He probably was, which is why he said what he said
This picture (taken from the plex website) says a fair amount:
Plex is an basically an outdated version of xbmc with a dumbed down skin engine, simplified settings and a closed source media server - It has nowhere near the development pace, quality, community, features, etcetc
It's absolutely fine to prefer one over the other (plex's roots and closed course media server may cause a raised an eyebrow to most htpc/oss followers, but it obviously suits those heavily invested in the itunes-centric/mac drm world), but I wouldn't post silly assumptions as fact
GNU General Public License, lol
Always up for good facts.... But don't let them get in the way of your great story. Fact is XBMC originally dumped OS X support, Elan Fieldgold went on exodus. What did he call his new project? OSXBMC......
http://www.osxbmc.com/ . The TeamXBMC developers, well they started looking for new XBMC developers for the Mac OS X because they could not continue the original work, nor did they want to (Topic: XBMC recruiting developers for Mac OS X port
http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?uid=20916311640&topic=4152 ). I am sure if I really looked I could find the specific emails from the XBMC developers, and there lack of further support for OSX for said reasons. So there will always be discussion of "whos work" was Plex forked?
TeamXBMC Jonathan states, "XBMC for Mac is what you download from xbmc.org", "Plex is a fork from our codebase, which obviously you'll want to go elsewhere for."
Plex Developers "that was our work, we will call it OSXBMC"
As for "OSXBMC" well they changed the name to plex "Migrating from OSXBMC"
Changes from OSXBMC to Plex
As of 0.5RC1 many files have changed in Plex due to rebranding from OSXBMC. Some new locations to take note of are as follows:
* /Applications/Plex.app
* ~/Library/Application Support/Plex
* ~/Library/Logs/Plex.log
* /tmp/plex
From Elan Fieldgold
"A few days ago, there was a heated internal email discussion going on amongst the XBMC team members. The topic: whether or not to kick me and the other OS X people off the team. There was an actual vote taking place, with retractions, explanations, concessions. One of the OS X people got called a rather offensive name.
I watched this all with a calm sense of detachment. Why? Because I’m totally over it.
When I started porting XBMC to OS X, and then joined up with our little ragtag team of like-minded individuals, the goals were simple: To take what we considered to be the best media center in existence, and make it run on the Mac. The second goal was to make it stable. The third goal was to integrate it fully into the Mac ecosystem. And the fourth goal was to make it even better than it already was.
What became clear to me watching this vote is that these goals can no longer be met as members of Team XBMC. That’s why I voted in favor of kicking us all off the team. I simply do not have the stamina, patience, or desire, to deal with all the drama surrounding our union. I will not go into details here, for the sake of professionalism, and it must be said that I still have a great deal of respect for nearly all of the XBMC team.
Having covered that, where to from here?
We will continue to work on XBMC for the Mac. We are forking the code (it will be hosted on Github). We will still keep roughly in sync with the Linux code, and of course the XBMC team is welcome to merge our changes back into their tree.
The biggest change here is that we will no longer be operating under the restrictions imposed by the team. We can clean up and simplify the settings as we see fit. We can remove features that don’t work right (sometimes, less is more). We can add whatever new features our users are asking for, in the manner of our choosing.
We will be announcing new support forums shortly, and we will be posting details on the Github repository.
Also, we’re definitely looking for talented graphic designers with an eye for typography to work on a top-notch Mac-themed skin.
If you’d like to join us, we’d love to have you. And by “join”, I mean “work with us”. There will be no formal team, nor will there be any getting voted off the team. Think of projects like Mono, Wine, or Linux as models.
It’s an exciting time, and there is a lot more to discuss. Peace out."
From TeamXBMC member Jonathan
"WHY WHY WHY does you have to mention all the voting and stuff in public and then have the nerve to say “I will not go into details here, for the sake of professionalism” what a hypocrit
All it does it put team xbmc as the bad guys and makes it sound like
you MAC people have done absolutly nothing wrong to cause this situation to happen at all.
Honestly I give up
I hope you have a good time with your new found do what ever you want with no consult with other people (oh thats what it always was) and remember to obide by the GPL
Cheers anyway for all the good times you will be missed"