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Really, not one mention of Plex? And it doesn't even require jailbreaking on iDevices! There's also an unofficial build for jailbroken ATV2.

The latest re-architected version (.9) is really nice in that you define your library on one computer and then all devices connect to it, giving the benefit of one-time configuration, shared "watched" indicators, and the ability to start on one device and continue on another. I see XBMC is touting the fact that it's not a thin client and there's no transcoding - which is a good point - but it's a trade off that you'll want to look into.

The Plex iOS app was also designed from the ground up as a touch app, unlike XBMC being ported directly over, at least for now. Looking at that page I'm not sure how it's controlled.

Yay competition! :D
Really, not one mention of Plex? And it doesn't even require jailbreaking on iDevices! There's also an unofficial build for jailbroken ATV2.

Um, AFAIK the Plex iOS app is only a control module for Plex on a Mac. Also, it's not free. (No beef with Plex; it's awesome. I was the first person to give elan beer money.)

Of course, the summary on this news article is so bad, I don't even know what "ZOMG XMBC on iOS!" means. Does it mean they authored controller apps for desktop XMBC? Or did they actually port over the full XMBC release?

Also also, given the license minefield of the iOS App Store (and what happened to the VLC app), if XMBC was actually ported to iOS, I'd be surprised if all the open source licenses are kosher with the App Store policies.
Couple questions:

Can XBMC play Video_TS folders? (I really do not want to transcode all my DVDs)

Can I move all my media library (music/videos/photos) to a hard drive, hook up to Airport Extreme base station via USB and XBMC read out of that drive? (I want to get away from my Mac being on at all times to watch something)

Thanks for any feedback.

Yes! (to the first question)
I don't know about the second question, though.

If you want to be doubly certain, just download the XBMC application for your mac from, and have a look before diving in!

Um, AFAIK the Plex iOS app is only a control module for Plex on a Mac. Also, it's not free. (No beef with Plex; it's awesome. I was the first person to give elan beer money.)

Of course, the summary on this news article is so bad, I don't even know what "ZOMG XMBC on iOS!" means. Does it mean they authored controller apps for desktop XMBC? Or did they actually port over the full XMBC release?

Also also, given the license minefield of the iOS App Store (and what happened to the VLC app), if XMBC was actually ported to iOS, I'd be surprised if all the open source licenses are kosher with the App Store policies.
+1 about Plex.
XBMC controller apps have been out for quite some time now (XBMC Remote is my favorite). The full fledged desktop XBMC application has been entirely ported to iOS for use on any (jailbroken) device with an A4 chip.
No, there is no way XBMC would ever land in the iOS store.
So this mostly just does what the Apple TV already does?

Oh, it plays formats I don't have. Ok.

Man, if the Apple TV is "a hobby" this is like a hobby for the hobby. Or something. I guess it makes the tinkerers happy.

This is the most clueless response I have ever seen in my life.

XMBC does *FAR* more than just add a few more format that Apple TV can't play natively.

Increased resolution playback, better control via remotes, web support, event controlling....I could go on for hours.

Simple searching on the web can tell you of the many possibilities, please educate yourself before posting next time and maybe you can save yourself a needless post ;).
Can someone who's tried it tell me if:

- AVI and MKV containers work
- HD non-.264 video is supported (like, DivX and XviD)
- multicoloured fancy SSA subtitles work (such as what you might see in a fancy anime fansub)

I want to believe my iPad and ATV2 will be able to "just play" anything that turns up without having to transcode or repack... but it just seems too amazing.
Can someone who's tried it tell me if:

- AVI and MKV containers work
- HD non-.264 video is supported (like, DivX and XviD)
- multicoloured fancy SSA subtitles work (such as what you might see in a fancy anime fansub)

I want to believe my iPad and ATV2 will be able to "just play" anything that turns up without having to transcode or repack... but it just seems too amazing.
YES to the first two. Not sure about subs, as I personally don't use them unless they're already inside the mkv container or hardcoded.

Go download it for your Mac (or PC) and try for yourself.

