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It's not Pro Tools that's lacking in performance, it's the OS, and that can affect your work and/or workflow. And if the OS behavior affects other apps then there's a problem. .

My comment was directed to your statement "It's not Pro Tools, it's troubles with the new OS." Thus a move to a different OS might be in order. It has always been not such a good idea to stick with an outdated OS after the bugs are fixed in the new OS. In my view mavericks will be like reading last years new paper in 6 months. Maybe by then Yosemite will fit your needs, other wise as I stated, move to a different OS and enjoy Pro Tools performing at its best. I am only commenting what I would do, if dissatisfaction was interfering with my ability to produce satisfactory work with Pro Tools or any software.
My comment was directed to your statement "It's not Pro Tools, it's troubles with the new OS." Thus a move to a different OS might be in order. It has always been not such a good idea to stick with an outdated OS after the bugs are fixed in the new OS. In my view mavericks will be like reading last years new paper in 6 months. Maybe by then Yosemite will fit your needs, other wise as I stated, move to a different OS and enjoy Pro Tools performing at its best. I am only commenting what I would do, if dissatisfaction was interfering with my ability to produce satisfactory work with Pro Tools or any software.

fwiw, Pro Tools 11 minimum system requirements starts with 10.8. As I said, many studio houses wait quite a while before upgrading the OS on their machines. When you have invested $20K+ in equipement or even much, much more, you tend to proceed with caution. When you consider many of them prefer to have their computers NOT connected to the internet (regardless of the platform), they actually couldn't care less about Yosemite new features which are mostly aimed at cloud/collaboration stuff.

Just because Yosemite doesn't suit my needs 100% right now, doesn't mean it never will. Yet Mavericks still has a few advantages of its own. Finder is faster, Lucida is better than Helvetica thin as a system font (eventhough I can live with it), useless transparency effect is gone (I turn it off in Yosemite anyway)...

I do like the new spotlight, icloud drive might be useful as well - I have absolutely no doubt that I will install Yosemite again (or 10.11 - in fact my mini runs with 10.10.2 right now, and it's mostly used for internet stuff), I've always made sure I ran with the latest OS and agree with you about sticking with an outdated version. The thing is, Mavericks works better than Yosemite right now - besides I don't consider outdated, not yet at least. With Yosemite and its new features, it's the first time since I've started using macs (that was in the MacOS 7.5 days) that I realized I had to live with them instead of embracing them. I would prefer the latter.

I've made sure I could upgrade my 1,1 Mac Pro to 10.9 and 10.10, yet it's not officially supported. But Yosemite is too sluggish, and its UI inconsistencies are sometimes hard to "live with". I don't like running an outdated OS, but I like an OS that works for me. For now, Mavericks works better for me than Yosemite. I don't hate Yosemite, but even if I did, I would probably just skip it and wait for the next version. Not that big of a deal actually. But a reason to switch to windows? Never. I will always be a mac user.
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Morpheo, Thanks for your special way of taking the high road about technology. So many including myself have a tendency towards bitching about the dark side of change. Change is unavoidable and inevitable. It seems all technical endeavors are geared these days towards the creation of faster, mind boggling, stuff that attracts our tastes for all the bells and whistles, the latests, greatest, newest updated product to hit the market.

I am not a hard core user of my Mac Computer and was drawn into the purchase of one more out of curiosity, and contempt for the PC Microsoft marketing practices. Each time they upgraded something I liked an used it was taken away or changed and became more difficult to use. Especially with Win 8 so I took steps to become part of the Mac world.

I was and still am loving my Mac, using Maverick 10.9.5 But since the release of the new Yosemite and reading the many postings here on MacRumors and various web forums. I find myself worried that the beauty of Apples differences are headed toward a change in their attitude towards their consumer user base. It can't be that all the negative post are false about the new OS. I have been to the apple store and tried out the new OS and it does look a bit drab and lacks color and shading in comparison to the prior version.

