On the topic of Founder's, I am sipping a glass of Old Curmudgeon. A consistently reliable and excellent beer.
And another classic - a seasonal but stunning classic - from the Founder's stable. Tonight, I am sipping a bottle (glass, actually) of the legendary KBS - Kentucky Breakfast Stout from Founder's. Sublime. Superb.
Did I ever tell you, I dislike you,,,, especially right now! LOL... I am so jealous, this is one of the beers that I have read about, dreamed about, and am really excited to try! Now if I can just get my hands on a bottle, or two,,,,,, or three!
Yes, what is it that they say? Let the haters hate……
Re the beer, it was given a score of 100 on Rate My Beer.
I got a tip-off, earlier in the summer, from the young manager of the off-licence - from whom I buy quite a lot of stuff. he knows that I love the Belgian 'quads' (i.e. rich, highly alcoholic, sweet, heavy porter style beers) that two crates of this beer had come in. He stressed how brilliant it was.
The price was outrageous, so I bought one bottle and drank it that evening. (This was in case I disliked it: I haven't liked everything produced by Founder's, though some of their stuff is undoubtedly excellent).
I was bowled over - this is a superlative beer. The following day, phone calls were made (and credit cards hauled out from hiding places). Basically, I bought most of the contents of one of the crates. I have four bottle left, and doubt that I will manage to lay hands on any more of the rest of the year; supplies to places such as the British Isles are rather limited.
However, it is a superlative beer; rich, robustly alcoholic (11.2% ABV), sweet, (but not cloying) exquisitely balanced, full, loamy, depth and flavour on the palate, this is a slow sipping beer, easy drinking stuff, one to be savoured while sipping. (And don't dare serve it in a pint glass; try to serve it in something a bit more elegant).
Just reading this made my mouth water! I cannot wait!!! I agree with Quad's, one of my favorite style of beers to sip and drink........
Has anyone noticed a change in blue moon lately that drinks it.
So I've been saving one from each 4/6 pack of pumpkin beer, and plan on a tasting extravaganza at the end of the month
Picked up our first Weyerbacher Imperial Pumpkin of the season:
View attachment 589122
So I've been saving one from each 4/6 pack of pumpkin beer, and plan on a tasting extravaganza at the end of the month
Picked up our first Weyerbacher Imperial Pumpkin of the season:
View attachment 589122
SS - what's with Hill Valley? Is it a reference to Back to the Future or a twist on the actual name of the city Mill Valley?
So more concisely, I should look at your avatar. Thanks, got it.
I went to Stone Brewery's Pour It Black beer festival. Oh my! I will post all the brews that I was able to sample. Man, what a great day!!!!!
I had opened a bottle of (red) Chateauneuf-du-Pape to accompany a dinner of organic filet steak, Gratin Dauphinoise, and mixed greens, and finished off the bottle over the course of the night. Voluptuous, rich, balanced, and quite sublime, this is an excellent - nay outstanding - drinking wine.
My all time favorite, that is a good way to spend the evening.