You say this as if a dual CPU machine couldn't also house multiple GPUs. And you also say it as if GPU computing is the be all end all answer. It's not and you know that.
i said it as it was written at face value.
i was responding to mta2 who said pros want 36core rack mounted etc and i'm seriously questioning if that's what pros really want.
asking the question again that no one has answered:
do you really think they want 36 core computers? what if they had a choice between a behemoth (relativiely) of a machine or something small and quiet and efficient that puts out vast amount more computational power than possible with 36 cpu cores.. or a hundred cpu cores even?
gpgpu isn't the endallbeall.. especially currently.
but cpu based computing certainly isn't the answer.. it's way too expensive.
slow software is exactly that.. slow software. insane amounts of computing power are sitting idle in the nmp (or other computers) when using legacy software..
the general software mantra to date has been "if you want our software to run faster, buy faster computers".. that was fine 20years ago when processors were getting noticeably faster while staying moreorless same price. now, processor speed isn't developing a quick and the cost for multiple cores has an exponential increase in cost.
if i want a renderer to run at optimized speed, i need 96cores.. ?? yeah, i need $100,000 worth of equipment.. the software is just fine and is optimized perfectly.. it's the hardware that's the problem??
and that gets at the gist of much of my issues with this particular forum.. so many people here talk about what pros need etc and only a handful of people who visit here are actually working pros.. only like 1 of the prominent naysayer voices are pros.. why can't people just be straight up honest about their computer usages? the conversations would be completely different then.. why can't MacVidCards admit "the nmp is way more computer than my needs dictate" instead of talking about this mythical pros out there and how apple has let them down?
the forum is a bunch of hobbyists who like running geekbench and getting nerdy about computer hardware.. that's fine. that's fun etc.. but if everybody could just admit what's going on then much of the 'what pros need.. what pros want' bs would disappear.
And it appears there are people who want these massive machines or I wouldn't be getting promotional emails for these sent to me all of the time:
Not to mention the other brands as well.
how many people buy those things? how many people here, if apple were to build the dream machine or whatever, would actually buy one? you're talking about $25,000 computers.. it's just stupid to think that's what pros want..
the computer isn't what's important.. the software is.. the computers are fine right now.. they're more powerful than necessary to get the job done. you want serious gains in computing speed? feed it better/more efficient algorithms.
apple knows way way more about how pros use their computers.. everybody loves to think apple is out of touch.. apple abandoned their pros.. an onandon..
if anybody knows exactly what resources in the computer are being used by the typical creative pro and how they use their computers, wouldn't apple know this info the most? it's their customers.. they receive tons of feedback both in conversation and via hardware analysis being sent to them..
it's borderline ludicrous to think 'apple abandoned their pros with this machine' and 'i know what's best for pros'.. if they abandoned their pros with the nmp, who did they make this machine for?
i get it that the answer will be ala 'for facebookers with more money than they know what to do with' etc but come on.. it's nearly impossible to imagine a scenario where apple engineers (or any computer engineers) would sit around the meeting going 'ok.. let's build an unusable computer, call it a pro machine, and sell it to rich people who will use it in the same way they'd use an ipad.. that's a great business plan"
You're right in that there's no room for a 2nd CPU. It's not happening and anyone waiting it out for Apple to go that route should abandon hope now. But you're still touting that "why not more" BS? As has been pointed out, 2 is kind of the magic number for a "desktop" solution and bang for your buck. But if we were to use your argument, why only 2 GPUs? 4 is surely better than 2, correct?
the point with using the 'why not more' example is that it's an avenue with no end in sight.. just keep building bigger and more expensive computers in order to increase speed? it's a dead end street and demanding that type of solution is pricing yourself out of more powerful computing.
i want affordable computing.. sub $6000.. with hundreds of times the power as what was available last decade..
not- expensive computing.. $20,000+ with twice the power as what was available last decade.
does that not make sense?