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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 3, 2015
These threads are interesting because everyone always gets so damn defensive. You have those who justify saving the 150 to opt for 64GB (they may say they done use much storage anyway or have cloud storage) and those who justify spending the extra by claiming those who went for 64 made a mistake,
Truth is both sides can’t admit that Apple screwed us all over by intentionally eliminating the 128GB model which I guarantee you the vast majority would have gone for. The sweet spot was 128 and 256 is too large for most users. However those who don’t need 256 but were happy with 128 are ina dialema because of Apples move. So yeah if you have iCloud I do agree you can get by. Personally I had a 128 iPhone 7 and went for the X, I went for 64 because I already pay apple for 2TB of iCloud and I don’t want to be bullied into a 256 option I never would have bought , but I won’t lie -64 isn’t ideal, the sweet spot option I truly wanted no longer exists. Apple knew exactly what it was doing
Thanks for your input. I completely agree haha


macrumors regular
Aug 31, 2014
I purchased the 256, but would have preferred to have 128. I like to download to my phone, so 64 wasn’t really an option for me.


macrumors 6502
Nov 18, 2005
As soon as I clicked 'order' on the 64, I regretted it. I layed awake thinking why did I do that for a mere $7 a month less? ( And little more tax) My pre-order concern was getting any phone and figured the lower storage would be less popular, and worried I wouldnt get into IUP program in time for any phone. I should have just clicked the 256. I take a ton of pics and videos for my work. Dumb question...everything gets downloaded to my Mac, which gets backed up every night. So if I delete all photos from my phone, I will still have them all my mac, correct? So what would the worry be?


macrumors 604
Apr 2, 2009
Southern California
Of course having more is always going to be better but there's those who don't need to hoard data on their phones. Many times, people will dump data onto their phones that they don't even use.

/r/DataHoarder/ is a digital disease :D
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macrumors 6502a
Jun 13, 2008
Waltham, MA
I was debating between the two, settled on 64gb. I've never exceeded that in any other phone, have all my photos and music and video stored w/online services and/or just use streaming. Have 2 lines unlimited data so so no worries there.

The important thing is for each user to have as clear an idea as possible for what their storage needs will be for the time period they'll be using the phone. I never keep a phone more than a year and if I do start feeling the pinch over the next year I'll buy larger capacity next time. (And, the way things are going with Apple increasing the storage sizes offered, I may not have a choice....)


macrumors 603
Oct 19, 2005
I have 256 7 currently. No way I could have went with the 64. I’m at 190GB right now.

Not speaking for you but just because one uses 190 doesn’t mean they need it.

A lot of space can be taken up by apps that aren’t used.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 22, 2011
I have managed to reserve one storage option each and cannot decide.... my iPhone shows 32gb used of my 128GB and that is after me having been at a Metallica concert where i shot 150 pictures and around 45 minutes of video, of which 15 are in 4K. I am tempted to go for the 64gb and spend the money on Apple care...
I also have the 200gb storage and sync my phone on my MacBook on a regular basis.
I think I don’t need the 256gb phone.


macrumors 68020
Sep 19, 2010
For people that need the space, it's a "good deal" considering how much Apple has charged for storage upgrades in the past. However, if your usage is way under 64GB, there's absolutely no reason to get the 256GB.


macrumors 68000
Jun 20, 2009
I also got the 64gb X. Currently using 25gb out of 128gb on my iPhone 7. I don't shoot video or play games on my phone and all my mobile music is 320kb AAC. I don't even have anything stored in iCloud. The 8+ that I tried for a week I went for 256gb and kicked myself, what a waste in my case. Cost per GB is hugely in favor of 256gb but I still felt it would've been a waste.

When Apple starts supporting FLAC in iTunes (will never happen) only then will I buy 128 or 256. Apple doesn't even support HiFi Bluetooth audio so there's no need to waste space with my lossless music.


macrumors regular
Sep 16, 2012
Not speaking for you but just because one uses 190 doesn’t mean they need it.

A lot of space can be taken up by apps that aren’t used.
Oh, no doubt. I leave all my photos and videos of my son on my phone. I back it up but don’t delete because people ask to see them all the time. Plus my music and videos are on my phone. 64 is just not an option for me.


macrumors 603
Dec 11, 2007
I’m using a 16 GB iPhone now. 5 GB free.

36 apps. I don’t have any games. All my photos and videos are manually uploaded to Dropbox in organized folders. No music saved. I stream it all from iCloud and I pin only for flights. I have 20 podcasts right now saved. About a GB of space used for that. 64 GB is plenty for me.
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