Snow Leopard is still more than a year off, and they are advertising it as essentially a glorified maintenance release -- which may be good, or may be bad, I don't really know. I suppose some of us are looking for signs that Apple is leaving the Mac behind in favor of iPods and iPhones. Personally, I don't see it. I see a company with a far more diverse product line and a much more sophisticated strategy they've had in the past, when it was all about the Mac. I think the mobile strategy isn't entirely about handheld devices, to the exclusion of computers. It's about unifying computing from the hand to the desktop. So far they are succeeding in ways which have eluded Microsoft for years. Apple is in the process of outmaneuvering Microsoft instead of battling them head-on. Read between the lines. I believe this is far more important than asking "why didn't Steve talk more about the Mac?"