I'd say it remains to be seen how accurate their results translate, but they really do test every bottle. I wouldn't mind that job!![]()
Yeah that doesn't sound too terrible.
I'd say it remains to be seen how accurate their results translate, but they really do test every bottle. I wouldn't mind that job!![]()
The casserole (stew) I prepared yesterday (with some robust Trappist beer), described a few posts back, turned out to be delicious.
Tonight, I am sampling yet another superb export from Belgium: A lovely ale which goes by the name of 'St Bernardus Abt 12'; also, quite delicious.
I'd say it remains to be seen how accurate their results translate, but they really do test every bottle. I wouldn't mind that job!![]()
Well I signed up with a throw-away email address and entered in quite a lot of ratings. So far I'm not too impressed.
1) I can only rate things between one and four stars. How utterly ridiculous, my preferences are a bit finer than that. I wonder how they handle missing data, because the fact that I haven't tried something like Barefoot Pink Muscato is actually highly informative. (And it certainly doesn't deserve even a single star.)
2) Thier database seems very thin. They only reliably have wine from the extremely large production, widely distributed, industrial wine makers (IMHO it's mostly garbage). They didn't find Russian River Brewing Company's Blind Pig IPA.
3) They reliably suggest craft beers to me over something like Smirnoff Ice or Budweiser Platinum. Not a high achievement.
Meh, maybe I came into it with bias and maybe that is shaping my experience. But seriously only one to four stars!?
I've had some success and some failures at this point, too. I'm still trying to keep in mind that is a Beta product.
The 4 stars doesn't bother me so much, but I could see where an "out of 10" may be a more accurate indicator
I believe the database is slim because their Beer Census is still on the road. I don't think they have the full range that they will have soon. This was one of my issues. I was scanning a beer at the supermarket and it wasn't recognized. It was one I felt should have been in there, too, so that's where my assumption that the full list isn't available. I was also browsing the recommendations and the list was small. From what I've seen of the numbers of beers they've been testing, this just can't be the full extent of the database.
I think the verdicts still out for them and as I am optimistic, I'll hold out to the full version to give a final judgement.
One of the other issues I had at a restaurant was being unable to scan in a dark environment. I felt there was enough light to get a a good visual, but the app wouldn't return a result. Also, when you move the beer away, the info disappears. Kinda annoying and awkward when using my 6+ and trying to review the beer info with one hand.
I dunno. I'm keeping my fingers crossed some of these kinks worked out. I did use in the grocery to identify a beer I'd never tried and only got it because of its high score. I ended up really liking it, but don't think I would've tried it without the app. We'll see I guess..
I do appreciate you guys giving it a try. I've passed them along some feedback and will continue to do so.![]()
somebody say beer?
one in bedroom as ran out of space lol
some growlers
more growlers
just had this Bad Boy
Yes, I think I would pretty much agree with you on the sort of tone taken by much modern marketing. Indeed, their hyperbolic claims fail to move me, and I concur completely on the whole mentality which loudly proclaims that something is 'only available for 24 hours'. My default position on such silly deadlines is to wait until that time passes and then see what happens - which is usually another shrill announcement with a fresh deadline.
However, back on actual topic; it is lashing rain here, a dirty, dark, miserable November day, the sort where the lights are on for most of the day, and I seem to be incubating some sort of cold, along with a nasty sore throat. This evening - (well, late afternoon), I made a stew; it is simmering away slowly as I write.
Anyway, in a copper casserole, I put browned organic beef mince, pancetta, and chorizo sausage, along with garlic (which was counted in heads, - three small ones seemed to suffice - not cloves), lots of smoked paprika, several lightly sautéed chopped onions, carrots, celery, a parsnip, cannelloni beans, tomatoes, beef stock and a bottle of serious Trappist beer .
I've had some success and some failures at this point, too. I'm still trying to keep in mind that is a Beta product.
The 4 stars doesn't bother me so much, but I could see where an "out of 10" may be a more accurate indicator
I believe the database is slim because their Beer Census is still on the road. I don't think they have the full range that they will have soon. This was one of my issues. I was scanning a beer at the supermarket and it wasn't recognized. It was one I felt should have been in there, too, so that's where my assumption that the full list isn't available. I was also browsing the recommendations and the list was small. From what I've seen of the numbers of beers they've been testing, this just can't be the full extent of the database.
I think the verdicts still out for them and as I am optimistic, I'll hold out to the full version to give a final judgement.
One of the other issues I had at a restaurant was being unable to scan in a dark environment. I felt there was enough light to get a a good visual, but the app wouldn't return a result. Also, when you move the beer away, the info disappears. Kinda annoying and awkward when using my 6+ and trying to review the beer info with one hand.
I dunno. I'm keeping my fingers crossed some of these kinks worked out. I did use in the grocery to identify a beer I'd never tried and only got it because of its high score. I ended up really liking it, but don't think I would've tried it without the app. We'll see I guess..
