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If you don't like Yosemite, you should complain, and complain, and complain yet again to Apple.

Why do I say this? Graham Perrin posted a link to a video of an interview with Jony Ive (who I think is responsible for this mess) and in it he essentially stated that he really didn't know much about computers.

This is exactly what we DON'T need. From what I've been able to assemble, he's unaware of what are considered historical design "norms" like using 3D effects to segregate controls from input fields, the massive use of translucency and the hit it takes on hardware and performance seems to have been overlooked, the appearance of the UI on large displays seems grossly overlooked (as in, not tested,) and the effects translucency and the new, finer fonts have on people with vision that's less than 20/20. That's a few, but read the entire thread for more.

In any case, I'm under the impression that what Apple did was decide that since Ive did a great job with the cases for Mac's (one or more of them are in a museums of art) I guess they decided that since he was good at that, he'll do wonders with the OS. This is sort of like having a famed plastic surgeon, a specialist in the superficial and fads, being named head of cardiac surgery at a hospital, who then gets those that don't agree with him either forced out of the company or fired. Hey, that heart operation you just had may leave you with a heart that doesn't quite work right, but in the opinion of the overlord and grand master, it looks great.

Picture this:

Jonathan Ive decides that the way GUIs work are all screwed up. Instead of controls, force users to buy a trackpad, do away with all window controls all together, and force users to learn series of "gestures" to use instead. For example, you could minimize an application with a "pinch" operation. You cold bring back with some archaic tap three times with 2 fingers, or some such nonsense. Do you think this is ridiculous? I don't. I could easily see this guy completely destroying a perfectly good operating system and trashing it for his own (in his opinion) brilliant visions.

I'd also like to add that before the fan boyz or representatives on this site from Apple's marketing group offer yet another rebuttal using iPhone sales as an example, keep in mind that the iPhones are likely sold based heavily on the price of contracts plus the fact that they've finally made the phone a little bit bigger, which I'm sure appeals to many, especially those that found the original versions too small to see.


I have the impression that Ive isn't particularly great at UI design and there is no one at Apple who stops him from rolling out his results.
If you don't like Yosemite, you should complain, and complain, and complain yet again to Apple.

Why do I say this? Graham Perrin posted a link to a video of an interview with Jony Ive (who I think is responsible for this mess) and in it he essentially stated that he really didn't know much about computers.

This is exactly what we DON'T need. From what I've been able to assemble, he's unaware of what are considered historical design "norms" like using 3D effects to segregate controls from input fields, the massive use of translucency and the hit it takes on hardware and performance seems to have been overlooked, the appearance of the UI on large displays seems grossly overlooked (as in, not tested,) and the effects translucency and the new, finer fonts have on people with vision that's less than 20/20. That's a few, but read the entire thread for more.

In any case, I'm under the impression that what Apple did was decide that since Ive did a great job with the cases for Mac's (one or more of them are in a museums of art) I guess they decided that since he was good at that, he'll do wonders with the OS. This is sort of like having a famed plastic surgeon, a specialist in the superficial and fads, being named head of cardiac surgery at a hospital, who then gets those that don't agree with him either forced out of the company or fired. Hey, that heart operation you just had may leave you with a heart that doesn't quite work right, but in the opinion of the overlord and grand master, it looks great.

Picture this:

Jonathan Ive decides that the way GUIs work are all screwed up. Instead of controls, force users to buy a trackpad, do away with all window controls all together, and force users to learn series of "gestures" to use instead. For example, you could minimize an application with a "pinch" operation. You cold bring back with some archaic tap three times with 2 fingers, or some such nonsense. Do you think this is ridiculous? I don't. I could easily see this guy completely destroying a perfectly good operating system and trashing it for his own (in his opinion) brilliant visions.

I'd also like to add that before the fan boyz or representatives on this site from Apple's marketing group offer yet another rebuttal using iPhone sales as an example, keep in mind that the iPhones are likely sold based heavily on the price of contracts plus the fact that they've finally made the phone a little bit bigger, which I'm sure appeals to many, especially those that found the original versions too small to see.


Keyboard and Mice becomes extinct?

I have the impression that Ive isn't particularly great at UI design and there is no one at Apple who stops him from rolling out his results.

Apple being the biggest and richest company on the planet and this is the best they have to offer?
I'm So glad that i'm Still with mavericks. really

I have been with OS X since Puma days and have tried 10.10 etc 3 times...EACH Time I am thankful I have time machine backups of Mavericks!

THAT IS WHERE I AM NOW MAVERICKS!! It was a PIA reverting, but at least I can use my Imac happily again!
Mid 2011 w/ 12 g of REMOVABLE ram...Right now I am typing on a win 7 machine but I still like Mavericks better!
Keyboard and Mice becomes extinct?
Keyboard, no, mice, possibly. If Apple can "force" people to adapt their own trackpad devices to use a "new" OS "feature" I think they might just try it.

