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I actually have both - an Air 2, an Android Nexus 7, and an Android Transformer TF700. The Air 2 sees the most use and I don't count myself as a fanboy of any ecosystem (my phone is a Galaxy S7 Edge and my laptop is a Windows 10 Dell XPS 13). Each works well for me.
I've had Android tablets - Nexus 7 (2014), Samsung Tab Pro, Samsung Tab S2... I was less than impressed. The Nexus 7 was probably the best --- ASOP Android ftw. I used that for years, even played Ingress with it for a long time (with a hotspot) (San Diego Anomaly).

Don't get me started on the Samsung tablets.... I will NEVER EVER EVER do one of those damned things EVER again.

Tab Pro was gifted to me for ... FREE. At first I wondered why. Didn't take long to realize why. Damn thing wouldn't charge half the time and restarted like crazy. It NEVER got an update from Samsung even though the original owner paid $500+ for it and Samsung promised it would be an iPad replacement. So I rooted it but after awhile the battery kept requiring disconnecting from the board to charge and ... then it stopped charging no matter what I did.

The S2 wasn't TERRIBLY BAD but it sure was bad. I paid $350? for it. It had its weird quirks that made it very unpleasant to use. The screen was just terrible, absolutely terrible. Battery life would randomly drain one day to the next for no reason... Apps crashed left and right. I had a Samsung update that kept forcing me to install it - it would crash and tell me I had to go visit a Samsung Service Center - then download the update again and force me to install it again. This went on for 4 months - tried tons of ways to fix (no, resetting tablet didn't help) and eventually found an obscure post showing how to fix it (a misplaced file). It was so bad I gave it away to a family member for free because they had broken their phone and didn't have a replacement (better than nothing, right?).

iPad? The iPad screen is FAR sharper, far more pleasant to read on for hours, battery life lasts me a week easy... I can set it down for DAYS and it will be within 5% of where I left it off, the apps for iPad are far superior... iOS is just so much more pleasant to use. This is on a huge scale I can't stress it enough.

Some other points that members above mentioned... I can iMessage with my iPad, answer calls with my iPad, and access all the apps that my iPhone has. But mostly, I use my iPad as a laptop replacement with my many bluetooth keyboards around and recently, as my TV (youtube red!).

It's really no contest to me. And this is coming from someone who prefers Google to Apple.
I believe Apple when they say IOS does not get virus' and they update the os with security patches. Then secondly, I like the way it syncs with my other Apple devices. But, with that said, if Apple does not greatly improve the capability of this iPad Pro that I have, either thru software updates or release a more capable hardware, I will very seriously be looking at a Surface Pro latest version.
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I believe Apple when they say IOS does not get virus' and they update the os with security patches. Then secondly, I like the way it syncs with my other Apple devices. But, with that said, if Apple does not greatly improve the capability of this iPad Pro that I have, either thru software updates or release a more capable hardware, I will very seriously be looking at a Surface Pro latest version.
you will appreciate iOS 11
I've had Android tablets - Nexus 7 (2014), Samsung Tab Pro, Samsung Tab S2... I was less than impressed. The Nexus 7 was probably the best --- ASOP Android ftw. I used that for years, even played Ingress with it for a long time (with a hotspot) (San Diego Anomaly).

Don't get me started on the Samsung tablets.... I will NEVER EVER EVER do one of those damned things EVER again.

Tab Pro was gifted to me for ... FREE. At first I wondered why. Didn't take long to realize why. Damn thing wouldn't charge half the time and restarted like crazy. It NEVER got an update from Samsung even though the original owner paid $500+ for it and Samsung promised it would be an iPad replacement. So I rooted it but after awhile the battery kept requiring disconnecting from the board to charge and ... then it stopped charging no matter what I did.

The S2 wasn't TERRIBLY BAD but it sure was bad. I paid $350? for it. It had its weird quirks that made it very unpleasant to use. The screen was just terrible, absolutely terrible. Battery life would randomly drain one day to the next for no reason... Apps crashed left and right. I had a Samsung update that kept forcing me to install it - it would crash and tell me I had to go visit a Samsung Service Center - then download the update again and force me to install it again. This went on for 4 months - tried tons of ways to fix (no, resetting tablet didn't help) and eventually found an obscure post showing how to fix it (a misplaced file). It was so bad I gave it away to a family member for free because they had broken their phone and didn't have a replacement (better than nothing, right?).

iPad? The iPad screen is FAR sharper, far more pleasant to read on for hours, battery life lasts me a week easy... I can set it down for DAYS and it will be within 5% of where I left it off, the apps for iPad are far superior... iOS is just so much more pleasant to use. This is on a huge scale I can't stress it enough.

Some other points that members above mentioned... I can iMessage with my iPad, answer calls with my iPad, and access all the apps that my iPhone has. But mostly, I use my iPad as a laptop replacement with my many bluetooth keyboards around and recently, as my TV (youtube red!).

It's really no contest to me. And this is coming from someone who prefers Google to Apple.

I am not a big fan of Apple but there are the experience I had with the 2 Korean companies:

Samsung: I agree their top product "LOOK" great at the beginning, but my wife S3, my parents S4 would randomly boot for no reasons and the phone build quality is horrible after use it for awhile. You can see paint just peel off! Go to Samsung customer service is basically meaningless since they would just help you to set to default and of course delete everything.