As for the troubles with Yosemite listed here on our forum, It brings to mind an old saying. "The vacancies at the top of the ladder of success are mostly caused by the ones who when they get there fall asleep to the reasons that put them there and hit bottom."

Lets hope all the feedback has reached a place where it can bring the necessary changes needed for Yosemite to rule.

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True. Though many here question that the looks of iOS and OSX is one person's concept.
I believe that it is one person's "mental roller coaster". Nobody can say no to him now. Who could are out.

It's hard to argue with someone's designs when Apple profits have never been higher. Until people stop buying Apple products, they won't get the message. Unfortunately, by then it might be too late. People who leave Apple don't often come back because it typically takes a lot to completely alienate people from the Mac (maybe less so with a phone since they get replaced so often).

I make sure I buy almost all my games from Steam since they give me the Windows version too. That way if I do switch, I won't lose all my software. I buy very little productivity software these days for that reason and stick to free software for the most part. What I have bought I've gotten a lot of use out of for several years. I will not buy Apple pro software any longer as I cannot foresee staying with Apple if the trend continues.

I would have liked to upgrade my 2012 Mini, for example to one with a better GPU since Intel has made big strides in that area (far less in the CPU department over the past 2.5 years), but just as they offered better GPUs, they killed the quad-i7 option, making the Mini 100% undesirable for me. I should not have to buy a new monitor every other year just to upgrade the computer in it. I do not understand the purpose of the iMac in that regard. Why tie a monitor to the computer? It's extremely unpopular in the Windows world and I maintain that it would NOT be popular with Mac users if they had any other reasonable option at a similar price range combination (i.e. the current Mac Pro is priced out of the stratosphere for the consumer market). Of course, also in that regard, if the Mini had simply had a removable GPU slot in it (at the price of being slightly larger which doesn't matter for most desktops since they are not meant to be portable), I could just plug in a good GPU card and I wouldn't need a newer model (i.e. the CPU speeds with a quad i7 are still fine for 2015 and far better than a '15 dual-core i5, which is all you can get with the Mini now).

Apple has always had a problem providing ample hardware choices. They simply do no cater to people who want a fast GPU (at least not without forcing you to buy an expensive 5k monitor with it and that GPU is only powerful enough to do something like maxed out gaming at 1080p type resolutions; it's still underpowered for 5k and/or 4k as it's a mobile GPU (as per usual with iMac designs which claim to be desktops yet typically use notebook parts all for the sake of "thin" which they do not need to be in any sense of the word).

But NOW Apple also has software problems. Not only is OS X becoming less stable as they attempt to meet some artificial one year development cycle, but it's also an amalgamation of other OS GUI designs. I used to LOVE OS X's visual appearance. NOTHING ELSE looked ANYTHING like it. Linux started copying the "look" in a lot of desktop themes. Firefox started offering such themes. Who wants a Yosemite theme? It's a mixture of Mac, Android, Windows and Linux desktops with a lot of flat and overly bright colors thrown in with a bunch of unprofessional silly looking icons. Innovation? Apple used to excel at it. Now it seems they copy everyone else and Johnny Ive acts like he invented the GUI. They're at the height of iPhone sales. Everyone at the top thinks it's awesome. They're blinded by greed, IMO. Young people seem to like it. Comic books are IN right now and I have to admit, OS X Yosemite and iOS 7/8 remind me of a comic book. Unfortunately for Apple, young people are often fickle and what's hip today will be tomorrow's crap (ask AOL).

OSX started out with a unique looks and style that was largely all its own with enough of the classic OS thrown in that Mac users would still find it comfortable to use. By Leopard, the look had become refined and started to show real class. By Mountain Lion, it reached its peak and even Mavericks still maintains a professional look that couldn't really mar that shine. But Yosemite crapped on all that and turned OS X into a caricature of itself, almost like an OS X Junior Kids Edition or OS X "Comic Book Legends" (only without any legendary comic book icons to make it cool).