Consider the following gamble: Make OS X completely dependent on their own input devices. Make the mouse obsolete and replace it with a trackpad that responds only to gestures, like double taps, various taps with various finger combinations, etc. etc. It would leave a lot of traditional Mac users out in the cold, but with Yosemite, my opinion is that Apple now sees a lot of its customers as "throw aways." If they don't have the money to buy a new product line, they're insignificant.

With high sales of iPhones and a clear move to make the iPhones the driving force for OS X, even though many aren't happy with it as it is, it's the sales of iPhones that are driving the design of OS X. The fact that the iPhone is now bigger and contracts are cheaper delude Apple's management from seeing real flaws with the OS design. I can just see some Wall Street ******* dreaming of even more profits, like they don't have enough, by trying to force current users into a new operational scheme - at the users expense, of course. If it doesn't work out and the company fails, what the hell, there are golden parachutes awaiting them all. Only in America can failure lead to a bonus.

Just my opinions, of course…you insignificant bunch of throw aways!


I cannot believe you guy's actually "starred out" my description of Wall Street executives. There was nothing obscene there, and it was an abbreviation. Even if it was fully spelled out, it wouldn't have been considered obscene. Rude? A matter of opinion. Crude? A matter of opinion. Accurate? IMHO, yes, definitely.

Just my opinions, yet again.
A lot of Yosemite looks "childish." However, a few tweaks make it fairly inoffensive.

  1. Turn off transparency effects
  2. Use the Graphite appearance instead of Aqua
  3. Turn on High Contrast mode to improve performance (at the cost of looks)
  4. Use dark mode

Personally I don't do #3, but the rest seem to help. Dark mode keeps the alt-tab interface looking mostly how it used to, same for the dock (if you used to force your dock into 2D mode).

What they did to the classic Finder icon is a travesty though. There are some things you just don't mess with. Change for the sake of change is rarely a good idea.
Amazing how a slighly more smiling face can upset people. Too much positivity perhaps?

Look into how much thought Pepperidge Farms put into the "smiles" on their Goldfish snack products some time. I saw a TV show that talked about it. They did a lot of research as they did not want the goldfish to turn people off eating it and they didn't put it on every single piece at first either. For something as unimportant as a snack chip, one would think Apple would consider the effect their new icons has on people before arbitrarily switching the entire OS over to a cartoonish look just because Johnny Ive hates Scott Forestall and wants to make iOS and now the Mac as well look like his creation.
Keyboard, no, mice, possibly. If Apple can "force" people to adapt their own trackpad devices to use a "new" OS "feature" I think they might just try it.

Consider the following gamble: Make OS X completely dependent on their own input devices. Make the mouse obsolete and replace it with a trackpad that responds only to gestures, like double taps, various taps with various finger combinations, etc. etc. It would leave a lot of traditional Mac users out in the cold, but with Yosemite, my opinion is that Apple now sees a lot of its customers as "throw aways." If they don't have the money to buy a new product line, they're insignificant.

With high sales of iPhones and a clear move to make the iPhones the driving force for OS X, even though many aren't happy with it as it is, it's the sales of iPhones that are driving the design of OS X. The fact that the iPhone is now bigger and contracts are cheaper delude Apple's management from seeing real flaws with the OS design. I can just see some Wall Street ******* dreaming of even more profits, like they don't have enough, by trying to force current users into a new operational scheme - at the users expense, of course. If it doesn't work out and the company fails, what the hell, there are golden parachutes awaiting them all. Only in America can failure lead to a bonus.

Just my opinions, of course…you insignificant bunch of throw aways!


I cannot believe you guy's actually "starred out" my description of Wall Street executives. There was nothing obscene there, and it was an abbreviation. Even if it was fully spelled out, it wouldn't have been considered obscene. Rude? A matter of opinion. Crude? A matter of opinion. Accurate? IMHO, yes, definitely.

Just my opinions, yet again.

Touch devices is going to be piss poor if you're a designer/3D modeller. Touch will be so useless with intricate Photoshop/3D work.
Notes App Texture

Anyone know where the Notes paper texture is stored now in Yosemite? I've been looking for it, but can't find it.....

I need to remove the texture immediately.
Anyone know where the Notes paper texture is stored now in Yosemite? I've been looking for it, but can't find it.....

I need to remove the texture immediately.

Likely in /Applications/

Unfortunately I don't know how to modify .car files.

Don't get why you need to remove it so badly, to me it is barely noticeable.
Yeah, I got that far. Renamed it a txt, found mention of "paper texture.png" but couldn't find it anywhere. I did find a paper-texture.tiff, which I replaced. But it's only for previewing notes in quicklook. /:

I can't get much further on my own.

