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Has anyone been able to add a external hard drive connected to an airport extreme base station to this?

My apple tv is connected via ethernet cable to my AEBS, which has the HDD connected to it.

When I brose for a shared drive, I go to SMB>>Workgroup>>AEBSName...but when I try to add that I get this error:

"Error - Operation Not Permitted"

Anyone have any idea how to add a network attached HDD?

Has anyone been able to add a external hard drive connected to an airport extreme base station to this?

My apple tv is connected via ethernet cable to my AEBS, which has the HDD connected to it.

When I brose for a shared drive, I go to SMB>>Workgroup>>AEBSName...but when I try to add that I get this error:

"Error - Operation Not Permitted"

Anyone have any idea how to add a network attached HDD?


I am working on this. I found a thread on this same thing in the XBMC forums and used their directions. I have it partly working, but for some reason, it doesn't see anything that was already on the drive, just stuff that I have recently added. I think it may be because of changing the sharing settings on the AEBS. I'll try to find the thread again and link it here for everyone.

Here it is. Post #8 is where the good stuff is.
He probably was, which is why he said what he said :)

This picture (taken from the plex website) says a fair amount:

Plex is an basically an outdated version of xbmc with a dumbed down skin engine, simplified settings and a closed source media server - It has nowhere near the development pace, quality, community, features, etcetc
It's absolutely fine to prefer one over the other (plex's roots and closed course media server may cause a raised an eyebrow to most htpc/oss followers, but it obviously suits those heavily invested in the itunes-centric/mac drm world), but I wouldn't post silly assumptions as fact :)

GNU General Public License, lol
Always up for good facts.... But don't let them get in the way of your great story. Fact is XBMC originally dumped OS X support, Elan Fieldgold went on exodus. What did he call his new project? OSXBMC...... . The TeamXBMC developers, well they started looking for new XBMC developers for the Mac OS X because they could not continue the original work, nor did they want to (Topic: XBMC recruiting developers for Mac OS X port ). I am sure if I really looked I could find the specific emails from the XBMC developers, and there lack of further support for OSX for said reasons. So there will always be discussion of "whos work" was Plex forked?

TeamXBMC Jonathan states, "XBMC for Mac is what you download from", "Plex is a fork from our codebase, which obviously you'll want to go elsewhere for."

Plex Developers "that was our work, we will call it OSXBMC"

As for "OSXBMC" well they changed the name to plex "Migrating from OSXBMC"
Changes from OSXBMC to Plex

As of 0.5RC1 many files have changed in Plex due to rebranding from OSXBMC. Some new locations to take note of are as follows:

* /Applications/
* ~/Library/Application Support/Plex
* ~/Library/Logs/Plex.log
* /tmp/plex

From Elan Fieldgold
"A few days ago, there was a heated internal email discussion going on amongst the XBMC team members. The topic: whether or not to kick me and the other OS X people off the team. There was an actual vote taking place, with retractions, explanations, concessions. One of the OS X people got called a rather offensive name.

I watched this all with a calm sense of detachment. Why? Because I’m totally over it.

When I started porting XBMC to OS X, and then joined up with our little ragtag team of like-minded individuals, the goals were simple: To take what we considered to be the best media center in existence, and make it run on the Mac. The second goal was to make it stable. The third goal was to integrate it fully into the Mac ecosystem. And the fourth goal was to make it even better than it already was.

What became clear to me watching this vote is that these goals can no longer be met as members of Team XBMC. That’s why I voted in favor of kicking us all off the team. I simply do not have the stamina, patience, or desire, to deal with all the drama surrounding our union. I will not go into details here, for the sake of professionalism, and it must be said that I still have a great deal of respect for nearly all of the XBMC team.

Having covered that, where to from here?

We will continue to work on XBMC for the Mac. We are forking the code (it will be hosted on Github). We will still keep roughly in sync with the Linux code, and of course the XBMC team is welcome to merge our changes back into their tree.

