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macrumors 603
Nov 28, 2013
Those logs are beyond my level of understanding, but do you have more than one wifi router / access point? I might be focussing on the wrong thing, but I think BSSID_CHANGED means it's switched (or tried to switch) access points.


macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 26, 2018
No, I only have the modem, and then the router. The modem doesn't have any access point.


macrumors regular
Sep 20, 2004
Just chiming in... is there an update for your wifi router? Some routers are PITA, such as Orbi. Visit their forum and see frustrated users each time there's an update.


macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 26, 2018
Just chiming in... is there an update for your wifi router? Some routers are PITA, such as Orbi. Visit their forum and see frustrated users each time there's an update.
There was an update today, and I applied it, but that hasn't resolved the situation, the connection keeps dropping at night for a quick second.

Taz Mangus

macrumors 604
Mar 10, 2011
What I see in the log is:
Wed Jun 17 22:27:51.654 Info: <airportd[241]> -[CWXPCSubsystem queryBSSIDForInterfaceWithName:connection:error:]: Failed to query current BSSID, returned error code -3903
Wed Jun 17 22:27:51.654 Info: <airportd[241]> -[CWXPCSubsystem queryBSSIDForInterfaceWithName:connection:error:]: Failed to query current BSSID, returned error code -3903
Wed Jun 17 22:27:51.657 Info: <airportd[241]> -[CWXPCSubsystem queryBSSIDForInterfaceWithName:connection:error:]: Failed to query current BSSID, returned error code -3903
Wed Jun 17 22:27:51.657 Info: <airportd[241]> -[CWXPCSubsystem queryBSSIDForInterfaceWithName:connection:error:]: Failed to query current BSSID, returned error code -3903
Wed Jun 17 22:27:51.657 Info: <airportd[241]> -[CWXPCSubsystem queryBSSIDForInterfaceWithName:connection:error:]: Failed to query current BSSID, returned error code -3903
Wed Jun 17 22:27:51.657 Info: <airportd[241]> -[CWXPCSubsystem queryBSSIDForInterfaceWithName:connection:error:]: Failed to query current BSSID, returned error code -3903
Wed Jun 17 22:27:51.658 Info: <airportd[241]> -[CWXPCSubsystem queryBSSIDForInterfaceWithName:connection:error:]: Failed to query current BSSID, returned error code -3903
Wed Jun 17 22:27:51.658 Info: <airportd[241]> -[CWXPCSubsystem queryBSSIDForInterfaceWithName:connection:error:]: Failed to query current BSSID, returned error code -3903

It appears that there is some sort of connection problem happening. Maybe this is related to the ISP. I would suggest you have chat with your ISP and explain you are having dropouts and ask them about the connection errors you see in the router logs.
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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 26, 2018
But it only happens on my laptop, and only started to happened after I bought the new one, it wasn't happening with the old one. Also, I think its something with my router cause there's some weird logs there. Idk.
What I see in the log is:

It appears that there is some sort of connection problem happening. Maybe this is related to the ISP. I would suggest you have chat with your ISP and explain you are having dropouts and ask them about the connection errors you see in the router logs.
None of the devices that are connected to the 2.4ghz band are getting disconnected, but, I'm seeing a lot of weird logs on my router and the drop happened today exactly one hour apart. I'm thinking of changing the router or roll back the update or even changing the width of my 5ghz channel

Taz Mangus

macrumors 604
Mar 10, 2011
None of the devices that are connected to the 2.4ghz band are getting disconnected, but, I'm seeing a lot of weird logs on my router and the drop happened today exactly one hour apart. I'm thinking of changing the router or roll back the update or even changing the width of my 5ghz channel

Have you tried using the WiFi app I suggested called WiFi Explorer Lite? It can show you if your chosen channel is overlapping with other routers near you. I use it to select my 5GHz channel 48 at 40MHz which had little overlap with other routers near me.



macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 26, 2018
Have you tried using the WiFi app I suggested called WiFi Explorer Lite? It can show you if your chosen channel is overlapping with other routers near you. I use it to select my 5GHz channel 48 at 40MHz which had little overlap with other routers near me.

