Where do you live?
Soon the Ipod Touch will be able to do everything the iPhone does. It already can make calls through voip and by jailbreaking it you get the same apps. Add an adapter and you got your bluetooth. Soon someone will create a camera for it. So why would I pay $499 + $60 a month for the iphone?
Soon the Ipod Touch will be able to do everything the iPhone does. It already can make calls through voip and by jailbreaking it you get the same apps. Add an adapter and you got your bluetooth. Soon someone will create a camera for it. So why would I pay $499 + $60 a month for the iphone?
From what I gather, the VOIP only works in wifi areas. So what if I'm in the middle of Nebraska, and I want to make a call?
the very fact that it claims to do 'everything' ... but does none of it properly . .everything seems to lack something or another, notes that can't sync, browser that doesn't do flash, phone that can't do MMS, camera that can't do video, maps with no GPS, stocks with no interest for a layman, calendar is well done, but can't do multiple calendars ..
a very basic device for a HUGE amount of money .. .just can't justify any of it.. unless Jobs want me to spend just for that fancy touchscreen.
Once she's out and back home, I'm considering swithing to AT&T to get an iPhone sometime this summer or next fall.
Because I live in Japan.
Even if they did sell it here the phone companies would find some way to make it cost five times as much for half the use.