I am glad you enjoyed it. It is a very different beer. So I could see some people not liking it.
Pliney is actually considered one of the best imperial IPAs in the world. Along with its dry hopped brother pliney the younger.
Blushing is a great beer. If you like fruit beers (huge raspberry flavor) with some sourness. I remember it being a tad Better in 2011. Not sure if it was because the bottle I had was aged or my palate is just different 4 years later.
In honor of my dark lord day tickets arriving and my birthday, I decided to have three floyds for dinner. My favorite brewery. And just 2 miles away.
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Lamb and currant meatballs. Popcorn with tobasco powder.
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Smoked short rib burger
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Tempura chicken sandwich with a fried egg.
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All washed down with world class beer. Namely Zombie dust and Cimmerian sabortooth beserker.