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Do you think Apple will eliminate the notch in 2019?

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macrumors member
Apr 29, 2018
No matter how long it takes i am not buying a phone with a will keep the notch for four years as they do with every new design.


Jul 12, 2016
No matter how long it takes i am not buying a phone with a will keep the notch for four years as they do with every new design.

Four years is a bit presumptuous. Almost by 2021, the iPhone could very much change a lot by then, especially given the technology advancements and the maturity of components, it doesn’t necessarily mean the notch will be there *that* long. I don’t think Apple even knows at this point what the future the iPhone will hold at 2021.

Tom G.

macrumors 68020
Jun 16, 2009
Champaign/Urbana Illinois
To be honest I no longer even notice the Notch, so it doesn’t really bother me if Apple does away with it or not. Although I don’t see Apple doing away with it this year, I believe that eventually they will. What I do see happening is that the Notch will get smaller before it is done away with all together.


macrumors 68020
Nov 20, 2009
How the hell would it be removed in 2019? Unless Cook has a Time Machine and can travel and steal tech from 2030, the notch is here to stay. Apple wants to have the best FaceID possibly, not some half assed through-the-screen tech.


macrumors 68020
Nov 7, 2017
I think the notch will get smaller next year.

I can’t ever see them getting rid of it as I think they’d rather shrink the bezels than still keep a bezel at the top to house the notch off the screen area.


macrumors 65816
Jul 1, 2012
It makes me wonder what the next big selling feature will be, which makes me say yes. But I’m not informed enough to know what’s coming down the pipeline. Next gen antenna? New form factor of some sort? For me the X is perfect. I loved th


macrumors 6502
Dec 20, 2016
Doubt it. Apple usually does a major design overhaul every 3 to 4 years. 2020 is your earliest hope.


Jul 12, 2016
Doubt it. Apple usually does a major design overhaul every 3 to 4 years. 2020 is your earliest hope.

This. Until we see the next redesign overhaul as we did with the iPhone X, then I suspect the notch will be here for at least 2/3 more years, which by then we don’t know which technological advancements Apple will have for face ID and they choose to integrate that into the iPhone.


macrumors 6502
Dec 24, 2010
While I'd love the phone of the future that is a sheet of glass. I don't think the tech is there to get rid of the notch entirely by placing everything under the screen. I'd love to be wrong about that though.

The notch doesn't really bother me, but obviously it'd look better without it. TBH the camera bump on the back bothers me more than the notch.


macrumors 6502
Nov 3, 2009
What notch? If you've used the X then you would know it's a non issue.

Reminds me of this scene in young Frankenstein. What hump??


Just a thought.
Wouldn't it be hilarious if the notch was just a plan to screw with the competitors that have made almost mirror-image copies of the X. Apple adds the notch in '17 then takes it out in '18. Now all the competition are standing around with 'notch' on their face and apple releases a next-gen x with no notch. HIGHLY doubt it will happen but it's an amusing thought.

Ryker Drikes

macrumors newbie
Oct 14, 2018
The tech is not there.
One way to solve that problem, as ugly as it may sound to some, simply remove front facing camera completely. Put a very small LCD screen on the back of the phone so you’re able to view yourself when taking a selfie.


macrumors 68000
Oct 17, 2016
There's a lot of technology to develop before you can remove that notch. They are developing transparent OLED screens, which in theory you could put the camera modules behind it - but this could add extra thickness. There's also the speaker to think about.

This is where it's heading, but I think 2022 would be a realistic earliest date you'll see this, if at all - things might go all foldy and stuff before then. Who knows!

Either way it's not really any different to having a massive forehead on the device, just cutting out the sides to put the system information up there. I really don't get the problem of moving that stuff up a few millimetres, but people love to hate on something I guess :confused:.


macrumors newbie
Oct 8, 2018
It's not going anywhere for a long time. The technology isn't there yet to hide everything in it behind the screen, and it also is something to make iPhones stand out from all the other similar devices out there now.
May be technology isn't there but somehow that notch isn't looking great , y cant apple think of extending that notch width and make it as notchless ( should say hiding the notch ) and they can make a similar thing at the bottom to make it more cleaner look .. Note 9 look is pretty good


macrumors G3
Apr 27, 2015
Philadelphia, PA
I don't think they will have it ready by then, maybe 2020, but it really makes no difference to me. The notch doesn't change anything in regards to use of the phone.


macrumors 68020
Oct 5, 2018
Who cares?

It’s gives the phone’s their identity.

They house it well by having the time, battery and signal indicators in the ‘ears’ of the screen so it is just fine IMO.

The “I’m not buying another iPhone until they get rid of the notch” people are using it as a justification to keep hold of their old phones.

Full screen and Notch >> Bezels and wasted space - all day long.


macrumors 68020
Jan 14, 2013
I think Apple will eliminate the notch only when they can effectively put the face I.D camera under the glass. Until then... embrace the notch. Cause it’s gonna be here for awhile.


macrumors 68000
Feb 2, 2009
May be technology isn't there but somehow that notch isn't looking great , y cant apple think of extending that notch width and make it as notchless ( should say hiding the notch ) and they can make a similar thing at the bottom to make it more cleaner look .. Note 9 look is pretty good

Going back to bezels? No thanks. The notch is just fine and I wouldn't want it replaced with bezels.
I think Apple will eliminate the notch only when they can effectively put the face I.D camera under the glass. Until then... embrace the notch. Cause it’s gonna be here for awhile.

Face ID under the screen, yes. But that won't eliminate the notch until they can also fit these things under the screen as well: Proximity sensor, microphone, front facing camera, ambient light sensor and speaker/ear piece.

Like I've said before, the notch exists because of the edge-to-edge screen, not because of Face ID. Face ID under the screen is just one of many hurdles they need to overcome to eliminate the notch.
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