I'm not sure what Microsoft has in mind for Windows 10 Final, but I can only hope it's not more Windows 8.x. Having to choose between Yosemite and Windows 8 is like having to choose between watching Daredevil or the Incredible Hulk movie(s) (double ugh!) when what you really want to watch is Robert Downey Jr. play Iron Man or better yet John Mcclane in Die Hard or even better yet, Humphrey Bogart in The Maltese Falcon. Now there was CLASS that never gets old.
er as I cannot foresee staying with Apple if the trend continues. I'm not sure what Microsoft has in mind for Windows 10 Final, but I can only hope it's not more Windows

I have the same thoughts as you have concerning Win 10. If it puts to rest all the junk they added to Win 8 and brings back a user interface thats intelligent I will be interested considering that Yosemite seems to be telling users "the apple gods have spoken and could care less about the users likes and dislikes.

I use PC's on my network and added an iMac just to learn how Apple does things. Everything was going smooth, then Apples mentality started focusing more on iPads, iPhones, tablets etc. and connecting them up with the computer, probably greediness to grab more market share as the new OS added abilities to attach all that gobbledygook to the computer. All of which has left the computer end of the product less satisfying, less reliable and lacking compatibility as it once had.

The new thinking that replaces the old tried and true way of doing things leaves out one of the most important parts of production, customer satisfaction. In particular Apple and the way Yosemite's troubles are being handled is a good example.
No thanks!

To me, going back to Microsoft Windows because I am aggravated by Yosemite would be like leaving my present wife because she's been a bit cranky lately, to go back to my ex-wife who was once the nightmare of my life :mad:, just because she's been looking rather spiffy lately.:p

I'll air my complaints and mumble, but in the long run I have more faith in Apple than I ever had or will have in Microsoft.

No thanks!

To me, going back to Microsoft Windows because I am aggravated by Yosemite would be like leaving my present wife because she's been a bit cranky lately, to go back to my ex-wife who was once the nightmare of my life :mad:, just because she's been looking rather spiffy lately.:p

I'll air my complaints and mumble, but in the long run I have more faith in Apple than I ever had or will have in Microsoft.


Well put. And using the marriage analogy my wife's not even been cranky lately.
I Knew They`ll Do It With Mac Too!!

Guys, what the hell are you talking about?

Just looking at the screenshots of a new system and taking into account analogue with my 'uglyfied' iPad - this is a crime against millions of customers, that have been buying Apple products for decades! I don`t even want to know the name of a head designer there. He must be getting money from Microsoft for sabotaging those beautifully crafted operating systems. How many paid hours and efforts had been dedicated to create these natural looking icons, windows, working spaces in previous versions? Jobs would NEVER EVER allow these downgrading changes! That was one of his main priorities - to create naturally looking items, that would suggest their meaning and make using them pleasurable.

But also! Apple is well-known for its precious line of a fantastic professional software. Beginning from Photoshop and ending with Logic. As a user of latter, I confidently say: designers and managers of Apple! You`re making a HUGE mistake! If my daw and plugins would follow your trend and become flat-looking - that will be a nightmare for any sound producer, that uses your products! We will never be able to fully appreciate, enjoy and simply normally use a plugin with a hundred knobs and tweaks, that are freaking flat and not reflecting a real-life looking buttons! The best-selling plugins out there are always made with a 'real-feel' appearance: make amps and compressors in Logic look like a childish flat cartoon, and you will kill the spirit of reality in it. Some of the plugins are COPIES of a real-existing models. Make them flat and 'transparent' too? Get the hell out of here! Plugins manufacturers will never do that.

So OS look does not match some of its programs. That is a very noticeable dissonance now.

