I said 3rd Gen because I expect my 1st Gen to last that without the need for an upgrade. I will only replace if it needs it.
I will probably get a competitors product. I don't think apple will ever allow flash and I didn't think I would miss it but I do. I also don't want to have to jailbreak for features that should be there to begin with.
Probably 3rd Gen as I expect retina display, real HD video and maybe Swype!
Not getting any new ipads unless the app store is sorted out... its a flaming deserted place... nothings going on... nothing new and exciting for the ipad...
Still love it for movie watching and browsing the net, but the app store has really disappointed me...
Not getting any new ipads unless the app store is sorted out... its a flaming deserted place... nothings going on... nothing new and exciting for the ipad...
Still love it for movie watching and browsing the net, but the app store has really disappointed me...