In other forums I've said owning a laptop is much better, excluding creative tasks where an iPad would be useful.
Now, I'm using the basic iPad for scanning and pdf editing, it is great for my PhD. May be I regret having not purchase the pro refurbished model, but it would be more 300 euros plus the Apple Pencil 2. The camera would be very useful, but well, for the majority it is nothing that an iPhone couldn't do.
So, a laptop is my preferred workstation, and I find tablets very low on ergonomics. It would be a pain working on one, all day long, constantly trying to touch the screen. I don't like sleeves or cases and wouldn't buy a keyboard for that. I've bought a metal stand, it was cheap and it does serve my need.
My argument is that laptop is powerful enough, ergonomically perfect for working all day long on the several task you are into, even if a tablet can be useful for one or two things — but for that, I would stick with a basic one.