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GFLPraxis said:
Because Apple is good and supports their software (QuickTime) on both OSes, and Microsoft are jerks and only supports it on theirs.

okey, thanks guys, but I am still not sure if I should stay with apple or get pc because for me it is very important to play all videos , do you know return policy on apple store? also, does anybody of you have windows installed? is it working fine? slower or faster than on pc? what about video card on macbook black? good for games? thanks
Are one of your videos from the internet somewhere? If so, post the link and I can try to get it working.
pahanorlando said:
okey, thanks a lot kainjow, I'll do it tonight

hey, I found video about 60mb, I tried to upload it to filelodge, but for some reason its not working on apple, is there any other web sites?
pahanorlando said:
hey, I found video about 60mb, I tried to upload it to filelodge, but for some reason its not working on apple, is there any other web sites?

Link for the 60 mb video?
pahanorlando said:
okey, thanks, I'll change my mac today, thats weird on mine it says cannot play the movie, eventhough I have flipflop

If it's a plain old .mpg file you don't need Flip4Mac. Quicktime should (and from other posts in the thread I've read, does) play it without any trouble.

Flip4Mac allows playback of most, but not all, Windows Media. It can't play the ones Microsoft won't let us play though.
If you still have access to pc could you not convert the files to a standard format or is wmv3 encrypted?

Honestly in 2-3 years on a Mac I have never found a video I haven't been able to play after installing the major codecs (divx, xvid, flip4mac), well that and vlc. Although I am on dial-up so that does somewhat hinder my interest in watching videos online.
actually they recommended me to return it for some reason so I did
and plus
1. very quiet sound in macbook, and don't disagree with me, it is extremely very quiet
2. basicly no games
3. basicly no software
4. video reading problems (or it was only in my macbook)
5. no usb on right side (bad if you have wired mouse)
6. bad material on case (always leaves fingerprints on it)
7. very slow (i think it was only mine that slow)
8. mac commercials are very stupid, they say like windows not fun at all, when its bs, mac is boring because there are not much software and games
pahanorlando said:
actually they recommended me to return it for some reason so I did
and plus
1. very quiet sound in macbook, and don't disagree with me, it is extremely very quiet
2. basicly no games
3. basicly no software
4. video reading problems (or it was only in my macbook)
5. no usb on right side (bad if you have wired mouse)
6. bad material on case (always leaves fingerprints on it)
7. very slow (i think it was only mine that slow)
8. mac commercials are very stupid, they say like windows not fun at all, when its bs, mac is boring because there are not much software and games

So you did basically no research before spending your money?
pahanorlando said:
actually they recommended me to return it for some reason so I did
and plus
1. very quiet sound in macbook, and don't disagree with me, it is extremely very quiet
2. basicly no games
3. basicly no software
4. video reading problems (or it was only in my macbook)
5. no usb on right side (bad if you have wired mouse)
6. bad material on case (always leaves fingerprints on it)
7. very slow (i think it was only mine that slow)
8. mac commercials are very stupid, they say like windows not fun at all, when its bs, mac is boring because there are not much software and games

way to be...

pahanorlando said:
okey, thanks, I'll change my mac today, thats weird on mine it says cannot play the movie, eventhough I have flipflop

since we all could open this file just fine, and this person isn't even putting in enough effort to remember the name of the software we just told him to download, i would guess this is a troll

wasteland perhaps?
dpaanlka said:
since we all could open this file just fine, and this person isn't even putting in enough effort to remember the name of the software we just told him to download, i would guess this is a troll

wasteland perhaps?

Agreed. Troll here to waste people's time.
VLC recent nightly version can play wmv v3 (not ver 0.8.5!!), as long as your wmvs are not DRM protected. DRM protected wmvs can only be played in windows.
Too silly! And what a waste of time! An MPEG file not playing? That's one of the most basic file formats. Most computers will play that.

As far as Macs not playing videos—I am starting out making videos, and I'm finding that it's so often the Windows users who are bleating about how they "can't play this." It's because they think everything should open automatically in Windows Media Player, and when it doesn't, they're lost. (Oh my, I witnessed such difficulties experienced by Windows users who were trying to play video from . . .. don't get me started. Poor souls!)

In my experience most of the troubles with not being able to play video files is either ignorance or lack of initiative on the part of the user. (They won't download and install the proper codecs, or can't seem to figure out how to do it.) Sure, once in a while some video file won't play correctly no matter what efforts are made. But most of the time its user error/ignorance.

But never mind that. I know this thread was basically a waste of time.
In case it isn't entirely clear from this thread, you can play wmv3 (aka Windows Media 9) on your Mac.

For both Intel and PPC-based Macs there is the current universal version of Flip4Mac, which will enables you to play wmv3 (and a host of other wmv formats) with Quicktime.

For PPC-based Macs there is Microsoft's Windows Media Player 9 for the Mac, which also plays wmv3. There are reports that it also works just fine in Rosetta for Intel Mac users. Microsoft has discontinued further development of the Mac client, however it is still available for download at Microsoft's site. My guess is that it will be until Flip4Mac irons out all of the bugs, particularly with website compatibility.

VLC presently can handle some wmv formats, but not wmv3. As has been posted, wmv3 compatibility is currently under development and is expected to be included with the next public release of VLC. Since VLC is presently universal, that means Intel users will have 2 choices shortly for playing wmv3-based clips natively and 1 choice under Rosetta. PPC users get to kiss their G3's 4's and 5's because they will have native versions for all three Windows media choices.

None of the above includes support for any protected, DRM'd, Windows-Media-Anything. Microsoft, in it's infinite lack of wisdom, has so far not seen fit to offer compatibility for that on anything but Windows.
VanNess said:
For PPC-based Macs there is Microsoft's Windows Media Player 9 for the Mac

Nobody should ever recommend a user installs Windows Media Player for Macintosh under any circumstances.
dpaanlka said:
way to be...

since we all could open this file just fine, and this person isn't even putting in enough effort to remember the name of the software we just told him to download, i would guess this is a troll

wasteland perhaps?

you didn't told me to download any software, which software?
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