Yes, I did! Thank you for the suggestion, and it was showing that my channel wasn't overlapping with any other network. It was completely alone in its corner. But, I'm using an Asus Router, and I'm reading that a lot of people were having problems with that firmware. Today I updated to the new one, but didn't do a reset after, so, I just did that and disabled some things on it. I'm hoping that it would solve the problem.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 25, 2007
Northern Ireland
I had the same issue this evening as you just posted about @KatPR.

Sun Jun 28 19:50:38.040 Driver Event: <airportd[272]> _bsd_80211_event_callback: DUMP_LOGS (en0)
Sun Jun 28 19:50:38.652 Driver Event: <airportd[272]> _bsd_80211_event_callback: DRIVER_AVAILABLE (en0)
Sun Jun 28 19:50:38.652 Driver Event: <airportd[272]> _bsd_80211_event_callback: driver available (reason=0xe0823805, subreason=0xe3ff8807, flags=0x2)
Sun Jun 28 19:50:38.654 SC: <airportd[272]> airportdProcessSystemConfigurationEvent: Processing 'State:/Network/Interface/en0/AirPort/SSID_STR'
Sun Jun 28 19:50:38.654 SC: <airportd[272]> airportdProcessSystemConfigurationEvent: Processing 'State:/Network/Interface/en0/AirPort/WEP40'
Sun Jun 28 19:50:38.655 SC: <airportd[272]> airportdProcessSystemConfigurationEvent: Processing 'State:/Network/Interface/en0/AirPort/BluetoothPagingInProgress '
Sun Jun 28 19:50:38.655 SC: <airportd[272]> airportdProcessSystemConfigurationEvent: Processing 'State:/Network/Interface/en0/AirPort/BusyUI'
Sun Jun 28 19:50:38.655 SC: <airportd[272]> airportdProcessSystemConfigurationEvent: Processing 'State:/Network/Interface/en0/AirPort/AirPlay'
Sun Jun 28 19:50:38.655 SC: <airportd[272]> airportdProcessSystemConfigurationEvent: Processing 'State:/Network/Interface/en0/AirPort/AutoJoinTimestamp'
Sun Jun 28 19:50:38.655 SC: <airportd[272]> airportdProcessSystemConfigurationEvent: Processing 'State:/Network/Interface/en0/AirPort/BSSID'
Sun Jun 28 19:50:38.656 SC: <airportd[272]> airportdProcessSystemConfigurationEvent: Processing 'State:/Network/Interface/en0/AirPort/SSID'
Sun Jun 28 19:50:38.656 SC: <airportd[272]> airportdProcessSystemConfigurationEvent: Processing 'State:/Network/Interface/en0/AirPort/CHANNEL'
Sun Jun 28 19:50:38.656 SC: <airportd[272]> airportdProcessSystemConfigurationEvent: Processing 'State:/Network/Interface/en0/AirPort/Busy'
Sun Jun 28 19:50:38.657 SC: <airportd[272]> airportdProcessSystemConfigurationEvent: Processing 'State:/Network/Interface/en0/AirPort/Power Status'
Sun Jun 28 19:50:38.657 SC: <airportd[272]> airportdProcessSystemConfigurationEvent: Processing 'State:/Network/Interface/en0/AirPort/WEPOPENSYSTEM'
Sun Jun 28 19:50:38.657 SC: <airportd[272]> airportdProcessSystemConfigurationEvent: Processing 'State:/Network/Interface/en0/AirPort/UserMode8021X'
Sun Jun 28 19:50:38.657 SC: <airportd[272]> airportdProcessSystemConfigurationEvent: Processing 'State:/Network/Interface/en0/AirPort/CachedScanRecord'
Sun Jun 28 19:50:38.657 SC: <airportd[272]> airportdProcessSystemConfigurationEvent: Processing 'State:/Network/Interface/en0/AirPort/BluetoothAudioInUse'
Sun Jun 28 19:50:38.657 SC: <airportd[272]> airportdProcessSystemConfigurationEvent: Processing 'State:/Network/Interface/en0/AirPort/ProfileID'
Sun Jun 28 19:50:38.669 P2P: <airportd[272]> _p2pSupEventCallback: APPLE80211_M_LINK_CHANGED
Sun Jun 28 19:50:38.669 Driver Event: <airportd[272]> _bsd_80211_event_callback: LINK_CHANGED (en0)
Sun Jun 28 19:50:38.669 P2P: <airportd[272]> _p2pSupEventCallback: Primary interface link marked down
Sun Jun 28 19:50:38.669 P2P: <airportd[272]> _p2pSupEventCallback: APPLE80211_M_BSSID_CHANGED
P2P: <airportd[272]> _p2pSupEventCallback: APPLE80211_M_LINK_CHANGED
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.398 Info: <airportd[272]> -[CWXPCSubsystem queryBSSIDForInterfaceWithName:connection:error:]: Failed to query current BSSID, returned error code -3903
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.398 Info: <airportd[272]> -[CWXPCSubsystem queryBSSIDForInterfaceWithName:connection:error:]: Failed to query current BSSID, returned error code -3903
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.399 Info: <airportd[272]> -[CWXPCSubsystem queryBSSIDForInterfaceWithName:connection:error:]: Failed to query current BSSID, returned error code -3903
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.399 Info: <airportd[272]> -[CWXPCSubsystem queryBSSIDForInterfaceWithName:connection:error:]: Failed to query current BSSID, returned error code -3903
