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Do you think Apple will eliminate the notch in 2019?

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macrumors 68020
Jun 18, 2014
The notch isn't even that bad, I don't notice it 80% of the time and when I do, it still doesn't bother me. I still have a lot of screen real estate left. But, for 2019 I predict smaller notch and in the future completely notchless, seems that Apple already is trying to remove it because they don't like it.


Jul 12, 2016
I Actually think the Notch will remain completely as it is until it’s eliminated altogether. I know some are under the notion that it will be ‘reduced’, I don’t necessarily think that it will be, until it no longer exists with updated future iPhone models.
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macrumors 68000
Jun 21, 2009
Central, Louisiana
Not a chance! You anti-notch folks might as well get over or move along! Notch is here until the next tech break-thru that Apple comes up with. :) I like the notch.. it's my friend! LOL
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Sovon Halder

macrumors 6502a
Dec 3, 2016
According to analysts what are we looking at; the year when the iPhones would ditch that ugly bathtub on top?

Samsung yesterday presented some pretty cool ideas for their S10. Everything under the display.


May 3, 2013
Berlin, Berlin
Samsung S10
“No cool new ideas here.”

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macrumors demi-goddess
Sep 22, 2015
Washington, DC
Highly unlikely that the notch will disappear next year. If anything it could be smaller. Once you use the X/XS/XS Max/XR for awhile, you’re going to forget about the notch.
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Feb 9, 2003
i look forward to buying an iPhone that is, as jony ive says he wants also:

with exact quotes:

Apple's design guru wants an iPhone that looks like 'a single sheet of glass'

no notch, pls, by 2020, jony.


macrumors 68020
Jun 18, 2014
Definitely not next year, it's barely been a year since they added the notch.


macrumors newbie
Aug 4, 2019
The technology is here for the notch to be removed but from my prospective,  isn’t the type to hype up normal peeps who feel like they need a good upgrade from there current iPhone model but instead  thinks that the previous mode is still good for next years upcoming iPhone, how do I know we have the tech to remove the notch we’ll some smart phones have been going for a under display model or a pop up camera which I think  should go for, for the 2019 iPhones or just a really small notch or maybe no notch, phones like Samsung, Huawei have been going for a punch hole and leaks have shown that the note 10 will have a really small punch hole in the middle of the top of the phone and to me,  is just really lazy to give us a better design for 2019, they could at least given us a 6’8 inch iPhone also a wider screen, 4 camera lenses, no notch, no side bezels,  own screen display that won’t get scratched easily and get dust on it easily, better premium unbreakable back glass, iPad 2018 mute switch, 5G, 5,000W battery, USB C, 5K screen, thinner body, 1TB storage and no 64GB, more color options and yes  could do this all but like I said there lazy and how do I know they can do it, well other smart phone companies have done this besides the battery.


Mar 22, 2005
Am I the only person not bothered what so ever by the notch because busy actually looking at the other 97% of the screen that displays the actual stuff you are using the iPhone for?

Just because you’re not bothered by it, doesn’t mean that a lot of others aren’t bothered by it - it’s also less about others being ‘bothered’ bynit, and more about losing a significant visual brand identifier.

The Home Button used to be this unique identifier, until some idiot in Cupertino decided it’s not needed, and that the notch would be new visual differentiator - which turned out to be a seriously dumb decision, since every Android product subsequently introduced their own notch. As a result, from on iconic representation point of view, iphone was no longer able to provide any visually unique identifier. Well done, Apple - NOT.

A newer, smaller punch-out will at least introduce a somewhat more unique (and more pleasant) appearance, but ultimately Apple needs to bring back the Home Button for a variety of reasons.

It’s not about the Notch, alone.
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macrumors Nehalem
Nov 30, 2013
Gotta be in it to win it
Just because you’re not bothered by it, doesn’t mean that a lot of others aren’t bothered by it - it’s also less about others being ‘bothered’ bynit, and more about losing a significant visual brand identifier.

The Home Button used to be this unique identifier, until some idiot in Cupertino decided it’s not needed, and that the notch would be new visual differentiator - which turned out to be a seriously dumb decision, since every Android product subsequently introduced their own notch. As a result, from on iconic representation point of view, iphone was no longer able to provide any visually unique identifier. Well done, Apple - NOT.

A newer, smaller punch-out will at least introduce a somewhat more unique (and more pleasant) appearance, but ultimately Apple needs to bring back the Home Button for a variety of reasons.

It’s not about the Notch, alone.
Which idiot would that be?

Somehow I believe the home button and headphone jack share a common trait...both are relics of the past.
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Hi Tek

macrumors regular
Sep 27, 2015
Canada, Hali
Just because you’re not bothered by it, doesn’t mean that a lot of others aren’t bothered by it - it’s also less about others being ‘bothered’ bynit, and more about losing a significant visual brand identifier.

The Home Button used to be this unique identifier, until some idiot in Cupertino decided it’s not needed, and that the notch would be new visual differentiator - which turned out to be a seriously dumb decision, since every Android product subsequently introduced their own notch. As a result, from on iconic representation point of view, iphone was no longer able to provide any visually unique identifier. Well done, Apple - NOT.