The iOS version of XBMC will be the same exact thing. Heck, if your device is already jailbroken, you have nothing to lose by installing XBMC and trying for yourself as well.
It plays 1080p files. That is not that big of a deal. AppleTV 2 always could play a 1080p .m4v file --although a little choppy. The problem is that output on the ATV2 is limited to 720p. Does XBMC allow you to change the output resolution to 1080p? If so, cool. If not, no big deal.
I want Boxee

I have the old AppleTV and it has XMBC on it. I never use it. It also has Boxee on it which I use everyday. I will get excited when Boxee announce a port, but not by this one.

The old AppleTV had Boxee and XMBC via an hack rather than jailbreaking the OS. The result was the best of both worlds and an elegant solution. I would be reluctant to Jailbreak.
CRIPES!! I have a king's ransom in just-in-case cables. Freakin' mountain. Mountain I say! Not one damn micro USB.

Tell me about it. Micro USB has never seemed to catch on. Since upgrading this way is only meant for devs and Apple engineers, I guess that's why they chose it.

Be warned though - I ended up having to get a second cable, as the first one (from my external HD) didn't work properly with the ATV. Somehow the plug went in just far enough to power it up, but not far enough to make a proper data connection, even though it worked fine for the HD.
So the ATV2 can run 1080p without a problem but Apple has just not allowed it.
My thoughts exactly. It's the new Apple, I guess.

Cue the people who cry "Send the jailbreakers to Gitmo for actually trying getting the best out of their bought and legally owned devices!". :cool:
HDMI and 3,5 Audio Cable + Plex Player = Apple TV in a cheaper better version. I have no idea why people are buying this thing... but than again there are also people buying apples cinema display or add ram to their computers in the apple store.
HDMI and 3,5 Audio Cable + Plex Player = Apple TV in a cheaper better version. I have no idea why people are buying this thing... but than again there are also people buying apples cinema display or add ram to their computers in the apple store.
Um....OK :confused: What are you running Plex Player on that is cheaper than an Apple TV? Or are you seriously suggesting that using a desktop or laptop computer and having cables trailing down from your TV is "better"?
This is the most clueless response I have ever seen in my life.

XMBC does *FAR* more than just add a few more format that Apple TV can't play natively.

Increased resolution playback, better control via remotes, web support, event controlling....I could go on for hours.

Simple searching on the web can tell you of the many possibilities, please educate yourself before posting next time and maybe you can save yourself a needless post ;).
This is the same guy that didn't know about Brother printers, and was clearly unable to Google so I wouldn't take him too seriously ;)

Be warned though - I ended up having to get a second cable, as the first one (from my external HD) didn't work properly with the ATV. Somehow the plug went in just far enough to power it up, but not far enough to make a proper data connection, even though it worked fine for the HD.
Buddy of mine had a similar issue with a micro USB cable, casuing him a few issues, so do check
I love XBMC on my Mac Mini. Hooked up to the TV, controlled with BLuetooth Keyboard
I have it on my Apple TV 1. It looks nice but doesn't seem to do a lot, is it supposed to find my iTunes library????? I use Hand brake to rip content so that it is Apple TV compatible, so I guess it's just not for me. Boxee is cool though!
Slightly off topic but very relevant...

Does anyone know if the tethered jailbreak means tethered during a full boot from a complete power off at the mains startup


tethered when booting from standby???

If its from standby then i think i will wait until some nice people discover an untethered jailbreak for my appletv2... having to turn on my laptop and connect the appletv everytime i wanna use it kinda defeats the purpose... i would be better just running xbmc from my laptop connected to my tv!
Mmmmm i-m trying this awesome xbmc but have some doubts.So used to use it on first apple tv with an usb attach and actualliy using Plex with aTV2 i-m totally lost.

How u share your videos on your mac with xbmc.There's any client like Plex client?

I love XBMC. IMO better than Plex and Boxee. I use it on my Mac Mini HTPC. How does XBMC for :apple:TV compare to its Mac counterpart and Plex for :apple:TV?
Um....OK :confused: What are you running Plex Player on that is cheaper than an Apple TV? Or are you seriously suggesting that using a desktop or laptop computer and having cables trailing down from your TV is "better"?

Completely agree - running wires across house/flat is far from "better" solution. Works for some but not for me.

If they figure out how to pass through DD5.1, and DTS, the XBMC on ATV2 will be perfect. Unless it works already and is hidden somewhere in the settings...
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