The biggest change here is that we will no longer be operating under the restrictions imposed by the team. We can clean up and simplify the settings as we see fit. We can remove features that don’t work right (sometimes, less is more). We can add whatever new features our users are asking for, in the manner of our choosing.

We will be announcing new support forums shortly, and we will be posting details on the Github repository.

Also, we’re definitely looking for talented graphic designers with an eye for typography to work on a top-notch Mac-themed skin.

If you’d like to join us, we’d love to have you. And by “join”, I mean “work with us”. There will be no formal team, nor will there be any getting voted off the team. Think of projects like Mono, Wine, or Linux as models.

It’s an exciting time, and there is a lot more to discuss. Peace out."

From TeamXBMC member Jonathan

"WHY WHY WHY does you have to mention all the voting and stuff in public and then have the nerve to say “I will not go into details here, for the sake of professionalism” what a hypocrit
All it does it put team xbmc as the bad guys and makes it sound like you MAC people have done absolutly nothing wrong to cause this situation to happen at all.

Honestly I give up

I hope you have a good time with your new found do what ever you want with no consult with other people (oh thats what it always was) and remember to obide by the GPL

Cheers anyway for all the good times you will be missed"
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I am working on this. I found a thread on this same thing in the XBMC forums and used their directions. I have it partly working, but for some reason, it doesn't see anything that was already on the drive, just stuff that I have recently added. I think it may be because of changing the sharing settings on the AEBS. I'll try to find the thread again and link it here for everyone.

Here it is. Post #8 is where the good stuff is.

Awesome, thanks. I did get this working, although not any better than you. Only 3 of about 20 movies in the folder show up...not sure why. If you find a fix for this, let me know. Thanks!
I am working on this. I found a thread on this same thing in the XBMC forums and used their directions. I have it partly working, but for some reason, it doesn't see anything that was already on the drive, just stuff that I have recently added. I think it may be because of changing the sharing settings on the AEBS. I'll try to find the thread again and link it here for everyone.

Here it is. Post #8 is where the good stuff is.

I think I figured this out. When in the movies section (or whatever source you're looking at that only shows a few files), hold down the menu button on the remote. This should bring up a menu where you can choose update library. This will rescan the directory and it brought up all my movies.

Now, I cannot find again how to add a new source. It just seems to have dissapeared from all my menus. WTF??
OK so XBMC had a fight.

Clearly the OSX version of XBMC is A LONG WAY from being finished & actually working for the majority of users, unless you are a dev yourself.

So it would now seem that XBMC having just lost their OSX team, knowing they were going to fork, decided to dump this half finished mess on us, sit back & wait for the community to take over, fix their problems & turn around & capitalize on being the first one to do it at their former colleague's expense.

Am I seriously reading this right?
Xbmc / plex

All I know is that I'm an average Mac user, imac, iphone and atv1. I've never developed a program in my life and wouldn't know where to begin, I can however sit for hours following instructions posted by the more talented to install programs/jailbreak atv etc.

I tried xbmc on atv 1 and did not have a great experience but have not used for around 18 months. I switched to Plex (on imac) around ver 8 and recently updated to 9. All I know is it has been very easy to use, delivers what is says it will and has made a great job of organising my media (mostly movies and old sit coms). The iphone Plex app allows me to watch everything stored on my external drive and hooked up to imac from anywhere. I'm also holding out for a neew LG Plex equiped TV.

However like most other I'll give this a go anyway and get an atv 2 because that's what we do, and then I'll decide which works best for me, that won't make the others wrong however.
All my videos are in iTunes so I don't care much about the extra format support.

My main interest is the possibility of using some of the XBMC plugins, such as the and plugins that grab the TV show episodes for streaming from those sites.

Has anyone tested whether these types of plugins work on ATV2?

IE: can I now watch streaming tv shows off via apple tv with XBMC, just as I can off the web on my laptop?
I can't believe how much rubbish is on this app. This goes against everything mac. It's bringing back PC day memories.