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.399 Info: <airportd[272]> -[CWXPCSubsystem queryBSSIDForInterfaceWithName:connection:error:]: Failed to query current BSSID, returned error code -3903
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.399 Info: <airportd[272]> -[CWXPCSubsystem queryBSSIDForInterfaceWithName:connection:error:]: Failed to query current BSSID, returned error code -3903
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.400 Info: <airportd[272]> -[CWXPCSubsystem queryBSSIDForInterfaceWithName:connection:error:]: Failed to query current BSSID, returned error code -3903
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.400 Info: <airportd[272]> -[CWXPCSubsystem queryBSSIDForInterfaceWithName:connection:error:]: Failed to query current BSSID, returned error code -3903
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.437 AutoJoin: <airportd[272]> -[CWXPCInterfaceContext __updateAutoJoinRetryIntervals]: On battery power, changing to inactive retry interval.
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.441 AutoJoin: <airportd[272]> _handleLinkEvent: Unexpected link down. Triggering auto-join.
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.441 AutoJoin: <airportd[272]> BEST CONNECTED SCAN CANCELLED on interface en0
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.441 Info: <airportd[272]> -[CWXPCSubsystem __submitLinkChangeMetric:involuntary:interface:network:linkDownReason:linkDownSubreason:isAWDLUp:awdlState:lastSecurityIssueCount:]: link change metric data: CWAWDMetricLinkChangeData: isLinkUp: NO, isInVol: YES, reason: 16, subreason: 0, channel: 0 (0MHz/0), oui: aa:aa:aa, flags: 0x0, securityType: 0x0, awdlState: 4, rssiHistory: [0, 0, 0], htInfo: 0x0, vhtInfo: 0x0
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.441 Info: <airportd[272]> -[CWAWDManager submitMetric:]: submitting metric id 0x90009
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.441 AutoJoin: <airportd[272]> AUTO-JOIN trigger requested (Link Down)
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.441 Driver Event: <airportd[272]> _bsd_80211_event_callback: SSID_CHANGED (en0)
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.442 Info: <WiFiAgent[399]> current=(no_assoc) changed=(no_assoc, 4bars)
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.442 Info: <Wi-Fi Menu Extra[376]> Updating all WiFi menu items
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.442 BTC: <airportd[272]> __BluetoothCoexHandleUpdateForNode: <en0> Handle Bluetooth Coex: FrequencyBand <2>, Bluetooth Bandwidth Utilization <0>, Clamshell Mode <0>
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.442 BTC: <airportd[272]> __BluetoothCoexHandleUpdateForNode: Driver supports APPLE80211_CAP_COEX_PROFILE_OFFLOAD. Airportd won't BluetoothCoexModeSet() and defer coex profile loading to UDM coex manager (UCM/WRM) ...
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.442
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.442 Driver Event: <airportd[272]> _bsd_80211_event_callback: BSSID_CHANGED (en0)
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.442 Info: <airportd[272]> _bsd_80211_event_callback: BSSID changed, not running HOSTAP, and not associated
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.442 Info: <WiFiAgent[399]> QUERY DIAGNOSTICS request received from pid 376 (SystemUIServer)
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.442 BTC: <airportd[272]> __BluetoothCoexHandleUpdateForNode: <en0> Handle Bluetooth Coex: FrequencyBand <2>, Bluetooth Bandwidth Utilization <0>, Clamshell Mode <0>
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.442 BTC: <airportd[272]> __BluetoothCoexHandleUpdateForNode: Driver supports APPLE80211_CAP_COEX_PROFILE_OFFLOAD. Airportd won't BluetoothCoexModeSet() and defer coex profile loading to UDM coex manager (UCM/WRM) ...
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.442
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.442 Driver Event: <airportd[272]> _bsd_80211_event_callback: DUMP_LOGS (en0)
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.443 Driver Event: <airportd[272]> _bsd_80211_event_callback: LINK_CHANGED (en0)
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.443 Info: <airportd[272]> -[CWXPCSubsystem queryBSSIDForInterfaceWithName:connection:error:]: Failed to query current BSSID, returned error code -3903
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.443 Driver Event: <airportd[272]> _bsd_80211_event_callback: DRIVER_AVAILABLE (en0)
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.443 Driver Event: <airportd[272]> _bsd_80211_event_callback: driver available (reason=0xe0823805, subreason=0xe3ff8808, flags=0x2)

