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Ah yes. But real pain was when I got a C-64 and couldn't afford the disk drive for another year so it would take about 30 minutes to load a game from that horrible tape drive.

I don't keep much old computer junk, but I still have my Amiga1000 somewhere in a box, though the floppies are probably roted by now :(.
A computer that was so far ahead of it's time. Did you ever open it up and check inside the cover. Talk about a labor of love that must have been.

Yeah, multitasked right out of the box in '84 with 512k memory. Took Apple and Windows 10 years to get that right. :D I even got to meet Jay Miner at Commodore World before he passed. Anyway, props to Apple for really building cool stuff from time to time. I just had to have the iTouch(1g) when it came out and the iPad (IMHO) is even cooler at doing what I bought the iTouch for. Is it out yet?;)
Another traveler here. I can't wait to get one for all the reasons stated above by SteveSparks and many more.

I've worked in IT most of my working life. I could care less what the iPad should or should not do.

It will do everything I need for me right now. I can see myself checking on my flights, rearranging schedules because of weather problems, buying airline tickets on the go, buying tickets to the opera from the train on the way to Paris. I can read my travel guides, and so many books that I cannot afford to carry because of my arthritis. All these tasks are just the tip of the iceberg.

I have enough computers at home if I want to get geeky.
iPad for iDad (iGrandad and iGranny, aka iNan)

I too believe that the iPad might become an unexpected hit with senior citizens. However, they don't tend to be obsessed with branding. For them, it's all about features and price. Is the recent leak of possible price reduction about recognising this?

You cannot sell an overpriced and glossy e-reader for somebody, who prefers e-ink and saw a dedicated e-book reader.You can put a golden Apple logo on it, it will still be tricky to sell.

Further, so many people, who ACCEPTED that they cannot use computers might be able to use the iPad with no problem. But will they know that it's about simplicity? Hell, I want to see those Apple adverts! White background, gentle music and a granny in a wheelchair appears - "First I thought I was too old for this, but now..." :D
I too believe that the iPad might become an unexpected hit with senior citizens. However, they don't tend to be obsessed with branding. For them, it's all about features and price. Is the recent leak of possible price reduction about recognising this?

You cannot sell an overpriced and glossy e-reader for somebody, who prefers e-ink and saw a dedicated e-book reader.You can put a golden Apple logo on it, it will still be tricky to sell.

Further, so many people, who ACCEPTED that they cannot use computers might be able to use the iPad with no problem. But will they know that it's about simplicity? Hell, I want to see those Apple adverts! White background, gentle music and a granny in a wheelchair appears - "First I thought I was too old for this, but now..." :D

It sounds like you are trying to diminish its worth by using the "elderly citizens" as the interested public. Nothing could be further from the truth. If you can't see its value, you've got a serious lack of imagination.
Yeah, multitasked right out of the box in '84 with 512k memory. Took Apple and Windows 10 years to get that right. :D I even got to meet Jay Miner at Commodore World before he passed. Anyway, props to Apple for really building cool stuff from time to time. I just had to have the iTouch(1g) when it came out and the iPad (IMHO) is even cooler at doing what I bought the iTouch for. Is it out yet?;)

Awesome! Did he have his multi-talented dog with him? :D
It sounds like you are trying to diminish its worth by using the "elderly citizens" as the interested public. Nothing could be further from the truth. If you can't see its value, you've got a serious lack of imagination.

Dang it Robin, When you respond to the useless, you defeat my "ignore list" by quoting his drivel.
It sounds like you are trying to diminish its worth by using the "elderly citizens" as the interested public. Nothing could be further from the truth. If you can't see its value, you've got a serious lack of imagination.

No. it's not about that at all. In fact, I cannot remember, if there was any other product that would open this populous group that must be the largest market segment that has not been "IT'd". Frankly, as it stands, the iPad hasn't got many features that people expected. It's not really good in many tasks, but with certain groups, that is actually an advantage.

The family game market would be another sector, but to really exploit that, Apple needs to bring at least a few basic functions, like a camera.


ReadWriteWeb posted an article on Facebook Connect, Facebook's single-sign-on system. Somehow, within a few hours, that post on ReadWriteWeb became the #1 Google search result for "facebook login".

Thousands of users turned on their computers, clicked on "the big e button" to "open the web", and proceeded to type "facebook login" into Google, clicking on the first result, expecting to find Facebook.

Bizarelly, these users ignored the signs that the site they were looking at may not be Facebook. They ignored the big red pages, the "ReadWriteWeb" logo at the top of the page, and still thought it was Facebook. They even "signed into" Facebook using ReadWriteWeb's commenting system, which you guessed it, uses Facebook Connect.

The long and short of it is, that one post on ReadWriteWeb received thousands of comments from Facebook users complaining about how they "hated the new facebook", "why did they have to go and change it again", and "how can I see my friends wall".

This has got to be the most obviously fake thing I've ever seen pulled on the internet.

(By the way, it's really saying a lot when a total of 200 of the 400,000,000 users got "confused").
That is why this iPad will be a success. There are 100 more things it will do for people in a size and weight factor that makes it super easy to take with you and do things you would do with a laptop.

Instant on is also going to be very, nice because you don't have to "sit down" to perform a task as listed above. You can do it in 10 minutes at the coffee shop while you are waiting for the tour bus to load up while you are on that seniors tour through Rome on your way to the Airport for London.

Exactly. Instant on Rocks. People need to stop fixating on one or two things it can't do, instead of considering the hundreds or even thousands of things it can do.

I want to try one yesterday, and I am fairly certain I will have one right after trying it, and I will likely upgrade to version 2 and give version 1 to my Mom at some point. IMO it cuts an extremely wide demographic from tech heads like myself to potentially computer phobics like my Mom.
That is an ignorant, condescending statement. It isn't only tech illiterate folks that will be interested in iPads.