How do I delete this off the atv2?
OK so XBMC had a fight.

Clearly the OSX version of XBMC is A LONG WAY from being finished & actually working for the majority of users, unless you are a dev yourself.

So it would now seem that XBMC having just lost their OSX team, knowing they were going to fork, decided to dump this half finished mess on us, sit back & wait for the community to take over, fix their problems & turn around & capitalize on being the first one to do it at their former colleague's expense.

Am I seriously reading this right?

I can't believe how much rubbish is on this app. This goes against everything mac. It's bringing back PC day memories.


How do I delete this off the atv2?

No, you're not reading it right :) Plex was forked like 3 years ago now.

xbmc is useable by all once set up, but as mentioned before - there's a bit of a learning curve to this. 10mins of reading and fiddling will have you going "ohhhh"..."wow!!" - If you want the most impressive solution to consuming media around your house, a little patience pays off.

The codebase was 95% the same, plex just concentrated on stripping down multi platform support and making some mac specific changes. They've got a closed source server app that moves much of the scraping/serving etc to the desktop. This most likely simplifies instant setup for people that want a simple solution without thinking/reading any documentation (and is good for those who are locked into the itunes world).

ffmpeg and developers like Davilla are to thank for all the mac support on all the devices, the work he has done is incredible. He's on the xbmc team, but what he's done translates to plex and probably every other application you enjoy to play media (that isn't itunes).

Goes against everything mac? The best of OSS, awesome community and quality software that is simply for managing and consuming media in the best way (and most open way) possible etcetc... I hope not!
Ok, I can see your point.

I will put my frustrations aside, and try to work out why it is not working. I think it worked for a moment, and then it was all messed up.

So, what is the best connection method & how on earth do you go through all the settings in Network where it has connect over upnp & SMB, ftp & xbmc via external progam etc to get the settings right. There are just so many, which is just plain frustrating.

So what is the best protocol to use, how do I get that working & what are the steps on the atv that has to be done. (And how annoying having to type everything into atv with the remote).
OK so XBMC had a fight.

Clearly the OSX version of XBMC is A LONG WAY from being finished & actually working for the majority of users, unless you are a dev yourself.

So it would now seem that XBMC having just lost their OSX team, knowing they were going to fork, decided to dump this half finished mess on us, sit back & wait for the community to take over, fix their problems & turn around & capitalize on being the first one to do it at their former colleague's expense.

Am I seriously reading this right?

You are %100 correct. Most of that original TeamXBMC were ummm PC people and typical elitist jerks, who cared very little for OSX, Mac and Apple support. ...We have all seen it before "get a PC...." If I remember correctly, I think originally, XBMC was not even functional with the new Leopard operation system. Of course all the threads, of Mac people complaining were wiped off the face of the earth from their site. I know personally because I exchanged several emails with one of these jerks. "Most" of us followers were happy but apprehensive about the split, because XBMC was a great program in development. We had no clue on how motivated those OSX developers were and how fast they would develop Plex.

The good, Well the Plex developers progressed the OSX code and secondary to "GPL" XBMC for OSX continued to be supported.
The really good, XBMC was developed for Apple TV2 and is a great day for this devise. The really good, Plex will will continue to grow for Apple TV
You are %100 correct. Most of that original TeamXBMC were ummm PC people and typical elitist jerks, who cared very little for OSX, Mac and Apple support. ...We have all seen it before "get a PC...." If I remember correctly, I think originally, XBMC was not even functional with the new Leopard operation system. Of course all the threads, of Mac people complaining were wiped off the face of the earth from their site. I know personally because I exchanged several emails with one of these jerks. "Most" of us followers were happy but apprehensive about the split, because XBMC was a great program in development. We had no clue on how motivated those OSX developers were and how fast they would develop Plex.

