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Originally posted by beatle888
for everyone to say this is silly and pointless is raising a flag saying 'i have my head in the sand'

What are the non-silly and useful purposes of this feature, or the implications of the capabilities of this feature?

I guess it means they'll be able to steal Jaguar features come 2005, right? That's the only thing I see coming of it.
Originally posted by mmmdreg
well, courtesy of , here are two more, plus the first one for good measure :)
How on earth are the effects in the last two videos useful in any way whatsoever? Someone please explain what twirling windows and movies does for anyone (other than showboating)? I can see some kids sitting around eating Skittles and beef jerky saying "dude, look at how my GeForce 5 renders this sh*t in Longhorn!!!"

Truly ridiculous.:rolleyes:
Originally posted by pseudobrit
What are the non-silly and useful purposes of this feature, or the implications of the capabilities of this feature?

I guess it means they'll be able to steal Jaguar features come 2005, right? That's the only thing I see coming of it.

its called user interface, if you cant see the power then your...........never mind. but long horn doesnt seem to be crippling their system. osx, on its supported hardware would choke if it tried to do what ive seen in thouse long horn movies. this has nothing to do with copying a genie effect. its about the 3D layer thats being built into os's.

god, i shake my head when i read posts comparing this to anything in osx. sure apple was the first to make a window morph, but this is more about capability than an effect. this demonstration is about what the os is capable of.

and if you think that its a superfluous ability than your coming off as all those windows users that said the mac interface was silly and stupid..."all you need is DOS".

the mac platform cant push around pixels like that. we need more power if we want to stay afloat. oh and honestly, long horn "if stable" will be enough for any consumer, they wont be thinking osx a consumer osx is about icandy and stability. my friend is far from being a windowz power user, and she said that xp pro was easy to set up her printer and scanner and she loves it. so lets see. windowz users have:

1. ease of use (if using xp pro?hey if it was easy for my friend, believe me fellow mac users, xp pro has ease of use)
2. icandy (with long horn)
3. power that rivals any os (think crippling hardware on the mac platform)
Stability, i bet osx with still win here.

i just think these movies show sings of the tough time apple has ahead of them.
Thank you, beatle888. You're one of the few users in this thread speaking objectively.
For a community that is supposed to be about "thinking different" and being "open minded", it's pretty sad how ignorant many of you become the moment your eyes catch glimpse of a Windows desktop.

Ouch. I can feel the lashes I'm gonna get for this post already.
Where have you seen ease of use in windows? I have been using windows for half-decade and I will tell you whats easy. Using apple-software is easy and natural. using windows software is not easy, it's boring. Totally boring, and it never works the way you think it will. There is no red line through the windows, every app does everything it's own way. On the other hand, all apps in OSX are greatly integrated in the OS and work much better with each other.

I have switched from windows for a month or two ago, and I have not regret my choise for one single second. Every time I see windows and all the crap coming from it, I bless god that I now dont need to see it so often.

There is no quality feeling in windows what's so ever, nothing is 100% in it, except for notepad or calculator maybe. All OSX application I usually use feel much more nice and intuitive. The only application that bugs me by quiting all the time is Word... and why am I not surprised...

Anyway, back to topic, my point is that sure, this shows that longhorn will have more desktop-graphics power than before, just like apples QE. But I dont care about it much since I know that they wont manage to do anything good out of it... They will probably make Media Player Extreme and let it play movies however you want it, but that's not the problem with windows. The problem is that windows is still built by programmers where Apple lets creative people make decisions and uses programmers to fulfill designers' ideas. And I love Apple for it.

my 2 cents
/ filipp
good response, however my point is, a friend of mine that knows nothing about computers said XP PRO is easy to set up. shes not a power user. she writes papers and surfs the web yet she was able to set up her system and said that XP PRO makes her life easy and she loves it. SOOOOOoooooooooo to my point...a windowz XP PRO user that is totally satisfied. and she represents a huge part of the consumer market.
Well, FWIW, I was totaly satisfied with Win98 until I saw Mac OS 9, and after Win200 was totaly satisfied with that, until I saw OS X...its all reletive.

People watching good quality broadcast on thier TV antenna are perfectly satisified...that is until they are given cable box!! Then try to take it away from them, they immidiately start talking about what a pain it is to set up the antenna get a good signal etc....even though just a few days earlier they were praising about how they were perfectly satiisfied....:D
That's true, beatle. I was reflecting from my point of view, which is power user =)

For me it's impossible to accomplish anything in XP when using default settings, I cant even get to find my damn files, because this freaking dog jumps around all the time. I have to switch everything to "advanced" to get anything done, otherwise file sharing, control panel, searching etc are completely unusable...

A funny thing I found in XP is when you seach your files, there is an selectable option where you can specify your file's size. The options there are Small, Medium, Large and "I dont remember"!!! This is just too funny :p What a useful feature, "yes, I know the filesize and want to specify it... wait, I dont remember it, damnit!" hahahahaha

All in all, windows is probably good enough for majority where users dont know much about computing and dont reflect much about the OS itself. But I juspect that more and more power users with some selfesteem will switch to Apple's solutions instead of being "insulted" by windows.

And just to bitch a bit more, all eyeCandy in XP just makes me sick, this blue ugly theme is just too much. And I dont think it's gonna get any better in Longhorn...

and dont forget, Longhorn is not coming out until in 2 years, and I dont think Apple is just gonna sit and roll thumbs all this time.