Samsung doesn't want or care to update their product, don't expect any patch after a year, or any serious patch after first few months. My wife has a samsung desktop but it doesn't suppose update to windows 10 at all, while my older HP laptop works perfectly fine with windows 10. You can find news about how samsung doesn't care or support any laptop upgrade to windows 10 as long as it doesn't come with windows 10.

Simple conclusion: Samsung just sells you the product with shinny body, after you bought that you are on your own! I am actually pretty happy with all the burning phone joke with Samsung since this is the real quality they suppose to be with.

LG: The V10 bootloop is the worst thing I even had with any technology products. Luckily I had photos save in SD card. I don't even play video game with it and it just bootloop after around a year. After one year warrant period, locally people luckily can get one time bootloop fix if the customer service staff has a good mood on that day, I spent that much money for a phone and the result is I need to nicely ask for customer service offers me a free fix! And LG look like never has really fixed the bootloop problem, it just replaces the motherboard with the same problem!
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Simply put, I don't like the inconsistency of the Android update process and lengthy delays in update rollouts. Another factor is that Android has a tendency to slow down and lag over time, requiring a factory reset. I just prefer iOS.
Simply put, I don't like the inconsistency of the Android update process and lengthy delays in update rollouts. Another factor is that Android has a tendency to slow down and lag over time, requiring a factory reset. I just prefer iOS.

Even Google has new update for android, those big android photo companies like Samsung and LG would not provide that update after months, and very like no new updates after a year and no serious update after first few months. Buy cheaper version would be much worse, basically no update at all.

For LG it is much worse. Every patch has a big chance that making many people have bootloop, every patch people are so scared that what would happen.
I have a iPad mini 4 and an Samsung 7.9 Tab S2. They are very comparable spec wise. A lot depends on if you like iOS or Android better, but a big portion is the quality of the applications themselves. The exact same apps (netflix, zillow, mint and games like SSG, Trivia Crack) on the iPad are just much better than the version for the Samsung. The graphics are smoother, there is less lag, they load faster, they are sized better etc.

Another big think I prefer is that Apple is much better at updating their software. Who know is Samsung will ever get the latest Android version for the S2.
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I have a iPad mini 4 and an Samsung 7.9 Tab S2. They are very comparable spec wise. A lot depends on if you like iOS or Android better, but a big portion is the quality of the applications themselves. The exact same apps (netflix, zillow, mint and games like SSG, Trivia Crack) on the iPad are just much better than the version for the Samsung. The graphics are smoother, there is less lag, they load faster, they are sized better etc.

Another big think I prefer is that Apple is much better at updating their software. Who know is Samsung will ever get the latest Android version for the S2.

Yes I agree App especially tablet app, apple is much better than android. For phone that may be arguable or Apple is little bit better in general, but for tablet Apple just rules.
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For me I went iPad as it gets updates for years, does not slow down nearly as much as android devices have for me in the past, and also iOS which I just prefer more than android.
Even Google has new update for android, those big android photo companies like Samsung and LG would not provide that update after months, and very like no new updates after a year and no serious update after first few months. Buy cheaper version would be much worse, basically no update at all.

For LG it is much worse. Every patch has a big chance that making many people have bootloop, every patch people are so scared that what would happen.

Agreed on all counts. Other than the manufacturers delaying updates (blame their bloatware-infested Android software overlays), the carriers also come into the equation, at least in the US and Canada, delaying the updates even further. If I were to buy an Android phone, I would only consider the Pixel.
Agreed on all counts. Other than the manufacturers delaying updates (blame their bloatware-infested Android software overlays), the carriers also come into the equation, at least in the US and Canada, delaying the updates even further. If I were to buy an Android phone, I would only consider the Pixel.

yes I know carriers in US make the thing even more complicated and much more delay. Pixel is so expensive, definitely buying iPhone for that price range. Even someone works in a high tech company and people know about Pixel, people don't know about what the hexx is Pixel at all, considering the reputation part iphone definitely worth much more for similar price.
I prefer the iPad's 4:3 aspect ratio than Android's 16:10. Availability of LTE models (with near universal support for LTE bands worldwide) and ease of managing prepaid data plans directly via iOS settings. Customer support - the ease of just going into a nearby Apple Store to get your device repaired or replaced is important to me. The AOSP Google Nexus devices were nice but didn't have microSD slots and had lower storage tiers compared to the iPad. Battery life on most Android tablets I've tried is iffy. A lot of the official tablet apps get released on iOS first. Any tablet with a manufacturer skin? Forget it. It'll probably never get updated and if it does, it'll slow to a crawl worse than what you get with iOS updates.

And after Apple introduced Continuity in iOS 8, I just gave up on trying to switch to Android.
I enjoyed a Nexus 7 Android tablet for a couple of years, but when I decided it was time to upgrade there were no new Android tablets available that jumped out at me. Also, having never actually owned an iPad before although being an iPhone owner for some years, I figured I'd give it a try. Finally, there are more tablet optimized apps on iOS/iPad. Most Android apps are just phone apps that are blown up in size to fit on a tablet screen while not offering greater functionality or making use of the extra screen space.

I do sometimes miss the less restrictive nature of Android though.
The Apple ecosystem is hard to beat, and I'm a huge fan of how all my Apple devices integrate with each other.

I also happen to like the physical product and software experience.
A few reasons:
  • Industrial design: it's the prettiest tablet I've ever seen.
  • iOS and the way it syncs with my iPhone and MacBook Pro.
  • The quad speaker system in the iPad Pro is incredible.
  • Apple Pencil support, I'm not an artist by any stretch of the imagination but it's super fun to use.
  • I've never seen an android tablet that I've wanted.
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