The log is beyond my level of understanding, but I'm having the exact same problem with BT Internet using a Smart Hub.

Taz Mangus

macrumors 604
Mar 10, 2011
It looks like it lost it's connection and is trying to auto-join the network again:
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.398 Info: <airportd[272]> -[CWXPCSubsystem queryBSSIDForInterfaceWithName:connection:error:]: Failed to query current BSSID, returned error code -3903
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.398 Info: <airportd[272]> -[CWXPCSubsystem queryBSSIDForInterfaceWithName:connection:error:]: Failed to query current BSSID, returned error code -3903
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.399 Info: <airportd[272]> -[CWXPCSubsystem queryBSSIDForInterfaceWithName:connection:error:]: Failed to query current BSSID, returned error code -3903
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.399 Info: <airportd[272]> -[CWXPCSubsystem queryBSSIDForInterfaceWithName:connection:error:]: Failed to query current BSSID, returned error code -3903
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.399 Info: <airportd[272]> -[CWXPCSubsystem queryBSSIDForInterfaceWithName:connection:error:]: Failed to query current BSSID, returned error code -3903
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.399 Info: <airportd[272]> -[CWXPCSubsystem queryBSSIDForInterfaceWithName:connection:error:]: Failed to query current BSSID, returned error code -3903
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.400 Info: <airportd[272]> -[CWXPCSubsystem queryBSSIDForInterfaceWithName:connection:error:]: Failed to query current BSSID, returned error code -3903
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.400 Info: <airportd[272]> -[CWXPCSubsystem queryBSSIDForInterfaceWithName:connection:error:]: Failed to query current BSSID, returned error code -3903
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.437 AutoJoin: <airportd[272]> -[CWXPCInterfaceContext __updateAutoJoinRetryIntervals]: On battery power, changing to inactive retry interval.
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.441 AutoJoin: <airportd[272]> _handleLinkEvent: Unexpected link down. Triggering auto-join.

It is not known why the connection goes down, it could be interference, the ISP might be having an issue, or some other reason. Have you looked at your channel selection?
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macrumors 6502a
Jun 25, 2007
Northern Ireland
It looks like it lost it's connection and is trying to auto-join the network again:
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.398 Info: <airportd[272]> -[CWXPCSubsystem queryBSSIDForInterfaceWithName:connection:error:]: Failed to query current BSSID, returned error code -3903
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.398 Info: <airportd[272]> -[CWXPCSubsystem queryBSSIDForInterfaceWithName:connection:error:]: Failed to query current BSSID, returned error code -3903
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.399 Info: <airportd[272]> -[CWXPCSubsystem queryBSSIDForInterfaceWithName:connection:error:]: Failed to query current BSSID, returned error code -3903
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.399 Info: <airportd[272]> -[CWXPCSubsystem queryBSSIDForInterfaceWithName:connection:error:]: Failed to query current BSSID, returned error code -3903
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.399 Info: <airportd[272]> -[CWXPCSubsystem queryBSSIDForInterfaceWithName:connection:error:]: Failed to query current BSSID, returned error code -3903
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.399 Info: <airportd[272]> -[CWXPCSubsystem queryBSSIDForInterfaceWithName:connection:error:]: Failed to query current BSSID, returned error code -3903
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.400 Info: <airportd[272]> -[CWXPCSubsystem queryBSSIDForInterfaceWithName:connection:error:]: Failed to query current BSSID, returned error code -3903
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.400 Info: <airportd[272]> -[CWXPCSubsystem queryBSSIDForInterfaceWithName:connection:error:]: Failed to query current BSSID, returned error code -3903
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.437 AutoJoin: <airportd[272]> -[CWXPCInterfaceContext __updateAutoJoinRetryIntervals]: On battery power, changing to inactive retry interval.
Sun Jun 28 19:50:39.441 AutoJoin: <airportd[272]> _handleLinkEvent: Unexpected link down. Triggering auto-join.