Simply DUM!!!


plugin with a hundred knobs and tweaks
Some of those knobs are stuck back in the 50's and 60's. You've got Bakelite. You've got gold anodized aluminum. You've probably got things that use tubes as amplifiers, or at most come with labels proclaiming "7 Transistors":

The music you make must sound like something from the days when 128Kbps mpg's seemed an impossible dream of high-end audio. ;)

Those are some Nice knobs, buttons and sliders! It'd be a crime to flatten such beautiful historical accuracy into conformance with today's simplistic aesthetic straitjacket.
… this is a crime against millions of customers, that have been buying Apple products for decades!… How many paid hours and efforts had been dedicated to create these natural looking icons, windows, working spaces in previous versions? Jobs would NEVER EVER allow these downgrading changes! That was one of his main priorities - to create naturally looking items, that would suggest their meaning and make using them pleasurable.

But also! Apple is well-known for its precious line of a fantastic professional software. Beginning from Photoshop and ending with Logic. As a user of latter, I confidently say: designers and managers of Apple! You`re making a HUGE mistake! If my daw and plugins would follow your trend and become flat-looking - that will be a nightmare for any sound producer, that uses your products! We will never be able to fully appreciate, enjoy and simply normally use a plugin with a hundred knobs and tweaks, that are freaking flat and not reflecting a real-life looking buttons! The best-selling plugins out there are always made with a 'real-feel' appearance: make amps and compressors in Logic look like a childish flat cartoon, and you will kill the spirit of reality in it. Some of the plugins are COPIES of a real-existing models. Make them flat and 'transparent' too? Get the hell out of here! Plugins manufacturers will never do that.

So OS look does not match some of its programs. That is a very noticeable dissonance now.

Simply DUM!!!


Please ALSO go to: and paste or write your Yosemite issues into the direct feedback on the Apple site!

Best wishes, Etan
Yosemite is mehh. I wish it was a big update like how windows are from windows 7 to 8 and hopefully 10
Some of those knobs are stuck back in the 50's and 60's. You've got Bakelite. You've got gold anodized aluminum. You've probably got things that use tubes as amplifiers, or at most come with labels proclaiming "7 Transistors":
The music you make must sound like something from the days when 128Kbps mpg's seemed an impossible dream of high-end audio. ;)

Those are some Nice knobs, buttons and sliders! It'd be a crime to flatten such beautiful historical accuracy into conformance with today's simplistic aesthetic straitjacket.


The one on your screenshot is something from your grandpa`s arsenal;)
Besides, `lamps` are precious and are installed in contemporary high-end units.


or that?






Flatten my arse! =D



They are PUSHING. Pushing you hard to a new version like never before. In couple months after their release of a latest update to iOS 7, most undemanding resource-wise and though important apps like banking (Bank Of America, Chase) had stopped working. To use, you need to download a latest version. To download a latest version - update the whole thing. 4s and new iOS 7 or 8? I don`t think so. Get a new iPhone? Well, f### you off, fellas! Also, as an example, several new versions of video editing programs on Mac not running on a previous version of OSX. Isn`t it too fast you think? There was always rule of a thumb - new programs should support old versions of os for at least several years. What the hell so huge was changed in a core of a operating system anyways? I bet - nothing. Security of Apple` os was always out of competition. Effects were changed, ok; icons, menus, graphic style. But this is just a skin. Engine is the same, I suppose. By the way. For instance an upgrade to Mountain Lion, an older version cost $19.99. To Yosemite - free.

I really have a feeling, that someone out there hated Jobs so much, that revenges him for being so damn genius.

And the problem not in only icons and transparency or colors. It is buggy, unpleasant and uncomfortable for perception, compare to the r-e-a-l Apple style. Simply made cheap.
This is a pure triumph for Gates and other main competitors in mobile devices. And now workstations...
Really, looks like someone literally mocks at Steve`s child. Like: "Oh, Stevie, do you see from up there? Do you enjoy, how it looks now? Remember, you had fired me/ my best friend / ridiculed my ideas / was better, than me? Here, look - we are turning it to Windows! You love Windows, right?.."

