI Cards, etc, not MOBO/VC/CPU)

For myself my USB audio interface won't record audio without buzzing. Worked fine on my old Pro, hell works fine on my old macbook. It works for sound out so it is a puzzling matter that I'm still trying to get to the bottom of.
Yeah you are.

Recommended hardware

Lets look at the GA-Z68MA-D2H-B3 from the CustoMac Budget build.

So it is quite ignorant to say that its because people bought the wrong hardware.

I use a hackintosh for my main comp since my 3,1 broke. Its great, but to say it has no flaws just means the stuff that you have and use works with it, IE (PCI Cards, etc, not MOBO/VC/CPU)

For myself my USB audio interface won't record audio without buzzing. Worked fine on my old Pro, hell works fine on my old macbook. It works for sound out so it is a puzzling matter that I'm still trying to get to the bottom of.

So, because you have problems everyone does :rolleyes:

and the USB audio interface is of course recommended
Like most of you, I've been waiting for apple to update the Mac pro for some time. My current 2007 iMac is showing its age and can't keep up any longer. I was really looking forward to ordering a new mac pro becuase i've wanted one for a long time. My question is do you think one of the new 2012 models will be a worthwhile upgrade to my 2007 c2d iMac?
My decision-making process would be a lot easier if Lion supported Maya. But that would be a subject for Autodesk forums, I guess.
Looks like apple no longer sees them selves as a current computer manufacturer wanting to be ahead of the game.

I think the mp will either be upgraded (again), morphed into a mini / iMac or taken out blindfolded and made to strip its 3year old innards out over a ditch and shot in the back! - this by the time the iMac / mini gets updated...

Meanwhile... I'm visiting HP and hakim tosh sites more and more...
Who knows, maybe apple will f up OSX and wouldn't be a massive issue going back to windows
Clearly this isn't a upgrade - they've probably run out of 2010 processors from intel adm 'have' to use the ones now listed...
Writing this on my MacPro. Though I dont need the power anymore and my next stationary will likely be an iMac, if I did need the power I would feel really bad about buying this new MP :(
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