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macrumors 604
Original poster
Jun 20, 2005
I didn't get an iPhone because I pretty much hate phones so I wouldn't want to pay monthly for something I'm not going to use and I love music and movies so 8GB is not ideal for me.

I do however feel that it is cheesy that I have to hack my iPod touch just to get Mail and Notes (which should have come with it stock).

What are YOUR reasons?
Cos it's £269 for 8GB plus £35 per month totalling £899 over 18 months - for a phone!!

Plus, when the next model comes out, you'll be contractually stuck with the old one.

Plus, work pay for my mobile and all my calls, so I'll stick with a Touch which cost me just £250 for 16GB.
This exact thread is running in the iPod Touch forum with more responses. Probably shouldve looked first.
Lack of disposable income, and a toddler...

The toddler likes to talk to mom/grandma/whoever on the phone often, so unless the phone was free or damn close, I'm not apt to get it due to the number of times it will be dropped...
I didn't get a iPhone since I rarely use a phone. The iTouch has everything I want and the dark, rich screen is impressive. I enjoy rotating my music and videos so I got the 8gb. Great purchase for me. And with SDKs, this product should just get better.
I don't really call anyone, and 16GB is more suitable for me. I will probably get one in the future, but not any time soon.

Lack of 3G and the hefty monthly bills

I'll probably get one in the future though
Had the money for the phone, but my fiancee gives birth to our child next month. $65 would better be used for diapers, extra groceries, formula, insurance.

One day, one day.....
This exact thread is running in the iPod Touch forum with more responses. Probably shouldve looked first.

Oh snap! I forgot I was in the "iPod Touch Hacks" forum. Oops. Sorry people. I posted this from my iPod touch and sometimes it's hard to see where I am from zooming in all the time.
I'm just not comfortable with carrying a $400-$500 item around with me everywhere go.
- mainly too much of a pain to switch over from Verizon, having just signed a 2-year contract renewal; would have been hit up with a ~$200 contract cancellation charge
- anecdotal evidence suggests Cingular reception sucks
- preferred to hold tight and wait for a better, cheaper iPhone several years down the road
I live in Australia and currently there's no word on when it may be released here :confused:
why? one work (or rather some letters): AT&T

their service suck around where i live

One "word" is what you meant to say... but, we'll forgive you.

I hate O2. I love MMS. I love 3G. :D

I do believe Apple's UI is revolutionary and hope to own an iPhone one day. I'm not going to mess about unlocking and jailbreaking and all that jazz, though. So, for now, I'm using this N95 8GB, which thankfully blows me away.

I wish I even felt a little bit jealous of folks I see with them, but when something's just not right for you, it's just not right.
Because I live in Ireland. No Apple Store either. And no Movies or TV in iTunes. Oh, don't get me started.

Why do you hate us so, Steve? Haven't we apologised enough for Michael Flatley? He wasn't even born here!!!
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