Oh God, I just had noticed that folders icons. That is dog`s bollocks! DOS FOREVER!! ))))))))))))))))))))))


What is next, Tim? Monochrome Cookemite 11.0 ? You can`t handle it. Retire, play golf. Let someone, who didn`t envy Jobs that much to take this position. You have done enough to show your incompetence as CEO.
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Guys, what the hell are you talking about?

**Lots of overdone UI images**

There is one thing I don't understand — why should my OS look ugly and messy just because you prefer your windows to look like a guitar amp? The design of knobs etc. have a very clear functional purpose on a real physical unit, however, on a computer screen, its just decadence (and not in any good way). And btw, for a audio noob like me, the 'flat' UI you have posted indeed looks much better. Sure, its ugly and horribly designed, but at least I can clearly see where the controls are and what I can interact with, rather then staring at the painted wall full of visual distractions.

So sure, if you prefer your Windows XP-era UI — be my guest and stick to it. I prefer my UI clean and functional.

P.S. Somehow it appears 'good style' in this thread to post pictures of ugly third-party mock-ups and bash Apple as if they have anything even remotely to do with those mock-ups...
There is one thing I don't understand — why should my OS look ugly and messy just because you prefer your windows to look like a guitar amp? The design of knobs etc. have a very clear functional purpose on a real physical unit, however, on a computer screen, its just decadence (and not in any good way). And btw, for a audio noob like me, the 'flat' UI you have posted indeed looks much better. Sure, its ugly and horribly designed, but at least I can clearly see where the controls are and what I can interact with, rather then staring at the painted wall full of visual distractions.

100% agreed. Which is why I think the stylized Yosemite icons are not particularly a problem. The brightness of the whole UI can be problematic though.

Since we're on synths and audio stuff, here's one I like, Synthmaster (amazing VI btw)


I hate, hate it when these software interfaces look exactly like their hardware counterpart. Nice to look at (somewhat) but ridiculous to navigate and work efficiently within them. I like clarity.

P.S. Somehow it appears 'good style' in this thread to post pictures of ugly third-party mock-ups and bash Apple as if they have anything even remotely to do with those mock-ups...

There is one thing I don't understand — why should my OS look ugly and messy just because you prefer your windows to look like a guitar amp? The design of knobs etc. have a very clear functional purpose on a real physical unit, however, on a computer screen, its just decadence (and not in any good way). And btw, for a audio noob like me, the 'flat' UI you have posted indeed looks much better. Sure, its ugly and horribly designed, but at least I can clearly see where the controls are and what I can interact with, rather then staring at the painted wall full of visual distractions.

So sure, if you prefer your Windows XP-era UI — be my guest and stick to it. I prefer my UI clean and functional.

P.S. Somehow it appears 'good style' in this thread to post pictures of ugly third-party mock-ups and bash Apple as if they have anything even remotely to do with those mock-ups...

100% agreed. Which is why I think the stylized Yosemite icons are not particularly a problem. The brightness of the whole UI can be problematic though.

Since we're on synths and audio stuff, here's one I like, Synthmaster (amazing VI btw)


I hate, hate it when these software interfaces look exactly like their hardware counterpart. Nice to look at (somewhat) but ridiculous to navigate and work efficiently within them. I like clarity.


There are plenty of stylized, more or less flat, light-looking plugins out there. And there is always variety from them to choose. Balance in everything is vital. Say, Mavericks by appearance was lighter, fresher enough to me.
But this Yosemite is just a freaking joke. It is pure about money here. "Here is something completely new! Worse looking? Not supported by your device? You want to have a choice, skins and themes? Who cares? You must buy a new platform, we need more money! But we don`t have a brilliant brain around anymore, who knows where to go to make that money!"

