Having Italian for thanksgiving.
In the days when we served turkey at Christmas, it was always something of a challenge to find a perfectly matching wine.
I know you don’t get American wines there, but the Trefethen Sauv Blanc is a perfect turkey wine. However, my dad and my wife much prefer red.
Was able to snag a few Goose Island Bourbon County Stouts this year. Still haven't been able to track down the very elusive Red Label Coffee version. Maybe next year.
I have tried two Armenian beers, a bottle of Kotayk and I can't remember the name of the second one. They were just ok in my book, however I am always open to trying new beers! Just added this one to my list!
Had a Tangerine Wheat beer from Lost Coast Brewery. It was actually pretty good! I also had a beer called "Day Beer Lager". This was pretty much on par with what you would think it would be. This is right up there with Olympia and others. Speaking of Olympia beer, I actually had one this weekend and yup, it is is still pretty darn bad! Went to a retro bar and they had a bunch of 70-80's beer in the can. Shlitz, PBR, Olympia, Coors, and a few others that I can't remember. I am soooo glad we have more choices in beer now!
I had actually forgotten the name of the other Armenian beer I tried—that was it! Yeah, they weren't the greatest beers I have had, but I appreciated the mellow and refreshing taste. It was nice to sit down at any restaurant and grab a pint of 1-dollar Kilikia.
A crate of beer - mostly Founders CBS - has just been delivered this morning. Yum.