Originally posted by IJ Reilly
Quite true, this should be seen as a demonstration of a technology, not a feature. (How well I remember all the oohs and ahhs when Be demonstrated the ability to run movies in a rotating cube, not that anyone would ever want to do such a thing). OTOH, knowing Microsoft, you can count on them to use this technology to create some useless or downright annoying feature, because, well, that's what they do best.
I guess criticising the capablility of Long horn to make you dizzy with screen effects is no different to criticising a Renault doing a 320mph sprint down the straight at Brands Hatch. Like what's the frigging point, my Clio is never going to do that sort of speed. The point is it looks great and the humble Clio could get somewhere close if the Renault boys got their hands on it and applied what they knew!
Fortunately the MS boys seem to have to undergo a design front-end labotamy after coming up with a piece of technical wizadry.