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macrumors 65816
Apr 2, 2010
Currently have a 256GB 7+. Preordered a 64GB iPhone X. I’ll just backup photos to my hard drive and cloud accounts more often. For my use case, 256GB wasn’t necessary.


Nov 22, 2011
East Coast USA
I didn't pre order, but I also am planning on the 64gb option. My 6 plus is 128gb but I'm only using 25gb. I deleted pretty much all my photos after importing them to my Mac and I don't use many apps.

So 64gb for me was a no brainer.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 3, 2015
Looking at it now, this 256gb I currently have is the first time I've tried the capacity, and I only got it because I had no choice. But I thought 64gb seemed to small before because I couldn't fit all of my music, videos and apps into it. But my experience has made me realise that I've just ended up carrying more useless data that I never use and STILL haven't come anywhere close to utilising the full capacity.

TL;DR: 256gb isn't necessary if you're thoughtful about the data you carry around.
I understand. When it comes to music, I stream it via Apple Music and never really download it on to my device.


macrumors 68030
Jul 17, 2017
hubby got the 64.... he's only used 40 gb on his current iPhone 7 128 gb phone so HE decided that he only wanted and needed the 64 gb X.

we turn them in at the end of the year so why bother paying the extra money for something he's pretty sure he's not going to use?

when we were still selling them, we'd buy both of us the largest phones for resale purposes.... don't need to do that now!
You can still sell them on your own. I am on the plan but I am not turning in my 7. I'm paying it off and selling it and making some money. ~500 vs. $366 payoff/buy back


macrumors 6502
Mar 8, 2012
I paid in full for mine. 64gb would not work for me.

If I went back to 64gb, I'd probably struggle again. There is something freeing about just syncing everything without a worry.

I understand. When it comes to music, I stream it via Apple Music and never really download it on to my device.

If I streamed and made cloud backups, I'd probably be fine with 32gb!
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macrumors 6502a
Apr 21, 2009
It wasn’t a money issue, however, I have the 7 Plus 128 and it’s literally the sweet spot. Only thing is that when I went in to the settings to see my usage, I had only used 34 of the 128 GB. I thought it was a glitch since I have over 18,000 photos on my device. But then I remembered that I pay $3 a month to use more iCloud storage. So basically my photos won’t be a problem.
I hope folks who use cloud storage realize that your content (in this case, 18k photos) isn't on your device. When you actually want to view/use/edit etc your content, it's downloaded to your device. As app sizes become larger, photo and video sizes become larger, etc you're going to need more room to download that content. You should view cloud storage as backup and/or lazy loading. This is why laptops come with hundreds of Gigabytes of storage (even the Chromebook, which was originally an 'everything in the cloud' laptop now comes with substantial storage because that use case didn't really work out).
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macrumors 6502
Dec 4, 2014
Been managing Ok ish on 16Gb use cloud as much as poss - so 64Gb MASSSSSSSSIVE

This is me also. Having said that, I'm sure that my next Iphone a couple of years down the road will be minimum of 128g. The longer I have a smart phone, the more my needs grow.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 21, 2009
I’m coming from 128 down to 64 also, wish 128 was an option but like op I’m no where near 64. I don’t even know how the cloud works and will not pay for it anyway. 64 will be fine for me.. I don’t have music or files.. just photos and I download those to save what I want, putting what I like back on the phone in albums.

What’s wrong with that? Hope your financial future is secure and you never have to think ahead and make smart choices. :). It would be great fun to buy the latest and greatest, I love tech, and not give a care to the cost or risk of going naked etc. Not everyone can or does think/live like that, just saying.
I think if your financial future rests on the resale value of an iPhone, you probably should not be spending money on an iPhone. That would be the smarter choice.
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macrumors 6502a
Sep 12, 2012
Seattle, WA
I'm using 32Gb of the 64Gb on my iPhone 6. I don't use iCloud but I do sync my pictures on my home computer (when I remember to do it), and I never download videos - if I want to watch a movie or something when traveling, I usually have my iPad with me. So I got the 64Gb X too.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 3, 2015
I hope folks who use cloud storage realize that your content (in this case, 18k photos) isn't on your device. When you actually want to view/use/edit etc your content, it's downloaded to your device. As app sizes become larger, photo and video sizes become larger, etc you're going to need more room to download that content. You should view cloud storage as backup and/or lazy loading. This is why laptops come with hundreds of Gigabytes of storage (even the Chromebook, which was originally an 'everything in the cloud' laptop now comes with substantial storage because that use case didn't really work out).

I’m aware that the photos act as thumbnails and when you want to view them, they take a second or two to load. That’s fine with me. I can always go to my photo library on any device and see all 18k of my photos no problem, despite the one second load.
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macrumors regular
Jan 2, 2017
Don’t feel bad. It’s all the same otherwise. If ur using Apple Music and iCloud 64go is fine. Everyone hypes 4K recording on a phone that can’t display 4K content anyway. So they’ll do wut everyone else does. Copy off their phone to play on a 4K tv.

flat five

macrumors 603
Feb 6, 2007
No way I would not have picked the 256gb model. No possible way.
what if your current phone storage looked like this:


still going with 256GB in that scenario?


macrumors 6502a
Aug 24, 2011
Yes you made the right choice. I’m on the same boat and only use 25% of 128gb. No need to pay for $256 if you don’t need the storage. Also if you upgrade every year why even sweat your decision this year? Who knows 128gb might be offered next year or if you really need the storage by that time then go up to 256gb.
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macrumors 65816
Sep 11, 2014
London UK
I am currently on 29GB of 128GB after iOS 11 clean up & further never used app clear out, hence 64GB should suffice until Sept


macrumors 6502a
Jun 23, 2010
I also went for the 64GB when I bought the iPhone 8+ and did so again when purchasing the X. I had to cleanup some space but like the OP mentioned, I pay $3 a month for iCloud and it seems silly to pay Apple twice considering my company pays my data plan, so I don’t need to store music locally and do mostly streaming.


macrumors 6502
May 7, 2005
I was going to go for 256, but when I checked my usage, it’s 25gb. That’s without iCloud or any attempt to save space. No sense paying extra for space I won't use.
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