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Does anyone in the UK know whether BBC/ITV's live coverage online will run on the iPad? I am pretty sure BBC uses Adobe Flash 9 - Can anyone help?
Are you asking the op what this is or suggesting it? The OP orginally said "Without using either Slingbox/EyeTV or something similar."

Sorry walkingcity, I responded to the wrong post.

Wish I had an answer for you. I may not be a rabid fan, I would certainly like to watch some of the bigger matchups.

Besides, I am so torn over who to cheer for.

I'm American so I cheer the US?
I am from German/Scot/Irish decent so,,,,, forget that, to confusing.
Lived in England for a number of years following football and have a soft spot in my heart for England National Team, so cheer for England?
Married to a Latina, so I cheer for a Latino team?

Nevermind, the world cup is giving me a headache. :D

You're American, so you are stuck cheering USA for as long as they are in the tournament.

My theory is, if you would qualify to play for a national team, that is the team you should cheer on.

For Instance, I was born in England to English parents with American/English/Irish descent (maternal grandfather's sperm donor was a GI during WW2), paternal great grandfather was Irish. But, FIFA rules mean that I could only play for England. Unless I move abroad, stay for 3 to 5 years and become a citizen.

So I'll be cheering for England until they get knocked out. At which point, I'll be cheering for anyone playing against Argentina, Germany, France or Portugal.
Singed up for blackvpn usedd persons code .
Thanks now I can watch the games on my beautiful iPad screen.

Here is my blackvpn referral code JQUYXHP

For anyone new signing up you get two free months using the code
Signed up with BlackVpn and tvcatchup and the vpn service works fine but tvcatchup has blocked all VPN services from accessing their channels. I have tried a variety of channels and my ip shows me as being in the UK. It looks like tvcatchup is no longer an option. , its free. Works well.

Hmmm... mine is locking up. I watched for a few quick seconds last night and it was fine. I just didn't watch long enough. It takes about 20secs to start from pushing the "play" icon which I expect and figure is buffering. But then, about 30seconds into the video, it freezes. All channels I've tried. All the same action (freezing). Either wifi at home with great speeds, or on 3G.

Uh oh.

Someone with an iphone downloaded mobiTV from ESPN which is supposed to stream them, but my iPad's app doesn't see it. With a link to the app in app store, the app store throws an error.

I thought I was set. Not so much. I did purchase TVU and will see if I can watch on that.

I signed up and paid but tvcatchup will not let me sign up for an account. It says can not connect to API. Why is this so hard.
Not that this matters right now since TVcatchup isn't working for you guys. But I've got an ignorant question...

So I signed up for the BlackVPN account on the UK server and got that working, then I go to and try to sign up to watch the game and a message pops up saying "Unfortunately, your country is not currently supported".

Is there anything different that I'm suppose to be doing to sign up? Does being on 3G have something to do with it?
Not that this matters right now since TVcatchup isn't working for you guys. But I've got an ignorant question...

So I signed up for the BlackVPN account on the UK server and got that working, then I go to and try to sign up to watch the game and a message pops up saying "Unfortunately, your country is not currently supported".

Is there anything different that I'm suppose to be doing to sign up? Does being on 3G have something to do with it?
Signing up worked just fine for me yesterday. I got the blackVPN account and that went smoothly. I configured the ipad according to the blackVPN ipad docs. Turned on the VPN in the ipad. Then went to and signed up. The VPN has to be on even if you want to sign up I believe.

EDIT: Just FYI-TVU is working for me. Quality is... hmmm... well... not HD :) But it is streaming the game. It was $4 or $5 at app store.

Not that this matters right now since TVcatchup isn't working for you guys. But I've got an ignorant question...

So I signed up for the BlackVPN account on the UK server and got that working, then I go to and try to sign up to watch the game and a message pops up saying "Unfortunately, your country is not currently supported".

Is there anything different that I'm suppose to be doing to sign up? Does being on 3G have something to do with it?

Are you sure that your server in the VPN settings is pointing to the address and not the one
Fortunately in my office there are flatscreen TVs on most walls. Usually they're showing various IT-related environmental statistics, but they've got the WC on now... :)

No sound, but I'm streaming BBC 5 Live using the excellent Fstream iPhone app. :cool:
Bleh signed up for blackvpn... But it seems tvcatchup just blocked all vpns, I get "your provider uk2 ltd isn't authorized" :/
Edit: doesn't appear that way to me.

is there another source someone can recommend? cos this is starting to blow.

Was all working for me tonight finally. Hopefully will be the same moving forward.

No 20sec wait to start up. No freezing after 20 seconds. Good quality. Maybe they fixed it all. Hoping anyway.

Edit: yep, working like a champ. Blackvpn plus tvcatchup. Was watching isle of wight concert. finally happy with this setup. Tvu was mediocre second choice.

Blackvpn code of KENRQXB gets you 2 months free--order 3 and it only cost €5.
Video quality was good for me on a slow connection.
I liked the quality of the video.

This thread also helped me beyond my iPad since I do not have a tv.
Now I can watch the games on my computer.

Can you/anyone please provide some feedback about the quality of the video? I will buy an ipad tomorrow just to be able to watch the games at work :)

It's not HD. And it hits some lag every now and then (so does my cable at home for that matter). But very, very watchable for me... And I like nice video. You can follow the ball easily.

I am very happy with it so far. But I don't think it's a tv replacement. But I lie my tv in HD.
Blackpvn servers are too slow

Thanks for the code. Worked like a champ. Hope you got your free month. This is perfect for world cup. Sign up for three months and it will only charge for one with the code.

They have a nice instruction area for iPad users.

I followed all the instructions and setup my iPad to connect to the uk servers for blackpvn and logged on to tvcatchup. Unfortunately, the connection speed is very slow and the video freeze which makes the service useless for me. I am using an iPad in the USA connected through my home wifi to the Internet.
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