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Fill in the blank for millions of users out there, and you start to get the picture of why Apple has not done the xMac. Until the industry can offer other solutions that eliminate the "if not for the...." dilemma, from a business/profit/share value, Apple's behavior is very obviously in their own best interest right now.

How is it in their best interest when I haven't bought another Mac in 8 years? I would be about my second replacement by now.
Apple has planned their porducts for at least 5 years. my dad have been party with big people in nokia and they said that every company like nokia and apple has products for years and years... but the updates the products just a little bit at a time, no big updates or new product every week. like this iPhone nano thing, it will come someday but apple will first take all off iPhone and then release the nano
Its very simple guys:

Where is there room for something else? Anything cheaper than iMac would take away sales from the iMac/Mini and anything more expensive would take away sales from the Pro/iMac.

Do you honestly see them gimping their own lineup when they sell fine right now?
How is it in their best interest when I haven't bought another Mac in 8 years? I would be about my second replacement by now.

Obviously because YOU don't represent their target market. This may come as a surprise to you, but their world does not revolve around YOUR needs.
Why is this thread still here??

There must be one mod willing to wasteland this tired, over done, over discussed, beating to death topic based thread.
Not helping.

Why is this thread still here??

There must be one mod willing to wasteland this tired, over done, over discussed, beating to death topic based thread.

I know that I am not helping but (And I agree with you.).....

and how hard will it be for ATI and NVIDIA to make them?

Why/Will they want to, is the question. NVIDIA didn't come though on one card so far, what's saying that it doesn't happen again.

i dont want an all in one. i already have nice monitors and i like the ability to potentially change the video card or hard drive easily. i dont want laptop parts in a supposed "desktop" like the imac

on the other hand, the mac pro is not a desktop. it is a workstation that while is a value for its market, is way too costly for those who dont want workstation performance yet still want a desktop

because of that, a hackintosh is my only real option

Yes. Build a hackintosh. It's pretty easy and you can configure it the way you want and upgrade as you need. Just buy a legit copy of OS X. Pretty simple and much cheaper. I have read that home built systems out-benchmark anything A has put out too.
Yes. Build a hackintosh. It's pretty easy and you can configure it the way you want and upgrade as you need. Just buy a legit copy of OS X. Pretty simple and much cheaper. I have read that home built systems out-benchmark anything A has put out too.

exactly, apple isnt proving the solution i need so i went out and built one about a year ago

no regrets. should have built it sooner.
exactly, apple isnt proving the solution i need so i went out and built one about a year ago

no regrets. should have built it sooner.

I bought an eeePC 1000H netbook and hacked it. I also installed an Airport Extreme card and it works perfectly for my mobile needs. I would have liked to have gne with the Dell or HO, but it didn't fit the budget it set. Very pleased though.
I admit I'd like to have a computer to play the latest games when I boot in to Windows, yet I'd like to run OSX for everything else without going to a hackintosh. I'd buy a Mac Mini if the GPU was from the Macbook Pro instead of the Macbook, but the best solution would be a machine with an exchangeable GPU.

The compromise solution would be give the Mac Mini a BTO graphics card option. That would let you put the latest GPU in, without creating the confusion that arises when non-technical people buy a new graphics card meant for Windows that doesn't work in OSX. It would add to the size of the machine, but expand the target market. So I could buy it with the latest NVidia card, and 6 months down the line take it to the Apple Store to get the new card fitted, for example.

That said, I don't expect Apple to make a machine that caters to what I want. They haven't done it yet, and seem to have some ideological distaste to the idea.
What is a "normal desktop" these days? With both Apple and HP selling all in one PC's and laptops outselling desktops. You have to wonder if the old mini-tower is fading away.
are we seriously on the old thread again? how many can be found about this same topic? o well, i guess thats life on mac rumors.

now, i think that unless the mini is upgraded, there will always be a hole. the imac doesnt count, so dont say it. we alll know there is the entry level, the mini, and the big bad daddy, the pro.

now if only something in the middle. something that about half the size of the pro, but with say 4gb of ram, 120gb hd, and a super drive, or better yet, blu-ray
Apple are not obligated to make the computer that you want. Just as you are not obligated to buy from them. The only people who can decide what apple should do are the people who work there. They are also the only people who can decide if there is a hole in their product line. Every indication suggests that they don't see one.
Apple will not cater to this crowd because its already a crowded field. If you are good at what you do (low end, all in one, and workstation class) you are much better off staying out of the low budget class.

Apple has decided, yes-for you, that if you wish to swap out video cards, have a super sweet raid setup and overall expandibility, you fit their workstation class customer , and as such your product selection will be the Mac Pro. Thats just, i mean thats just it. There is no iffs ands or butts. If you are clammoring that the Mac Pro is "overkill" then perhaps Apple isn't suited for your needs.

Apple chooses to be a minimalist company because time and time again things just seem to work better without clutter. Its just easier to keep fewer products on the table instead of a massive lake of computing options. I'll stick with the Mac Mini, the iMac, and the Mac Pro, versus the Mac Mini, The iMac, the Mac Pro and:
The xMac Lite
The xMac Lite Premium
The xMac Lite Premium Pro DV edition
The xMac Pro Lite
The xMac Pro Medium Lite Premium XSIv2923891
The xMac Pro Medium Lite Premium XVQv9018055

just no.
It's no secret Apple has a huge hole in their lineup, between the mini and pro, and anything less than a significant mini upgrade will leave mini fans out in the cold and very angry. What changes do you think Apple will reveal about the new mini? Better graphics and a larger disk and/or SSD are assumed but what else?