No offence, but that's complete and utter rubbish...
It was ported to x86, and was platform agnostic. You realise mac is a 'pc' right? Developers and users run all OS'.
"get a PC" - Nice quote. It's fun to play the 'macs are better than pcs' game on the school playground right?

xbmc worked on the 'new leopard operation system', you're also wrong about that. It also worked on the 'old one' - plex didn't.

I don't really want to be dragged into a plex vs xbmc and mac vs pc argument - Us vs Them is a bit childish. It's fine to prefer one or the other. Slanderous untruths are pointless :)

The good, Well the Plex developers progressed the OSX code and secondary to "GPL" XBMC for OSX continued to be supported.
The really good, XBMC was developed for Apple TV2 and is a great day for this devise. The really good, Plex will will continue to grow for Apple TV

That's quite a funny quote... It's a good thing Plex rather dubiously follows the GPL?
It's also good that xbmc is running on the ios platform, and really good that plex can grow?
You mean xbmc, following the GPL and using code from other oss etc can happily share code to plex? Yeah, that's great and what oss is all about...
You want plex to continue to grow, but you want them to simply steal code with no credit and care for licensing? What on earth are you on about?
No offence, but that's complete and utter rubbish...
It was ported to x86, and was platform agnostic. You realise mac is a 'pc' right? Developers and users run all OS'.
"get a PC" - Nice quote. It's fun to play the 'macs are better than pcs' game on the school playground right?

xbmc worked on the 'new leopard operation system', you're also wrong about that. It also worked on the 'old one' - plex didn't.

I don't really want to be dragged into a plex vs xbmc and mac vs pc argument - Us vs Them is a bit childish. It's fine to prefer one or the other. Slanderous untruths are pointless :)

That's quite a funny quote... It's a good thing Plex rather dubiously follows the GPL?
It's also good that xbmc is running on the ios platform, and really good that plex can grow?
You mean xbmc, following the GPL and using code from other oss etc can happily share code to plex? Yeah, that's great and what oss is all about...
You want plex to continue to grow, but you want them to simply steal code with no credit and care for licensing? What on earth are you on about?

I would actually respond, if your post was not significantly so biased and transparent.... Yes my dad is an engineer for Intel, I know what a "PC" is. Working and bug free are two different issues (Works on iPhone4, though it’s currently frustrating to use. taken from their website in their words). From what I remember, XBMC was so full of bugs on Leopard, I would not call that "working" as it was quite unstable .... Go figure the Elan and the OSX team decided to work on future support not past operating systems, 10.4 and 10.5...."Developers and users run all OS" Is that even a functional statement? TeamXBMC lost Elan and the OSX team (or voted them off the island), looked for more OSX developers .....

Help wanted from Mac OS X programmers! As you may or may not know, back in May last year a few developers from Team-XBMC began porting the XBMC media-player application to Linux (and OpenGL using the SDL toolkit), with the goal of it someday becoming a full port of XBMC containing all the features and functions available in the Xbox version of XBMC, (this Linux-port of XBMC is still in pre-alpha development stage. However, by now it is usable for white box testing by most experienced Linux users).

Now, a little over a month ago a new programmer named Elan joined Team-XBMC and began porting XBMC to the Mac OS X operating-system (from the Linux port of XBMC), currently only targeting Leopard on Intel x86 hardware, and his progress with this "XBMC for Mac OS X" port is going very well. However, this is a huge task which is why we are making this public request. We are seeking C/C++ programmers who are willing to assist with this XBMC for Mac OS X porting project. Whether you have contributed to The XBMC Project in the past or not, please consider doing so now. Those of you who are completely unfamiliar with XBMC can get a good overview of what XBMC offers its end-users by reading through the XBMC article on"

"Posted Yesterday, 11:40 AM
davilla and friends have done a truly remarkable thing with this. I can't imagine the amount of work that went into it.

Everybody wins on having this on the ATV2 as well. And I'm sure some ppl will prefer it to plex4atv, just like other ppl will prefer to use plex instead.

I'm impressed, I truly am.

Great news for all owners of appletv, for sure.

