I'm going to cheat a bit here as my best for 2013 is actually a collage of photos that I put together for a poster print.
This is a collection of Jelly Bean Row home shots that I took while wondering the streets of St. John's, Newfoundland. 20 - 5 x 7 in. images plus the border made for a very large poster that I had printed but have not yet framed.
Although way below the standard of many on here, I've decided on this one.
Although I like a lot of my others, this one has more interest (I believe). As this is my first year doing photography as a hobby I was looking through my early stuff. Some of it is shocking! But just shows how much I have learnt since June. And seeing most of the wonderful stuff on here reminds me how much more I have to learn!
Bit of a struggle to choose this one out of 3, I did't take nearly as many photos as I'd of liked this year and did a lot of darkroom experimentation and cameraless photography techniques.
Shot this at Kew Gardens on an Olympus Trip, Ilford 400 HP5, processed and printed by me on Ilford Multigrade Gloss