I started hacking on a Vic-20 nearly 30 years ago, and have a full HW/SW hobby/education/professional history since.

I fully understand the iPads limitations/stengths and I want one. No shocker that like almost every tech head on the planet, I already have other devices that can cover anything hardcore I can't do on the iPad.

I am sure there are a lot of other extremely tech literate folks who also want one.

Wow! So defensive. I guess I unintentionally hit a nerve. If that is what you took from what I said, you have a spun something up in your head that couldn't be any further from my point. I never said that techies would not buy these. I would take one and use it myself, but I don't plan on buying one. My point was that all the gadget internet geeks tore up the iPad announcement because of a number of reasons to their own expectations. Maybe they are too narrow-minded to understand that there are other potential customers out there that aren't techies and would benefit greatly from this device.
but there are people out there that will find the iPad very beneficial to their limited digital lives. I am thinking people that have, or plan on purchasing a laptop, and aren't computer savvy. I think this first implementation will do just fine in sales.

Read it again. Still sounds condescending to me.
Read it again. Still sounds condescending to me.

Me too. :D

I don't understand how even people with unlimited digital lives and actually are computer savy wouldn't enjoy an enhanced iTouch/iPhone experience in all aspects. It's not being hyped as a laptop replacement. It is what it is. Why would the Apple faithful not expect if the iPad is embraced, Apple wouldn't build a similar, more powerful version that eventually could replace a laptop form factor. This might just be the first shot in a whole new line of products that address the tech savy folks that want more. :confused:
The iPad will sell because fools and their money are easily parted.

Netbooks are around the same price and better in every way.

Yeah Netbooks have everything but they are total crap. :eek:

I've got one and when i saw iPad i sold it in 2 days.

I still got the MBP and iPhone but to have a big iPhone is like a dream come true. :D
The iPad will sell because fools and their money are easily parted.

Netbooks are around the same price and better in every way.

- netbooks running windows 7/xp - better than the ipad? no.

- multitasking on slow and underpowered netbooks - if it takes me 1 min. to launch MS Word, another 15-30 sec. to launch MS Excel, 10-30 sec. to switch between apps. -- no thanks. you can have your multitasking.

- viruses/trojans/spyware - :eek:

- the iPad is a true mobile device - i can go anywhere I want while listening to music/audio books, etc. i don't think people do that with their netbooks.

-instant on - my netbook takes 2 min. to boot.

-netbooks have crappy displays
I don't understand why people continue to spend so much time reading and arguing the fine points about a device they are "not sold on" or "do not want". Whats the point here?

I'm commenting in the very very very very very very very very slim chance that the rather loud response to the iPad gets noticed at Cupertino and they make some changes. Like add the camera. Like enable flash. Like allow multi-tasking with non-Apple apps.

Frankly - watching Jobs browse the NYT website with multiple obvious in your face missing flash elements, whilst saying it's the best browsing experience in the world.

I was embarrassed for him.
Do you have a time machine or something? You sound exactly like the people who thought the iPod would flop in 2001 ( because there were 'cheaper and better products out there'.

The difference is the iPod actually does its job well. Honestly, who wants a tablet computer that can't multitask? That's just pathetic. I'd rather use my Nokia 5800 than a tablet that can't even run two apps at once.

Yeah Netbooks have everything but they are total crap. :eek:

I've got one and when i saw iPad i sold it in 2 days.

I still got the MBP and iPhone but to have a big iPhone is like a dream come true. :D

Subjective.. not all netbooks are bad.

That's all it seems to be.. a big iPod touch with 3G/GPS capabilities (on some models)

- netbooks running windows 7/xp - better than the ipad? no.

- multitasking on slow and underpowered netbooks - if it takes me 1 min. to launch MS Word, another 15-30 sec. to launch MS Excel, 10-30 sec. to switch between apps. -- no thanks. you can have your multitasking.

- viruses/trojans/spyware - :eek:

- the iPad is a true mobile device - i can go anywhere I want while listening to music/audio books, etc. i don't think people do that with their netbooks.

-instant on - my netbook takes 2 min. to boot.

-netbooks have crappy displays

Windows 7 is 10 times better than any OS apple will EVER come up with.

Wow, you must have only used the ultimate in crap netbooks. My ISP offers a netbook for £50 if you take out an 18-month contract for an internet connection with them, and that runs things just fine..

Virus/trojans/spyware come hand in hand with the freedom to do what you want on YOUR computer. The reason the iPhone and iPad don't have viruses is because they are severely crippled. Enjoy your walled garden :) :apple: While you're switching between apps one at a time, I'll be playing my favourite flash games on facebook, talking to my friends and listening to internet radio.

The iPhone takes an age to load, how can you be certain the iPad will be that much quicker?

Again, you must be using crappy netbooks...the one my ISP offers has a half decent screen.
Frankly - watching Jobs browse the NYT website with multiple obvious in your face missing flash elements, whilst saying it's the best browsing experience in the world.

I was embarrassed for him.

Me and my wife are both getting one BUT I have to admit watching the flash block I felt overly awkward for him lol!! Especially since the crowd was laughing :)
Windows 7 is 10 times better than any OS apple will EVER come up with.

'7 to 10 times'? Why not just go for broke and say 'a bajillion gazillion', it's equally meaningless.

While you're switching between apps one at a time, I'll be playing my favourite flash games on facebook, talking to my friends and listening to internet radio.

Wow, I'm crushed, the agony of switching between apps one at a time (as opposed to more than one at a time?) when I could be living the good life like you.

Seriously, is the problem with the iPad that it isn't revolutionary enough or that it can't play stupid Facebook games? I hear both complaints in equal measure. Both are equally dumb.
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