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Will you buy another iPad?

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I said 3rd Gen because I expect my 1st Gen to last that without the need for an upgrade. I will only replace if it needs it.
I voted for third gen. I don't expect the upgrades in the second gen to be anything I would need, but I think by the time the third gen comes out it'll be a large enough upgrade to make it worth it.

Then again, I could end up selling my first gen to pay for the second gen. Who knows?
I will probably get a competitors product. I don't think apple will ever allow flash and I didn't think I would miss it but I do. I also don't want to have to jailbreak for features that should be there to begin with.
Why is everyone so worried about the next iPad? Lol iPhone 4 just came out and already so many have set their eyes on iPhone 5....
I voted v2 because I know I can't wait... :p But, if v2 doesn't bring any major updates to the table I think I'll try to hold out 'til v3. My biggest problem is that I live in a country who hasn't got the release of the v1 yet, so it'll be hard for me to get whatever version I want...
Probably 3rd Gen as I expect retina display, real HD video and maybe Swype!

Swype?!?! I highly doubt this on the iP5 because Apple didn't adapt it in the fourth-generation... disregarding a competitor's technology as unnecessary.

Yet... on a tablet device?! This is even further doubtful. If you would have said voice recognition or Apple's own voice-to-text, that would have been much more likely.

Voted for 2nd gen. Going to be selling the iPad around January time before the conference starts and waiting for the April iPad (if all this happens again).

Already sold my 2nd gen iPod touch and am waiting for the fourth! :)
Whenever there is significant new display technology or iOS no longer supports the current model, whichever comes first.
I skipped a gen with iPod touch and expect I'll do so again with iPad. Which isn't to say I definitely won't be sorely tempted by the next gen iPad when it comes out... but I expect improvements to be incremental and probably not enough to tip the must-buy switch.
Let's put it this way, did everyone buy the first iPhone? Yes. Did everyone buy the second one? Yes. Did everyone buy the third one? Yes.

I could go on but you get the point, history repeats its self and this is just another example.

Oh and btw, when I say "everyone" I mean those people smart enough to upgrade with the times(aka majority).
I plan on upgrading every release. Sell older version, buy newer version. Don't really lose very much money. Here's why: I'll probably sell my iPad for about $150 less than what I bought it for. Generally, every release gets a storage bump and price reduction. The first iPod touch was $499 for a 32GB :)eek:), the following release was huge compared to the original, and the cost of a 32GB was $399. We haven't seen any price reductions in the latest generations cause it's already settled in. When it comes time to sell and upgrade my iPad, I'll probably break just about even.
Anyone waiting for gen.3 might as well wait, say, forever! Cuz you know, the technology will only get infinitely better!

The only time we have in our hands is NOW, fellas! And I am spending it by loving my iPad :D (in addition to loving all other lovable things :))
I'm happy with my iPad.

The reason I want to wait for the 3rd gen before getting a new one, is because of how Apple supports iOS products. I would also give my existing iPad to a family member too.

If the next one has the features I want, I really couldn't care less about Flash, and if I can get £300 or so for this iPad at the time, then I'd trade up to it.

Hopefully we'll see extensions in Mobile Safari so I can have google chat or whatever floating by the web as I surf. If that only works on the next gen iPad, it may be enough for me to trade up...
As a first generation ipad adaptor, I will consider switching till the 3 generation I'll wait 2 years and see what significant change their has been.
Going to pick up the v2 since I gave away my v1. Dreading the plane 7 hour plane ride back to school without the ipad, when I spent 92% of the time on the flight home playing on it.
Going for 3rd gen.
Quite satisfied with current iPad and I use iPad alot more than my laptop :)
Not getting any new ipads unless the app store is sorted out... its a flaming deserted place... nothings going on... nothing new and exciting for the ipad...

Still love it for movie watching and browsing the net, but the app store has really disappointed me...
Just got my iPad the other day. I tried to resist and wait for the 2nd gen, but I had a ton of gift cards burning a hole in my poclket.

I know I will probably get the 2nd gen when it eventually comes out...because that's how things always play out for me...
Not getting any new ipads unless the app store is sorted out... its a flaming deserted place... nothings going on... nothing new and exciting for the ipad...

Still love it for movie watching and browsing the net, but the app store has really disappointed me...

The App Store was just updated and given the "Genius" feature. Very useful for me.
Not getting any new ipads unless the app store is sorted out... its a flaming deserted place... nothings going on... nothing new and exciting for the ipad...

Still love it for movie watching and browsing the net, but the app store has really disappointed me...

Wish that were true - spent a bunch on apps so far. It's addicting.
After 160 votes, 94.4% of current iPad owners would buy another iPad on these forums. I know it's a very small sample size, but damn (we are in an iPad forum after all ;))
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