It is not known why the connection goes down, it could be interference, the ISP might be having an issue, or some other reason. Have you looked at your channel selection?

yes, my router has a thing called "Smart Channels" and I dont seem to be able to turn this off :(. It selects to best channels to be on and changes automatically.


macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 26, 2018
yes, my router has a thing called "Smart Channels" and I dont seem to be able to turn this off :(. It selects to best channels to be on and changes automatically.
Hi, I solved the issue by buying a router that let me pick the region. I bought a Netgear router and since then, I haven't had a single issue.
yes, my router has a thing called "Smart Channels" and I dont seem to be able to turn this off :(. It selects to best channels to be on and changes automatically.
Also, try to turn that off, that might be the problem.


macrumors newbie
Jun 28, 2020
I could create a new thread (and will if you suggest) but the title describes my issue that's driving me crazy.
About 45 days ago I upgraded to Catalina. Just the last 3 days my wifi will not connect to my MacBook pro. Not connect at all. All my other devices, iPhones, xbox, TV all do connect. Just my MacBook is having the issue. I've tried many solutions online but not I'm contemplating trying to downgrade to Mojave but that does not look easy.
When the wifi is turned on, it keeps looking. I do see my router's name and click on it but I have to fast just to make that happen as it appears and disappears quickly.
I've tried deleting the location and creating a new one, but nothing seems to work.
I'm using a Airport Time Capsule.
Any thoughts?

Taz Mangus

macrumors 604
Mar 10, 2011
yes, my router has a thing called "Smart Channels" and I dont seem to be able to turn this off :(. It selects to best channels to be on and changes automatically.

What router are you using?
I could create a new thread (and will if you suggest) but the title describes my issue that's driving me crazy.
About 45 days ago I upgraded to Catalina. Just the last 3 days my wifi will not connect to my MacBook pro. Not connect at all. All my other devices, iPhones, xbox, TV all do connect. Just my MacBook is having the issue. I've tried many solutions online but not I'm contemplating trying to downgrade to Mojave but that does not look easy.
When the wifi is turned on, it keeps looking. I do see my router's name and click on it but I have to fast just to make that happen as it appears and disappears quickly.
I've tried deleting the location and creating a new one, but nothing seems to work.
I'm using a Airport Time Capsule.
Any thoughts?

If you create a brand new user, restart the computer and login to the new user, is the WiFI still happening?

Are you using any anti-virus software?


macrumors newbie
Jun 28, 2020
What router are you using?

If you create a brand new user, restart the computer and login to the new user, is the WiFI still happening?

Are you using any anti-virus software?
I do not use any anti-virus software.
Ill try creating the new user and report back.

Taz Mangus

macrumors 604
Mar 10, 2011
No dice. The new user account does exactly the same thing.
Any other suggestions?

These are the next things you can try:
  • Try PRAM and SMC reset.
  • Boot into Safe Mode, login to your account. See how WiFi works. When you are done, boot back to normal mode.
  • Try applying the Catalina 10.15.5 combo update. Sometimes this will correct some issues.

Taz Mangus

macrumors 604
Mar 10, 2011
@Weekleyba The other thing I just thought about, in Airport Utility, was make sure that you are running the latest firmware on your Time Capsule.

Another thing, in System Preferences->Network, what is shown as far as devices in the left panel? Sometimes setting the Service Order and removing not needed devices can help. Service order is under the gear symbol->Set Service Order...