It is barely noticeable if you are simply looking at the page. But reading text is made significantly more difficult by the texture. At least for me. It's the kind of thing that Apple thinks is cute but doesn't help at all.
Yeah, I got that far. Renamed it a txt, found mention of "paper texture.png" but couldn't find it anywhere. I did find a paper-texture.tiff, which I replaced. But it's only for previewing notes in quicklook. /:

I can't get much further on my own.

That's because it's stored inside the file. You might be able to prevent the image from loading by modifying the reference using a binary editor, but that's a maybe, and definitely back it up before deciding to do anything like this.

It is barely noticeable if you are simply looking at the page. But reading text is made significantly more difficult by the texture. At least for me. It's the kind of thing that Apple thinks is cute but doesn't help at all.

They removed many textures throughout the OS, I'm actually surprised to see this one still here (edit: it does match the iOS app). It's very subtle and doesn't bother me at all.
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And I still kick myself for not using Time Machine to be able to have a backup of Mavericks to go back to. It's my fault though. I know how bad iOS 7 and 8 have been and knew they were trying to make Yosemite as much like iOS as possible so I should've started using Time Machine or just done the smart thing and never updated to Yosemite at all.
After using Yosemite since the update to it was released I can confirm those that say "just use it, you'll get used to it" are full of bull poo. Even with all the tweaks and changes I can possibly do to it I'm doing the opposite and hating it more and more each day I'm stuck on it. We can only hope that Apple keeps it's quick update cycles so we can move on from the flat, pastelly, ugly iconed, ugly fonted mess that Ive and company created as quickly as possible.
And I still kick myself for not using Time Machine to be able to have a backup of Mavericks to go back to. It's my fault though. I know how bad iOS 7 and 8 have been and knew they were trying to make Yosemite as much like iOS as possible so I should've started using Time Machine or just done the smart thing and never updated to Yosemite at all.
After using Yosemite since the update to it was released I can confirm those that say "just use it, you'll get used to it" are full of bull poo. Even with all the tweaks and changes I can possibly do to it I'm doing the opposite and hating it more and more each day I'm stuck on it. We can only hope that Apple keeps it's quick update cycles so we can move on from the flat, pastelly, ugly iconed, ugly fonted mess that Ive and company created as quickly as possible.

Feeling your pain (been there myself).

However, I did have a Time Machine backup and decided to go back. Only to find my Restore didn't work. :mad: So far for Time Machine >>> Trashcan baby.
So what I ended up doing was to download my Mavericks purchase back from the App Store and run a clean install. Perhaps you can do the same?
We can only hope that Apple keeps it's quick update cycles so we can move on from the flat, pastelly, ugly iconed, ugly fonted mess that Ive and company created as quickly as possible.

I'm not sure the new OS X look will disappear with the next release though... Flat is here to stay I guess - until the next trend - but at least if they make the whole interface a litte less bright and easier on the eyes I'll be happy. And give choice for the system font, 2 or 3 would do, depending on the type of display used. It's obvious Helvetica doesn't work really well on non-retina screens.
I have been with OS X since Puma days and have tried 10.10 etc 3 times...EACH Time I am thankful I have time machine backups of Mavericks!

THAT IS WHERE I AM NOW MAVERICKS!! It was a PIA reverting, but at least I can use my Imac happily again!
Mid 2011 w/ 12 g of REMOVABLE ram...Right now I am typing on a win 7 machine but I still like Mavericks better!
mavericks will be in strong numbers until apple bring back the 3D(I hope)
Yosemite just wrong

Yosemite adoption still hanging at 40-42% over at GoSquared, as it has been since January.
Mavericks remains stable in low to mid 30's.

it's nice to see that lion are in the 3rd place there above mountain lion!
Reading the latest posts I was wondering, does Apple assess all these data? i.e. App Store ratings all over the world, GoSquared %s etc.
Would be interesting to learn what they think, do they care at all?

I'd say Apple doesn't give a rat's behind, or they're extremily good at hiding it.
it's nice to see that lion are in the 3rd place there above mountain lion!

The most obvious reason for that is that all Macs capable of running Mountain Lion can be upgraded to Mavericks and Yosemite. However, Lion is the latest compatible version for many early Core 2 Duo Macs – there are still lots of them in use out there.

I personally can't think of a single reason to stay on Lion if my computer and the software I run on it are compatible with newer OS versions.
The GoSquared link excludes Snow Leopard which was probably a mistake. I saw another grouping of OS usage and it still had more users than Lion and Mountain Lion. Not by much, but it was still ahead of both of them. I wish I had saved that link when I saw it.