A newer, smaller punch-out will at least introduce a somewhat more unique (and more pleasant) appearance, but ultimately Apple needs to bring back the Home Button for a variety of reasons.

It’s not about the Notch, alone.

Well, ya? - were on [yet another] thread talking about the notch. Maybe I'm thinking too deep or not deep enough?

again: "97% of the screen that displays the actual stuff you are using the iPhone for?"

The notch doesn't bother me / I'm not as passionate about the notch as you are? - I just [still] don't see the big deal.
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macrumors 68030
Jul 4, 2012
I don't miss it at all - just because some hate it doesn't mean that others don't care. I just don't spend anytime looking at my phone and thinking this is beautiful or ugly. I only care what happens when I press an icon - not what the screen looks like.


macrumors 65816
Oct 26, 2011
Upstate SC
Am I the only person not bothered what so ever by the notch because busy actually looking at the other 97% of the screen that displays the actual stuff you are using the iPhone for?

I'm not sure I ever think about it outside a thread posted on the forum.
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Mar 22, 2005
The notch doesn't bother me / I'm not as passionate about the notch as you are? - I just [still] don't see the big deal.
What bothers me is that the Notch is a manifestation of a bigger display of incompetence, more so than the Notch itself.

- there is no reason for there being a Notch, as it could very easily have been covered up by a black bar/menu bar.

- the only reason for there to have been a Notch, as visible as it was, is that Apple was hoping for it to be a visual brand identifier, similar to what the Home Button used to be. When they removed the Home Button, some knucklehead convinced management “the Notch will be the new Home Button” - except that after the introduction of iPhone X, every Android manufacturer introduced a Notch on their phone, thus erasing whatever visual signature Apple might have had. Incompetence.

- Apple rushed into FaceID because the underclass fingerprint sensor wasn’t ready. Technically, neither was FaceID, as it required more and expensive hardware (than what will be available in 2021). The larger FaceID sensors required space for the Notch.

The smarter approach would have been to table the X, instead of rushing it won’t with lots of compromises - and release an iPhone 8s followed by an iPhone 9, and having the X release when it made more sense and the technology was ready and available.

This was, all around, just a series of terrible decisions, ending up with 2 generations of iPhone buyers (those that bought X models) being stranded with outlier models once 2021 models get released - similar to those who bought the iPod with the 4 buttons on top.
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Jul 11, 2019
Doubt the notch will even get smaller in 2020 and beyond, it's an intentional design element and for Apple to reduce it would, in effect, be like stating that it was not a design element and people will have a field day with it.

I expect the notch to stay around in its current form for the better part of a decade, like the home button.
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macrumors 6502a
Nov 10, 2017
West Central Ohio
Doubt the notch will even get smaller in 2020 and beyond, it's an intentional design element and for Apple to reduce it would, in effect, be like stating that it was not a design element and people will have a field day with it.

I expect the notch to stay around in its current form for the better part of a decade, like the home button.
I seriously prefer the notch to the big ole bars and home button. At least you have a bigger screen for the most part.


Jul 12, 2016
Am I the only person not bothered what so ever by the notch because busy actually looking at the other 97% of the screen that displays the actual stuff you are using the iPhone for?

Ahh, yes, a notch thread resurrected (Not by you), but I’m going to reiterate what I’ve said probably at least a dozen times on this iPhone forum, the notch is a non-issue and always will be outside a tech site. On sites like this, it’s an issue for those who want to pedantically breakdown everything ‘wrong’ with the iPhone and how they could do it ‘better’ than the best engineers in the world that work for Apple.


macrumors 65816
Oct 26, 2011
Upstate SC
Ahh, yes, a notch thread resurrected (Not by you), but I’m going to reiterate what I’ve said probably at least a dozen times on this iPhone forum, the notch is a non-issue and always will be outside a tech site. On sites like this, it’s an issue for those who want to pedantically breakdown everything ‘wrong’ with the iPhone and how they could do it ‘better’ than the best engineers in the world that work for Apple.

Well said!
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macrumors 604
May 20, 2010
Just because you’re not bothered by it, doesn’t mean that a lot of others aren’t bothered by it - it’s also less about others being ‘bothered’ bynit, and more about losing a significant visual brand identifier.

The Home Button used to be this unique identifier, until some idiot in Cupertino decided it’s not needed, and that the notch would be new visual differentiator - which turned out to be a seriously dumb decision, since every Android product subsequently introduced their own notch. As a result, from on iconic representation point of view, iphone was no longer able to provide any visually unique identifier. Well done, Apple - NOT.

A newer, smaller punch-out will at least introduce a somewhat more unique (and more pleasant) appearance, but ultimately Apple needs to bring back the Home Button for a variety of reasons.

It’s not about the Notch, alone.
Exactly, and this is one reason for the ridiculous camera module. Apple always needs to have one thing for the vain people to identify their new iPhone.


Mar 22, 2005
Exactly, and this is one reason for the ridiculous camera module. Apple always needs to have one thing for the vain people to identify their new iPhone.

Yes, and in this case (botch, etc) it backfires massively on them and their bottom line.

They are doing a good job at managing the damage, and the gullible are lapping it up - but there is, undeniably, damage.
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