Screen Shot 2020-06-28 at 6.52.21 PM.png
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macrumors newbie
Jun 28, 2020
I’ve tried it combo, PRAM, SMC, firmware update, etc.
Still won’t connect. So strange as it was working just fine for years.
When I try to join the network it gives an error message “The Wi-Fi “Brad’s Wi-Fi Network” could not be joined”
Any other suggestions?

Taz Mangus

macrumors 604
Mar 10, 2011
Try this: Go to System Preferences > Network. Find that network in the list and then uncheck "Automatically join this network". Then, turn off your Wi-Fi. Next, go to Advanced... uncheck "Remember networks this computer has joined", and then select that network and click the minus button. Then, turn on your Wi-Fi again


macrumors newbie
Jun 28, 2020
Still no dice.
I’m not able to turn off “Automatically join this network”
It’s grayed out.
I can select the network from the drop down and it ask for the password, once I put the password in, it un-grays the “Automatic join this network” but it is short lived and the error message returns. “...could not be joined”
And I still can’t uncheck it.

Taz Mangus

macrumors 604
Mar 10, 2011
Still no dice.
I’m not able to turn off “Automatically join this network”
It’s grayed out.
I can select the network from the drop down and it ask for the password, once I put the password in, it un-grays the “Automatic join this network” but it is short lived and the error message returns. “...could not be joined”
And I still can’t uncheck it.

It sounds like maybe the System Preferences->Network might be locked. If it is, click on the padlock on the bottom and unlock it.

Screen Shot 2020-06-28 at 9.00.41 PM copy.jpg

The next thing to try is to see if the issue is related to doing an upgrade on your system. What you are going to do is create a new partition on your internal drive and install a clean version of Catalina to it. Then you will restart to the new partition, don't install anything and try the WiFi.

1) The first thing you need to do is create a new partition on your internal drive. In Disk Utility, select View-Show All Devices.

Screen Shot 2020-06-28 at 9.07.07 PM.png

2) Select the top most device which is the name of the physical device.

Screen Shot 2020-06-28 at 9.12.12 PM.png

3) Press the Partition button. This will bring up the partition pie chart.

4) Press the + button at the bottom of the pie chart. This will show a new partition added to the pie chart. Leave it as APFS format.

5) In Name field pick some name that is unique like Clean Catalina HD. Set Size to something like 60 GB.

6) Click Apply button.

7) Restart the computer to Recovery Mode (command-key R-key) and download and install the latest Catalina version (10.15.5) and install it to the new partition you just created (e.g. Clean Catalina HD).

8) After the install completes, restart the computer while pressing option-key.

9) Select the the newly installed Catalina from the options listed (e.g. Clean Catalina HD).

10) Just do a the bare bones setup so that you can create a user account and try out the WiFi.

11) When done restart the computer while pressing the option-key and this time select your normal install. Go back in Disk Utility and remove the new partition that you created. You remove the partition from the pie chart, make sure you selected the physical device name first.

If the WiFi works when you do a clean install then maybe you should consider doing a clean install. Just make sure that you do a backup of your user data first to be migrated back after the clean install.

All this seems like a lot of work to figure out how to fix the issue. Sometimes, the issue could be something corrupted on the system and a clean install might be the best solution to solve it.
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macrumors 603
Nov 28, 2013
I've not read all the posts so some of these might have been tried.

First, make sure the 2.4GHz and 5GHz networks have the same name, then disable the 5 GHz one. If you can now connect it's likely to be a 5GHz channel issue. So, disable the 2.4GHz network and manually set a channel for the 5GHz network. Keep trying various channels until it works. If it eventually works, then it was a country-code problem. They're really irritating.

If you can't connect to the 2.4GHz network either, then in keychain delete all references (from the system and icloud keychains) relating to that network. Reboot and try to join again.


macrumors newbie
May 18, 2012
I too have this issue - BT router (UK) no problems with my wife's Macbook 12", my ipad, our two phones or the Macbook Pro 15" I've just decommisioned - but the brnad new Macbook Pro 16 will just drop the network - not for long, but long enough to dump a zoom conference (working from ome currently!). Annoying as hell. I too have tried all the suggestions in this thread.
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