I'm waiting to see if Yosemite adoption rates actually start to drop. Now that would be telling.
The GoSquared link excludes Snow Leopard which was probably a mistake. I saw another grouping of OS usage and it still had more users than Lion and Mountain Lion. Not by much, but it was still ahead of both of them. I wish I had saved that link when I saw it.

I'm waiting to see if Yosemite adoption rates actually start to drop. Now that would be telling.

You can still see Snow Leopard here but the data ends at when Yosemite was launched last Oct...
It's hard to argue with someone's designs when Apple profits have never been higher. Until people stop buying Apple products, they won't get the message. Unfortunately, by then it might be too late. People who leave Apple don't often come back because it typically takes a lot to completely alienate people from the Mac (maybe less so with a phone since they get replaced so often).

I make sure I buy almost all my games from Steam since they give me the Windows version too. That way if I do switch, I won't lose all my software. I buy very little productivity software these days for that reason and stick to free software for the most part. What I have bought I've gotten a lot of use out of for several years. I will not buy Apple pro software any longer as I cannot foresee staying with Apple if the trend continues.

I would have liked to upgrade my 2012 Mini, for example to one with a better GPU since Intel has made big strides in that area (far less in the CPU department over the past 2.5 years), but just as they offered better GPUs, they killed the quad-i7 option, making the Mini 100% undesirable for me. I should not have to buy a new monitor every other year just to upgrade the computer in it. I do not understand the purpose of the iMac in that regard. Why tie a monitor to the computer? It's extremely unpopular in the Windows world and I maintain that it would NOT be popular with Mac users if they had any other reasonable option at a similar price range combination (i.e. the current Mac Pro is priced out of the stratosphere for the consumer market). Of course, also in that regard, if the Mini had simply had a removable GPU slot in it (at the price of being slightly larger which doesn't matter for most desktops since they are not meant to be portable), I could just plug in a good GPU card and I wouldn't need a newer model (i.e. the CPU speeds with a quad i7 are still fine for 2015 and far better than a '15 dual-core i5, which is all you can get with the Mini now).

Apple has always had a problem providing ample hardware choices. They simply do no cater to people who want a fast GPU (at least not without forcing you to buy an expensive 5k monitor with it and that GPU is only powerful enough to do something like maxed out gaming at 1080p type resolutions; it's still underpowered for 5k and/or 4k as it's a mobile GPU (as per usual with iMac designs which claim to be desktops yet typically use notebook parts all for the sake of "thin" which they do not need to be in any sense of the word).

But NOW Apple also has software problems. Not only is OS X becoming less stable as they attempt to meet some artificial one year development cycle, but it's also an amalgamation of other OS GUI designs. I used to LOVE OS X's visual appearance. NOTHING ELSE looked ANYTHING like it. Linux started copying the "look" in a lot of desktop themes. Firefox started offering such themes. Who wants a Yosemite theme? It's a mixture of Mac, Android, Windows and Linux desktops with a lot of flat and overly bright colors thrown in with a bunch of unprofessional silly looking icons. Innovation? Apple used to excel at it. Now it seems they copy everyone else and Johnny Ive acts like he invented the GUI. They're at the height of iPhone sales. Everyone at the top thinks it's awesome. They're blinded by greed, IMO. Young people seem to like it. Comic books are IN right now and I have to admit, OS X Yosemite and iOS 7/8 remind me of a comic book. Unfortunately for Apple, young people are often fickle and what's hip today will be tomorrow's crap (ask AOL).

OSX started out with a unique looks and style that was largely all its own with enough of the classic OS thrown in that Mac users would still find it comfortable to use. By Leopard, the look had become refined and started to show real class. By Mountain Lion, it reached its peak and even Mavericks still maintains a professional look that couldn't really mar that shine. But Yosemite crapped on all that and turned OS X into a caricature of itself, almost like an OS X Junior Kids Edition or OS X "Comic Book Legends" (only without any legendary comic book icons to make it cool).

I'm not sure what Microsoft has in mind for Windows 10 Final, but I can only hope it's not more Windows 8.x. Having to choose between Yosemite and Windows 8 is like having to choose between watching Daredevil or the Incredible Hulk movie(s) (double ugh!) when what you really want to watch is Robert Downey Jr. play Iron Man or better yet John Mcclane in Die Hard or even better yet, Humphrey Bogart in The Maltese Falcon. Now there was CLASS that never gets old.

You can attach a delicated GPU to your Mac mini through a PCIe to Thunderbolt adapter and some kext modifications. There are many people who have done this.

And about young people liking it? I'm sixteen and I consider myself young. But I absolutely HATE THE LACK-OF-CONTRAST, OVERUSE OF TRANSLUCANCY AND OVER-SATURATED COLORS in Yosemite.

It might be OK when I surf the web, but when it comes to NLE editing and graphics design, it's absolutely horrible and uninspiring.
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