/ filipp
i know, i dont understand microsoft. they have so much money. why cant they hire the best designers? well im glad they dont, it just makes osx look that much better. anyway, my friend was going on and on about how if she mouses over/or selects (i dont remember) a picture, she can see a preview of it off to the side and by the preview their are options like, do you want to print, email, open blah blah the file. she was tickled about that. i thought it was cool. she likes the way everything is fed to her. i believe this can be a huge advantage for windowz when it comes to the consumer market. supposedly long horn is being developed into an os that when you open a folder, depending on the item you have selected, the window presents task options...the look of the window is like a browser really. to me it would get in the way but for most consumers it holds your hand through the hole process. god i would hate that. i would be like, just give me the *********** picture damn it. anyway. i have faith in apple, but they need some of the microsoft market share to make it in the future, so apple needs to hurry cause eventually windowz will correct enough of their mistake to where consumers wont really care for an alternative.
Originally posted by beatle888
supposedly long horn is being developed into an os that when you open a folder, depending on the item you have selected, the window presents task options...the look of the window is like a browser really.

Windows XP has that now.
Hahahaha! That has got to be one of the most useless things I've seen in a while....unbelievable.

Why would they even want to have that?

think about how practical anything like that would be-you are watching a movie, talking to someone online, and surfing Macrumors;) and you decide to move the im window away from what you are doing, in the process it begins flopping around like a dead fish on the end of your mouse. This could be a hack for an OS considered SillyWare, ever see Gravite the OS 9 extension? Its funny but entirely useless. The genie effect looks cool but it doesn't mess up your work environment and it doesn't use 50% of your processor.

Edit: The last two movies show the most useless crap i have ever seen. What are you talking about it is amazing? It is exactly that Gravite extension I was talking about on a larger scale with better rendering. Does anyone care that you can have three copies of starwars spinning around on your desktop? And the destop of a super high end machine im sure (i wouldn't like to see what it would look like on a normal human's computer. Wow, look at my windows jumping around all nimbly bimbly on my desktop! How cool is that! Wow Yay I can't wait!:p Oh-wait! My movie just flew off my screen and got lost, better go find it!
Originally posted by edesignuk
How pointless is that feature? Why would you want your windows to wave around like crazy when you're moving them? Just daft, trying to out-do OS X eye-candy, but in a very pointless way.

Why would you want your windows to shrink like they do with the genie effect ? That's quite pointless as well.
Originally posted by beatle888
its called user interface, if you cant see the power then your...........never mind. but long horn doesnt seem to be crippling their system. osx, on its supported hardware would choke if it tried to do what ive seen in thouse long horn movies. this has nothing to do with copying a genie effect. its about the 3D layer thats being built into os's.

So they've got a powerful processor, so what? It's not the size, it's how you use it.

How does a "Wavy Browser Window," "Spinning Movies" and "Drunken Workstation Effect" show MS's innovation into creative, practical and elegant use of a 3D layer?
if they can do that then think what else they can do.

look - i develop in obj-c for osx.2 so i have an investment in osx (used to say i am mac biased)

that is a cool effect. WHO CARES IF IT IS USEFUL. how bout you turn on genie and shift-minimize .... that is so damn useless. BUT show it to someone and they think it is cool and want what ever let you do it.

That will make people want to get the next version of windows. I think they are showing that they can do cool stuff with movies too. Think how jobs showed us three or four QT windows whilst moving one around with no dropped frames? This is the same thing - no use, just showing off.

If it sells boxes - who cares? Welcome to muli-billion dollar business
Originally posted by benixau
that is a cool effect. WHO CARES IF IT IS USEFUL. how bout you turn on genie and shift-minimize .... that is so damn useless. BUT show it to someone and they think it is cool and want what ever let you do it.

I don't use genie effect. Regardless, it's still functional; you can see where the screen is running off to.

Think how jobs showed us three or four QT windows whilst moving one around with no dropped frames? This is the same thing - no use, just showing off.

Having more than one QT movie open and being able to move one around without dropping frames shows off the useful power of a Mac. Watching one QT movie is something we've all done. That a PowerMac can have four open and not drop the ball indicates the PM will not skip frames on video when you're multitasking.

It's demostrating a useful technology to show off the robustness of the hardware / rendering engine.

Contrast this to the MS demo, which is demonstrating useless technology to show off the robustness of the hardware / rendering engine.
Originally posted by frozenstar
Thank you, beatle888. You're one of the few users in this thread speaking objectively.
For a community that is supposed to be about "thinking different" and being "open minded", it's pretty sad how ignorant many of you become the moment your eyes catch glimpse of a Windows desktop.

Ouch. I can feel the lashes I'm gonna get for this post already.

Quite true, this should be seen as a demonstration of a technology, not a feature. (How well I remember all the oohs and ahhs when Be demonstrated the ability to run movies in a rotating cube, not that anyone would ever want to do such a thing). OTOH, knowing Microsoft, you can count on them to use this technology to create some useless or downright annoying feature, because, well, that's what they do best.
Originally posted by mmmdreg
well, courtesy of , here are two more, plus the first one for good measure :)
Notice that it's doing all that without drop shadows.

And if you want to see blatanr ripoffs, see the attached photo from PC World. Notice what appears to be Aqua-esque pinstripes in the Display Preferences window.


  • picture 1.jpg
    picture 1.jpg
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Ambitiouslemon, THANK YOU for putting those together to look at. The downloads were fast and amusing as all-get-out.

Look, I've always liked the Genie's simple, with just the right amount of "awe" and to the point. Click, it flies away to the dock. Go to the dock to go get it, it flies back up. That's the elegance and just the right amount of "oh neato" that I would expect from Apple...not to go over the top with The Flying Wallendas type of circus act I see in these Wronghorn demos.

It's typical...give 'em enough processor speed, and they'll use it up in useless crap. Give Apple enough processor speed, and it becomes subtle elegance. WHAT-ever. :rolleyes:
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