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Over priced? Wow I'm sure you know NOTHING about development and the sheer amount of work it takes to make an app. Not to mention the expense of the software and hardware used to make an app, especially if its a game. I think your overpaid in whatever field you do. Does that give me the right to take money out of your bank account?

Maybe someone will steal something from you some day. If they do you better not get pissed since you steal from others.

It ain't stealing if the person wasn't going to pay anyways. As a dev, what has the dev lost if the pirate wasn't going to pay for the app anyways?
That's no justification. Refusing to pay and then taking it anyway is actually a good definition of "stealing."

How so? Stealing is a crime because it prevents the owner from enjoying the use of the thing (use being a term used in the most general sense) being stolen.

I'm not justifying piracy, though it may sound like i am, my point is it appears meaningless to attribute a term namely stealing, borne out of the context of tangible property to intellectual property.

Piracy is piracy. It's not stealing. You can argue that it inhibits developments because it removes incentives for development, but it's not 'stealing'.
So all those apps are written by people who just do it as a "hobby"? And have "real jobs" that pay the bills?

Grow up. Good Apps take good developers, ones that didn't wake up 2 years ago and decide to code an app because it was the thing to do. They DO have bills to pay, and you wouldn't see many app choices if people weren't devoting time to their apps and trying to make a living at it...

I would take less apps, yes. How many mf'ing fart apps do we need out there? If you are feeding your kids by developing apps that there is no guarantee will even be approved by Apple then you don't need to be a parent. Stupid, stupid argument. If your day is spent only writing an iPad app, then grow the hell up and get a REAL job.
Piracy is piracy. It's not stealing. You can argue that it inhibits developments because it removes incentives for development, but it's not 'stealing'.

Sorry to disagree with you, but software piracy IS stealing. Semantics arguments are not very popular on the Internet and in forums, but this one needs to be clear. Steal means "to take (the property of another or others) without permission or right". Software is intellectual property, and as such is protected. If I make software and I own the rights to it, then you taking without permission or right means you stole it. Period. It's that simple.

Justifying piracy as anything else is taking the "Bill Clinton" approach to the truth (oral sex is not sex). Give me a break. :rolleyes:
How so? Stealing is a crime because it prevents the owner from enjoying the use of the thing (use being a term used in the most general sense) being stolen.

I'm not justifying piracy, though it may sound like i am, my point is it appears meaningless to attribute a term namely stealing, borne out of the context of tangible property to intellectual property.

Piracy is piracy. It's not stealing. You can argue that it inhibits developments because it removes incentives for development, but it's not 'stealing'.

The app costs money. You take the app without paying. That is the dictionary definition of stealing. Anyone too stupid to understand (not targeting any specific person here) that is too stupid to own an iPad. They should turn in their iPads.
How so? Stealing is a crime because it prevents the owner from enjoying the use of the thing (use being a term used in the most general sense) being stolen.

So you're happy if I go in your house and take whatever I want, as long as you're not actually using it anymore? That's awesome, thanks. I'll start with your brain if that's okay with you.
ZBoater said:
To play HD videos imported from a Canon camera using the camera connection kit. :cool:

Interesting. Currently I'm waiting for 9.2 and jail breaking to be addressed.

I'm shooting for 3G Unrestrictor :D
I would take less apps, yes. How many mf'ing fart apps do we need out there? If you are feeding your kids by developing apps that there is no guarantee will even be approved by Apple then you don't need to be a parent. Stupid, stupid argument. If your day is spent only writing an iPad app, then grow the hell up and get a REAL job.

I'm dumbfounded.


Everything is a risk in life - anyone that produces something that people are supposed to buy. Heck, being a brocolli farmer was a risk for awhile when the president said he didn't like it or eat it.

Who are WE to judge how a person decides to support his or her family? Do you say the same thing to an artist before their new CD goes on sale? Someone prepping paintings for a gallery showing?

The world would be pretty boring if everyone gave up and got "real jobs". Remember that when you go to the movies this weekend.... or listen to the radio.... fly in a plane.... drive a car. All that took someone taking a risk and bucking the "real job" for an idea.

Ye gads. And for the record, i'm not a developer. My Dad was a computer programmer - he wrote telemetry code for weather satellites before going into private biz & doing custom software. I know the blood, sweat and long hours something that appears to be so simple to the user can be behind the scenes.

