This thread should have ended a long time ago... As amusing as it has been, out of the last few pages this is probably the only post remotely related to the original thread topic. And it seems we may all be in closer agreement than it might have appeared earlier.
Like cars, the Mac Pro (and nearly every other electronics product) has a planned upgrade schedule that is often on an annual basis. In the car world, it revolves around a rather artificial new model introduction schedule where new models arrive in September or October. Some manufacturers (like BMW) even do minor mid-model-year updates in March or April. For Macs, and any other Intel-based computer, the update frequency and timing depends primarily on Intel's CPU roadmap, which is more-or-less also on an annual cadence. And given the fairly significant improvement in every new CPU, computer manufacturers were foolish not to plan updates to their computers according to Intel's roadmap in order to stay competitive. Even as recent generations of CPU have had less significant improvements, computer manufacturers (including Apple) still plan updates to their computers around Intel's roadmap and launch new products when new Intel CPUs become available.
The question this thread poses... Will Apple defy this rather well established trend of updating computers with each new generation of Intel CPU and let their flagship computer fall behind the competition, or have they planned a refresh based on the latest Intel CPU, and it's just a matter of time now until we see it materialize?
Strangely, few have answered this question recently.