Quad core i7? (no Core2's need apply, thank you)
Larger RAM maximum? (at least 4GB but hopefully 8GB)
Drop Firewire ports? (Sorry folks but this is not a Pro)

What would you like to see?

Recognition of the iMac.
The core i7 in a mythical mid tower Mac.

Apple has said as such that they go after certain areas of the market, specifically. It isn't a hole, so much as a place they haven't gone into in that light.
Apple will not cater to this crowd because its already a crowded field. If you are good at what you do (low end, all in one, and workstation class) you are much better off staying out of the low budget class.

crowded field? what if i want to use osx. theres no competitirs and hence not crowded

Apple has decided, yes-for you, that if you wish to swap out video cards, have a super sweet raid setup and overall expandibility, you fit their workstation class customer , and as such your product selection will be the Mac Pro. Thats just, i mean thats just it. There is no iffs ands or butts. If you are clammoring that the Mac Pro is "overkill" then perhaps Apple isn't suited for your needs.

why do you assume their buisness model now will never change? i remember when people on these forumes thought the ipod was a stupid venture as well as the iphone. look how that has turned out
Apple chooses to be a minimalist company because time and time again things just seem to work better without clutter. Its just easier to keep fewer products on the table instead of a massive lake of computing options. I'll stick with the Mac Mini, the iMac, and the Mac Pro, versus the Mac Mini, The iMac, the Mac Pro and:
The xMac Lite
The xMac Lite Premium
The xMac Lite Premium Pro DV edition
The xMac Pro Lite
The xMac Pro Medium Lite Premium XSIv2923891
The xMac Pro Medium Lite Premium XVQv9018055

just no.

lol um ok. why do you think there will be 6 models of xmacs? i just want a desktop thats not as crazy as the mac pro. you dont see 6 mac pro computers do you?

i dont need a mb capable of godly amounts of ram upgradeability. but i would want ability to swap out graphics cards (like how the mac pro can) and be able to add more than one internal hard drive. cap it at 2 and not however many the mac pro can use. those are just some ideas how you could differentiate from it

i mean heck, the entry price for an imac is 1199. the mac pro entry price is 2799. quite the jump
There is nothing wrong with it.
All I'm hoping for is a current an updated Mini.

Ok, just say Apple does release a product between the iMac and Mac Pro...
- It won't be for a couple years
- The iMac would have to go down a couple hundred dollars
- The Mac Pro would have to go up a couple hundred dollars.
- And the high end iMac and standard Mac Pro's specs would have to be so far enough so there is actually room for another product in between.
There is nothing wrong with it.

Your opinion

All I'm hoping for is a current an updated Mini.

I'm eager for that to happen too
Ok, just say Apple does release a product between the iMac and Mac Pro...
- It won't be for a couple years
For all we know, they have one ready to be released at the next event. Could very well be the reason why they haven't been upgrading the mini
- The iMac would have to go down a couple hundred dollars
- The Mac Pro would have to go up a couple hundred dollars.

Why would the pricing structure have to change? Have it be 1499 or something
- And the high end iMac and standard Mac Pro's specs would have to be so far enough so there is actually room for another product in between.
They are already. Offer a quad core (say q6600 option) limited to 8 gigs of ram and 2 hard drive bays and a more limited motherboard than a macpro

I don't need a machine with 32+gigs of ram upgradability, or one that has 4 hard drive bays for example or even the motherboard capability for 8 cores

If apple were to make a machine like that, that would be the only mac id ever buy apart from a notebook
I'd love to see the mythical xMac. I don't think Apple will offer one anytime soon, for reasons that have been well stated.

But as long as we're hypothesizing about what it would look like...

Single, quad core processor. The cheapest Mac Pro with four cores would no longer be offered - all Pros would be eight core (or more, in the future...).

Two internal hard drive bays, a single internal superdrive, and one or two expansion slots. Essentially, exactly what the Mac Pro is, but cut in half.

And I think it would sell very, very well. The thing is, I think it would sell well to people that are already Apple customers. I don't think it would do well outside that core group, and (kind of perversely) Apple isn't interested in its current customers - they're interested in attracting new customers.
I'd love to see the mythical xMac. I don't think Apple will offer one anytime soon, for reasons that have been well stated.

But as long as we're hypothesizing about what it would look like...

Single, quad core processor. The cheapest Mac Pro with four cores would no longer be offered - all Pros would be eight core (or more, in the future...).

Two internal hard drive bays, a single internal superdrive, and one or two expansion slots. Essentially, exactly what the Mac Pro is, but cut in half.

And I think it would sell very, very well. The thing is, I think it would sell well to people that are already Apple customers. I don't think it would do well outside that core group, and (kind of perversely) Apple isn't interested in its current customers - they're interested in attracting new customers.

The same alum design of the pro would be good too.
I think Apple needs to realize that no one asked for a small-ass desktop computer. We want one that has the same price as the mini, but we can sacrifice size for half-decent specs!
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