//b0bben "

signed Plex ATV2 Developer

p.s. I am almost certain the word agnostic is used incorrectly
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Yay another program that I have to jailbreak my iproducts for. Not going to do it.

back when I had my 3G phone, I jailbroke it and tried many things from cydia (not too many exciting things back than anyway) ... Intelli Homescreen and folders were nice, but battery time tanked and stability was not great. I restored to official version, no crap installed and everything was fine again. Not going to jailbreak any device again - not worth it. (I know, many people think different and many new cool things popped up, but I prefere a stable phone with no added issues through jailbreaking)
So I got it working running smb. Both MBP & ATV the only things running on the 5ghz airport extreme n. Nothing downloading & file is a 4gb mkv.

Tried it again with a 700mg m4v.... Same result (surprisingly).

Now I'm not going to bag out a product without a dev asking a questions or 2, as there could be a reasonable explanation for it...
After 2 nights of trying to jailbreak my ATV2 I finally did it lol. I installed XBMC and see there are plenty of cool features. Just wish I could play .avi files.

I posted a thread on the XBMC forum. If there is a fix, then I'll share the link here.
I jailbroke my apple tv 2 for this.. Boring **scott pilgrim voice ** I dont see the benefits of doing this jailbreak. xbmc sucks from what i see.. Is there anyway to connect a drive to apple tv2 and play regular movie files off it....
I jailbroke my apple tv 2 for this.. Boring **scott pilgrim voice ** I dont see the benefits of doing this jailbreak. xbmc sucks from what i see.. Is there anyway to connect a drive to apple tv2 and play regular movie files off it....

I'm thinking between plex and XBMC, good things may be coming for Apple TV
So, what is the best connection method & how on earth do you go through all the settings in Network where it has connect over upnp & SMB, ftp & xbmc via external progam etc to get the settings right. There are just so many, which is just plain frustrating.

So what is the best protocol to use, how do I get that working & what are the steps on the atv that has to be done. (And how annoying having to type everything into atv with the remote).

Your best bet is to set up a shared folder on your Mac. You do that within the sharing panel on system preferences. Put a checkbox next to File Sharing, add the folder.
Then, just set up a SMB share on the xbmc that points to that folder. Make sure to set the contents to either movies or tv or music. Folders cannot contain a mixture. Simple!

Does anyone know how to install an XBMC repository from a zip file? I wanted to install Bluecop's video plugin repository for full episodes of conan.
Any help would be appreciated.
SSH into the ATV and drop the zip file somewhere accessible. Then just point XBMC to that zip file when you select install from zip.

Is there anyway to connect a drive to apple tv2 and play regular movie files off it....

No. Did you read the thread? Apple has limited the hardware to which you will never be able to plug in an external drive.
Your best bet is to set up a shared folder on your Mac. You do that within the sharing panel on system preferences. Put a checkbox next to File Sharing, add the folder.
Then, just set up a SMB share on the xbmc that points to that folder. Make sure to set the contents to either movies or tv or music. Folders cannot contain a mixture. Simple!
You don't say... How about the fact that you need to set up a name for your computer in the sharing menu in system preferences, and not use the ip? How about when you go to connect on the ATV you need to put in smb://name/folder/ - name being the name of the computer, and the folder, being the last folder on your external drive or internal drive without putting in the full path file. Is it really that hard just to explain it to people?

Futhermore, getting through the layout of the thing with the remote i an absolute joke. Sorry but it is. Just a joke.

All everyone wants is to be able to play different format files on their ATV's. Not have the thing downloading pictures of the actors, and summary's & actors names & ratings & producers & directors etc etc etc etc.

So I might be sounding a bit angry right now, but I have just spent the last 48 hours trying to get this done with absolutely no direction from the dev's other than to say try signing up to the forums and just searching.... I was on the irc help channel for 14 hours trying to get a response. Seriously it's as if you don't want anyone to be able to use the program. Like it's some big secret how to get it working. I can clearly see why that is now.
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