Lets list on topic the points why we do not like or like android and discuss through.
I do not like android because,
1. Fragmented
Played out, iOS is even fragmented in certain ways. The new Android OS's have basically negated fragmentation except here and there, no biggie IMO, never even experienced Android fragmentation myself even with all the apps I have, but if that worries you that's your prerogative.
2. On ios i know how long my device will be supported and there is an outstanding company behind it, but for android you depend on the manufacturer.
Sorta true but more so fault of combination of manufacturer/carrier. Their making changes though, at least Samsung/AT&T to have timelier and consistent updates.
3. Apple devices have longer lifetime in terms build quality and software, for example you can still install iOS6 to an old iphone 3gs but on android side you may have to upgrade your your phone at all.
Like the poster above, think your confusing what Android is (phone vs software). Updated iOS is sorta pointless as well since features are left out for previous phones and they never run as smooth, case in point my 3GS runs crappy on iOS5 as well as plenty of others from the plethora of complaints Apple has had regarding that. Run's better downgraded back to iOS4, both it and my 4 have worse battery life on iOS5. 3GS has almost no WiFi (again Apple got a ton of complaints) on iOS5 but works fine on iOS4 good luck explaining that, Apple even acknowledged there's a big problem regarding that but they don't know what causes it/how to fix it and why it effects certain users and not others (their only explanation is phones manufactured through certain dates, but they still have no fix). Far as lifetime, well nobody really knows, neither OSs have been around long relatively speaking. You have to to understand too that even older versions of Android years ago have features that Apple is just getting around to, so for many they already have what they need and updating doesn't mean much, though updates bring newer features no doubt, but these would also still be features Apple still doesn't have for example on an "outdated Android OS".
4. Android is ugly designed, it is not consistent every time on every phone it is looking different.
Again your confusing manufacturer skins, guess what, you can go right into the market and download various launchers and themes and icons for free and fast, and give your phone a completely different look and even different UI interaction. Same reason why iOS was so boring and blah to me, and jailbreaking it gave me what I wanted along with better looking icons etc (which you can do stock on Android)... but to you jailbreaking is pointless as well since it's "customizing"... so that's just your opinion. Hell if someone wanted to they can even theme Android to look just like iOS right down to the 5 year old same icons, so much for being ugly lol.
5. I do not like android because i do not like google, since google have started pushing pressure on its users to sign up google plus stupidity to overcome Facebook i migrated from gmail to iCloud. Google is on the wrong way, it was good in the past when they were only doing search engine thing. And android is tied up with google and his cloned services from apple.
Uhhh you do realize Apple copied quite a few things, not the other way around? Though all companies "borrow" from one another, business 101 right there. Googles wrong? You don't want Google+ then click no, thats it, I didn't care to join + either so I said no and never got notified again. That's a big deal to you?? Googles services online were around before Apples if you recall
, same ones Apple used and did a "borrowed" version of.
6. I do not like android because i do not believe in customization. I think customization in a deeper sense is a waste of time, at the end of the day your output is the same you just do not need to make shortcuts, change how the home screen looks, change the theme and so on. You are wasting your time to super customize the system to make it work like you want it to but it is a never ending story since there is always more and more. When you update your device then you have got re customize it, when you buy a new device then you have got to re customize it. Plus, with every phone you hold on your hand you expect to get the same personal user experience. But, with using my device efficiently with default settings for every upgrade and every new iphone or ipad i am getting the same efficiency.
And who says your forced to customize? iOS and Android work the same right down to the basics, you want to make a call on both you click the phone icon, want to message you click the message icon, want to browse you click the browser icon etc etc. The difference is iOS is like Androids application menu, so you have everything spread out on iOS everywhere including apps you don't want to appear. With Android you could do the same if you wanted that for whatever reason, or you can choose which apps you want and where you want those apps on whatever homescreen. Want only a phone and message icon, you can do that. And keep everything else hidden in the application menu (same reason people jailbreak their phones and only keep a few things show with everything hidden in a "menu"). That's the main difference, you don't have to customize or tweak, Android just gives you that option stock if so choose to do so.
Then if you wanted you could get into rooting and flashing Rom's which is fairly easy, but nobody is forcing you to do so. The way my GSII is setup rocks plain and simple, and don't have the need to keep customizing it. If somebody wanted to tweak their phone daily then that's their choice, samething for jailbroken iPhone users... you have ones who customize and leave as is, and then others who tweak or change stuff daily.... their choice. What you consider wasting time, others find incredible use for tweaking for personal use and business. Now why would I waste time even on my iPhones to jailbreak, well to add simple things Apple still won't implement, fix things they do half assed (folders is just one of many examples) and what you find elegant and nice (stock iOS) myself and others find boring and bland hence custom themes and icons
7. Most android phones are coming in bad build plastic quality thus reducing the life time while iphone is solid, sustainable.
Sure the feel of the iphones metal and glass is cool, but that doesn't have an effect on durability like you believe so. It feels great but also makes the iphone extremely fragile even from a small fall. I've dropped my GSII hard a few times by accident, that "bad plastic" is far more durable to abuse and use, and the phone is nice and light and comfy to hold. I've replaced countless iphones for employee's to where I mandated a case had to be used or they'd be responsible (which negates the metal and glass build so... so much for that), other employee's have Android or BB (few windows users as well) and not one replacement due to so called "build quality or durability".
8. On android your decision mechanism is confused, because there are hundreds of variants of android os installed on hundreds of different phones and only a few of them is doing the job properly. There is only one iphone and one ipad they are super good so you know what you will get with it, with apple when i need to buy mobile device i do not need to search for reviews over internet and try demos from friends of mine to find the best one.
Doesn't seem to bother me, stick to the high end phones and your fine. If you get "confused" and go for the cheap sets well.... the thing is there's "choice", you may have gotten confused but obviously there are a ton of others judging from Android device sales #s that like having choice. Nothing wrong with that.
9. I do not want adroid because i am into apple eco system. I have got a macbook pro running mountain lion which is best os ever, I have got an apple tv, an ipad so there are all %100 compatible.
Well if your tied in to Apple then there's nothing wrong with that and your choice. I've had iPhones since they came out, and tons of Apple products, yet don't feel constrained to "Apples eco system" and don't care to be either, heck my GSII syncs and works fine with my Macs. Apple tv etc doesn't matter much to me since for example I have a custom home theater setup with my PC that blows away what I could do with my Apple TV which I barely used anyway, sold it and my iMac. But if you like using Apples products only and their Eco-system then no problem with that, again it's your choice and opinion.
10. I like ios over android because from bottom to top design is consistent with the device. For example, the geometry, ratio, colors they use on ios is relevant to the design of the hardware. On android, the os and device are not looking they are designed for each other.
To sum up,
Apple is consistent, a piece of art, durable, longer life time, stable, efficient, very easy like idiot proof, visually perfect, giving the maximum with minimum, future proof, elegant.
Well like your opinion mines the opposite, and very reason I jailbreak my iPhones to get away from Apples "look" if you may. Like the poster above though I think your still confusing the phones yet still blaming the OS, not Androids fault others put skins and different UI over it or put the OS in various sized and shaped phones (choice).
Apple likes to keep things simple which is fine for many users and I have nothing against, I wouldn't own iPhones if I did. I just prefer Android now. You like car X I like car B, you like meat X I like meat B, you like doing X I like doing B.
Can't go wrong either way