elvirav said:Too silly! And what a waste of time! An MPEG file not playing? That's one of the most basic file formats. Most computers will play that.
As far as Macs not playing videosI am starting out making videos, and I'm finding that it's so often the Windows users who are bleating about how they "can't play this." It's because they think everything should open automatically in Windows Media Player, and when it doesn't, they're lost. (Oh my, I witnessed such difficulties experienced by Windows users who were trying to play video from DivX.com . . .. don't get me started. Poor souls!)
In my experience most of the troubles with not being able to play video files is either ignorance or lack of initiative on the part of the user. (They won't download and install the proper codecs, or can't seem to figure out how to do it.) Sure, once in a while some video file won't play correctly no matter what efforts are made. But most of the time its user error/ignorance.
But never mind that. I know this thread was basically a waste of time.
I downloaded and installed everything I could, and people on this post said that the file can be played on quicktime without any additions, it didn't play on mine