Apple, design a new stylish GPS, go toward 4k iPad, make your devices play Flash at last! And stop pushing us your new unstable software lines!
UI in Lion, iOS 6 was perfected, finished, cool! Yes, changes are great, so polish, redraw new, even more appealing icons, lightness and transparency is great, simpleness too. But you should have taken ALL THE BEST from what Jobs did to his products and work around it. Improve, redesign is great, but DOS in ui appearance? Yes, it is definitely different and "lighter". But it is not a step forward. It is step back.

It maybe sounds harsh and even rude, but Apple is rude lately too.
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Even after a few days of working with Yosemite I am still finding there is no bottom to the holes that this new OS has dug for itself. Where are my pictures???, are they in iCloud, cyberspace, or who knows where. I just know they are not in iPhoto. What happened to all my bookmarks being the most accessible at the top of my opening page. It is now some thing that is apparently more important to some Mac programmer, but certainly not me. I do not use one of them! Where are my contacts for my email?? Used to be easy access to all my contacts. One contact is somewhat tolerable, but multiple contacts as I do 90% of the time, is painful. I guess the same programmer figured this one out too. There are some good changes by why mess with the above. I hope Steve Jobs has lightning bolt in hand and ready to throw it at the designer of Yosemite. First time in 20 years I was at Future Shop looking at PC's instead of Mac's
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It wasn't broken, why did you try to fix it! I liked Maverick in Top Gun and I liked Maverick in my Mac. Some Apple geeks apparently have too much time on their hands. I'm converting my Apple shares to Windows because if Yosemite is not fixed quickly the tides are changing. Mr Cook, if you wanted to make a statement and get out of the Steve Jobs era, mission accomplished, but in an unbelievable bad way
It wasn't broken, why did you try to fix it! I liked Maverick in Top Gun and I liked Maverick in my Mac. Some Apple geeks apparently have too much time on their hands. I'm converting my Apple shares to Windows because if Yosemite is not fixed quickly the tides are changing. Mr Cook, if you wanted to make a statement and get out of the Steve Jobs era, mission accomplished, but in an unbelievable bad way

Its the industry in general. I have Windows 10 Technical Preview and its really foul. Windows 8.1 had its faults but for the most part its very consistent in design. The new Windows versions have the same issues as Yosemite, namely poor typography.

The Mac applications are shipping now with Yosemite style faded fonts too, its a virus. I'll be so glad when the next *new* thing happens.
I'm So glad that i'm Still with mavericks. really

You can say that again!!!!

I got actually got rid of the iPhone I had running iOS7 and got a used one running iOS6 to replace it. I could not stand the glaring white everywhere, the stupid controls that look almost like hyperlinks, and the bizarre, almost imperceptible colors, like yellow stick figure icons on a blaring white background in Notes. Is Apple now limiting users to those with 20/20 vision? Are those of us that have even minor vision problems now "throw aways?"

The translucency and the kiddie corner icons in Yosemite just irritate me. If I use Yosemite for about 10 or 20 minutes I actually find myself getting into a bad mood. More stupidity. More poorly thought out ideas. And to top that off, it's bug ridden.

Apple in 2006: It just works.
Apple in 2014: It might work, and even if it does, it might look like crap.
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… Somehow it appears 'good style' in this thread to post pictures of ugly third-party mock-ups and bash Apple as if they have anything even remotely to do with those mock-ups...

From June 2014 until its release, Yosemite looked like a parody of a third party mock-up.

So, don't be surprised when people can't tell the difference between:
  • a bad design by Apple
  • a bad mock-up.
With 10.10.2 out, the ratings for Yosemite have gone up! Now only a little more than half the commenters are giving it one star.

I have to wonder, with a lot people are mentioning lag, delays, etc., just exactly what toll is translucency taking on the CPU and memory consumption. I've noticed that on some older units, if you try to scroll through the list of mails using the keyboard, the lag is quite noticeable. The screen has to be constantly adjusting it's video contents.

Translucency isn't worth it.
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