Now, do i think there should be a trial period? YES. But, i'm not going to start pirating stuff to get it, it's just not something i can justify to myself and my integrity. I have about $10 i'd like back in iPad apps right now, but I thought long and hard before i bought them and knew i'd just take the loss if i had too.

BUT, to tell a person they don't deserve to have kids because they are a software developer is just shocking to me......
Wow, how surprising. Another thread about jailbreaking has turned into a bitchfest about what pirating and stealing are.

Newsflash: jailbreaking isn't just about ***** piracy. The 2%* of people who pirate apps do not make up the complete fabric of the JB community. Stop trying to make it your sole purpose to push your ways off onto other people (applicable to both sides of the debate).

*percentage made up
Backgrounder, Fullforce, MyWi, and 3G Unrestrictor.

It is worth it if only for that.
Is it ok to buy apps with a stolen credit card?

That sounds like it would be a reasonable compromise... you get your "free" apps and the dev gets paid for his hard work.... the proverbial Win-Win!!!
I don't believe in outright pirating apps. I do have a gray area however, and I use sites like apptrackr/appulous for what they were originally intended: to trial apps. You can flame me if you wish, but when I first got my iPad, I downloaded all the apps I put on my wish list in iTunes, loaded them up and tested them all out for that whole day. By the end of the day, I had discarded half my wish list and deleted the corresponding apps whilst purchasing the remaining apps I liked from my list.

I'm a college student, can't afford to blindly hand out money to apps without trialing them as I would on my Mac before buying. I am all for supporting devs, I do precisely that when I purchase the apps...the apps I don't, well, they get trashed from my iPad.

That's how I use "pirated" apps. I posted extensively in another thread about why some people do the above, and I'm perfectly fine with it. I have no problem paying for what I use and like, what I don't use and like, I simply remove it (as I would with a trial app on my Mac).

If Apple were to implement a trial system, letting you download the full feature app fro say a full 24 hours, that would be fantastic. You'd have an app for 24 hours, and at the end of that period, you would have the option to buy the app or remove it, somewhat like the renting movies system they have. Apple could use their servers to make sure you only trial the app once, meaning you can't remove it and retrial it again. From a consumer point of view, I would be ecstatic. Not sure how devs would feel about something like that.

That would be ideal, but it's never going to happen.

Totally agree, the App Store needs an app trial system. I've wasted too much money on crappy apps. App reviews just aren't a substitute for a trial system.

Of course, we'll never see a trial system because Apple has already done the math and determined that they make more money in the current system where people buy things that they can't ever return.

Also, although I'm against pirating, I think it's childish to state that someone who pirates your app is taking food off your family's table. You're a developer, so I'm sure you understand the flaw in your logic: That assumes the pirate would have purchased the app if he/she wasn't able to pirate it. I would bet most of the time this just isn't the case (despite how awesome you think your app is).
BUT, to tell a person they don't deserve to have kids because they are a software developer is just shocking to me......

If your ONLY means of feeding kids is making up some stupid iPhone app, then yes, that is exactly what I'm saying. I didn't encompass the entire software development industry. Way to exaggerate what should have been an obvious point.
The real question should be "why not jailbreak an ipad?" Jailbreaking is free, easy, adds features, and you don't lose anything.
How so? Stealing is a crime because it prevents the owner from enjoying the use of the thing (use being a term used in the most general sense) being stolen.

I'm not justifying piracy, though it may sound like i am, my point is it appears meaningless to attribute a term namely stealing, borne out of the context of tangible property to intellectual property.

Piracy is piracy. It's not stealing. You can argue that it inhibits developments because it removes incentives for development, but it's not 'stealing'.

1 a : to take or appropriate without right or leave and with intent to keep or make use of wrongfully <stole a car> b : to take away by force or unjust means <they've stolen our liberty> c : to take surreptitiously or without permission <steal a kiss> d : to appropriate to oneself or beyond one's proper share : make oneself the focus of <steal the show>

Not sure which definition of "steal" you don't get... :cool:
Over priced? Wow I'm sure you know NOTHING about development and the sheer amount of work it takes to make an app. Not to mention the expense of the software and hardware used to make an app, especially if its a game. I think your overpaid in whatever field you do. Does that give me the right to take money out of your bank account?
Obama thinks so...
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