Tosh.Yes. Generally the advantage of Imperial units is that the numbers that ordinary people use tend to be in friendly two digit ranges. The temperature outside is always a two digit number, and if it isn't, that is important to notice! The speed a car might move is also like this in MPH, but not KMPH.
Most people's heights are two words: "Five Eleven" for example, instead of "One Hundred and Eighty One". And even the unit name is half as many syllables. Miles is one syllable, kilometers is four. Pint becomes Half Liter at best, 473.176473 Milliliter at worst.
BTW, Are Knots metric? Why do they exist? And why does the UK have a different one? We need to get all those sailors and pilots on to feet and inches!
Ordinary folk in metric countries (all but the US, Myanmar and Liberia) don't seem to find anything disadvantageous or unfriendly about multiple digits / words in the numbers they use.
I grew up in a country that used imperial units (proper ones, not US units) when I was young. When we went metric in the 1970s folks adapted quite quickly. I can still use imperial units, but in general find metric units more convenient.