I do appreciate you guys giving it a try. I've passed them along some feedback and will continue to do so.![]()
First off a great collection.
But for storing beer I prefer a stone cellar, like nature intended, call me old school.
I could not agree more about the combination of good/fine food and beer. I some times take a meal in one of the small brown cafes in the city, which always includes a glass of liquid heaven.
Golden rule dark beer dark for dark days, clear beer for clear days.
An App that can tell me what I would/should like, I have had three wives, two daughters, and now granddaughters that already do/did that.
Stone Cellar would be cool, but I live on the water. Unless you have $$$$$$$$$$$$$ and build some crazy house from scratch, you'll never seen anything like that in South FL lol. Buddy has a nice wine cellar, but spent over 4mm building that house, way outta my budget lol
Being from the Midwest, houses are "younger" than other areas of the U.S. A buddy in Boston just bought a house and the whole basement was field stone. There's even a little cove that can easily be converted to cellar. Very jealous.
I'm literally on the water, maybe convert part of my dock into an outdoor mancave/cellarIn case you hadn't noticed I live in the Netherlands, we built a whole country of 16,000,000 people under sea level.
A house with a cellar that's child's play.![]()
I'm literally on the water, maybe convert part of my dock into an outdoor mancave/cellarlol , no basements here though would be awesome if we could. Our water table is too close to the soil, if you could build one, it would quickly become an indoor pool in the summer lol.
Thanks, actually renting this house as we're looking to buy in here next year or so and two neighbors may be selling theirs and we want to stay on our awesome street. Need a bigger house and at least 3 bed rooms, this is only a 2/2 old school South FL home but has a huge FL/Bar room that can be opened up so with our nice weather right now working from home and have all the windows open and breeze flowing in with that salt water air. Quite a few of our neighbors love craft beer and we have growler parties.Colour me envious.
Beautiful pool you have there, but given the weather that we have here it would be a waste to build it here.
But back to topic how do you purchase you beers, by the internet, or local suppliers.
I have said before the the US craft brewers rule when it comes to IPA. IMO this is because they have had no tradition to hold them back, they have been able to really innovate.
Imperial Russian Stout, do you have any favourites that you can recommend?
Sorry. World wide stout. The second picture surfer posted.
In case you hadn't noticed I live in the Netherlands, we built a whole country of 16,000,000 people under sea level.
A house with a cellar that's child's play.![]()
The house where I live was built for my family in 1793, it took the place of another house that was built in 1725.
That bottle was aged for 3 years, was insanely good. I think most of those high abv complex beers def vary, DFH 120 is really good sometimes and then other times just too sweet like if it were just syrup mixed with booze lol. WWS at least always has that heavy yummy stout feel to it.Wws is real good. But I have found that it varies greatly from bottle too bottle.
I love Russian Imperial Stouts, some of my faves: Old Rasputin, Oak Aged Yet Imperial from Great Divide, Wake Up Dead Nitro from Lefthand, and I'm sure quite a few others I'm forgetting off hand as we've had a ton as wife and I love Imperial Stouts. Check this list and see if this helps: http://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/style/84/
had this other night:
But this is pry my all time fave beer, just an incredibly complex flavor wallop. Liked this way way better then Dogfish Head 120. Just as hard to get ahold of though. This one was aged for 3 years, abv always varies by batch but usually around 18%-20%
The online shorthand for something which triggered a shout of laughter, or of bursting out laughing has to be employed here. (But I don't much care for these lazy acronyms….) Very, very good...![]()
I love old houses - and spent the first few years of my life on the top story of a city centre eighteenth century house (where my parents had a flat at the time) which has left me with a life long preference for city centre urban living and antique houses……post a picture if you have one daily to hand…..
I have noted your recommendations for Russian Imperial Stout.
I am very interested in World Wide Stout, the Dogfish head brewery were the first to get noticed this side of the water.
The house sits in it's own grounds, just off the city's park. Behind the house is a lake.
Yes the house is very beautiful. 32 rooms, 4 cellars 4 garages these are behind the house right in photo.Wow. Thank you for posting this lovely picture.
My grateful thanks - that looks gorgeous. I had pictured one of those narrow red-bricked (canal side style) houses with tall windows and with steep gables when you wrote about it. That is a truly beautiful building - I am impressed and envious, and it is wonderful that it has been in your family for so long.
As I mentioned earlier, I love old houses, and that specific style of Flemish/Dutch urban living owed a lot to the need to capture (and attract) some natural light in the bleak, dark, overcast, dull days of winter, when we do suffer from light deprivation.
This recognition of, preference for, and treatment of 'normal' (rather then 'epic') people, settings and stories, along with the way light is captured and portrayed (and isn't photography sometimes described as 'painting with light'?) is what I find extraordinarily attractive about the art from the Low Countries. And the same with the city landscapes, and architecture…….anyway, a lovely house; you must derive great pleasure and satisfaction from living a life in such an elegant setting.