Speaking of pulling things out of one's ass...don't type without carefully reading first. The word "if" means conditional. It was a hypothetical example. I made no assertion about the actual percentage. There's absolutely nothing wrong with posing a conditional and stating that if that conditional is true, it's unacceptable.
But since you're being such an absolute peach here, now I'll go ahead and speculate, and my background in market research and usability means that my guesstimates are much, much better than others. And I think it's probably a bit higher than just 2% in terms of incidence, but given the infrequency, the impact isn't huge.
This one's easily provable too. Wanna make a $20K bet? Loser pays for the research study?
Yeah, I didn't think so.
Two reasons: legacy and universal usage.
iMessage began to rise to prominence at a time when carriers were charging per SMS/MMS message. And now, even though message searching absolutely sucks, there are switching costs. To use Skype, WhatsApp, Telegram, etc. requires both parties actively download that client. That's never a guarantee. By contrast, it's all but assured that everyone has a cellular phone, and so knowing that you have SMS as a backup if iMessage doesn't work or isn't supported leaves everyone stuck.
We're slowing getting closer to a world with alternatives. Google Voice is a neglected product, but it's gotten better at blending into the native phone experience for iOS and Android alike. But we're still a long ways off.
Awesome...so yeah, out of the 725 million active iPhones in the world today, 14.5 million are probably experiencing this issue in your expert opinion. That’s a great hypothesis.
And my statement didn’t make any assumptions about anyone’s profession or expertise. It was based on the absurdity that you are “hypothesizing” that nearly 15 million people have an issue with iMessage and Apple is ignoring them.
I stand by my post. The issue is so insignificant, it is more likely an issue due to local carrier or internet service than some sort of random glitch in iMessage. Power users on here will find the most minute “bugs” and report on them like the world is coming to an end. I TRY to be a little more realistic...try....