Hit up Lagunitas new brewery in Chitown other day. Shames pretty much any other craft brewery, the size is just plain ridiculous at over 300k sqft. their putting in an Amphitheater, dog care, dog park on the roof etc. Nevermind their beers are great and always have liked them, they also do really limited small barrel releases, 1 little batch of whatever and its never made again, other day they had a passion fruit version of their all day ipa, I hate fruit beers and this was incredible and refreshing and was also unique with the low carbonation as they let the fruit do the carb'ing. Food great, breads etc are excellent as their made from their spent grains and yeast. The brewery tour, was hands down the best, all the employees were awesome and right when we walked in and went to the taproom bar an employee sat next to us and bought us drinks w/o even knowing us.
So they have 40 massive fermentors setup, and have another 80 incoming. This is the old Cinespace stuido space, funny store so when Cinespace acquired it they kinda forget or didn't take into account the train tracks right next door so ended up they couldn't really do filming the way they wanted b/c of vibrations, so the space was primarily used for explosions, name a movie with action explosions and it was pry done here. They said it was funny when they moved in, Optimums Prime was sitting in the parking lot from filming lol.
If you around Chitown, you must check it out. Funny story too, the only reason they make a Pilsner, actually a good one as its the only Pilsner I like, is b/c all their equipment is custom made in Germany and all their Engineers are German, so when they come over to install and work on equipment.... its the only beer they'll drink as they don't want the crazy American craft beers lol.
Here's only a small section of massive fermenters, there's 40 of these right now, and their installing another 80 in front of these.