Total number of votes:
iOS 1-6 = 23
iOS 7-11 = 114
I can’t say I’m surprised. And people say I just have “rose tinted glasses” when I dare bring up that iOS was far better from 1-6 in terms of UI, stability and fluidity. It naturally loses out in terms of features but of course we have more now. It speaks volumes doesn’t it when everyone just wants a stability-focused release with iOS 12 to fix the mess, which hopefully Apple gives us and actually delivers because by god does it need it.
Edit: I voted for iOS 7, was going to vote for 11 but 7 was the start of the issues which has snowballed ever since to where we are now with a design which I still think is terrible, despite the constant “mini redesigns” they’ve done. They got the UI right on day one with only tweaks to the icons and dock etc and all they’ve done from iOS 7 to now is make it worse, throwing away all the hard work of the previous 6 iterations.
If I had to pick a favourite of this flat era though (which I can only hope ends soon), I’d say iOS 9 looked and functioned pretty well, especially the Music App and App Store which actually added colour with some personality depending on the app or artist you selected, not plain blinding white with big ugly bold headers taking up screen space. The notifications were also more bareable and not as much of an eyesore like they are now. 10.3.3 is a close second as I immediately noticed how crap iOS 11 was in comparison after updating.
They still don’t hold a candle to iOS 4, 5 and 6. They were the golden years of iOS and will always have a special place in my heart. Funny isn’t it how they improved with every version from 1 to 6 and how it’s been an inconsistent mess ever since 7. It’s almost as if they had a software guy who actually knew what the heck he was doing back then rather than a hardware guy who has no clue about software.