I think I'll just your preferences first, thanks for the reply!
No; forget my preferences, trust your own, or try your own.
My preferences are quite specific, and, unfortunately, very pronounced.
For example, I also like - actually love - anchovies - I am perfectly capable of devouring a small tin of Ortiz salted anchovies in one sitting; and I adore cheeses, the richer, and more aromatically pungent, the better: Thus, I love aromatic Epoisses, and rich creamy Camembert, amazing Munster, and serious Gorgonzola or Bleu d'Auvergne. Then, again, I absolutely detest ice-cream, and milk chocolate.
So, my point is that taste is such a personal and subjective thing; my advice would be to try champagne, and if you dislike it - or find that you don't like it, you don't have to touch it again, but you will know that you dislike it.