Some quality photos here chaps!
This is my favourite from 2013 as it was the first time I went to the Isle of Man TT and it was such a wonderful experience. Got a lot of great shots from the Donington Park BSB round as well but this one of Guy Martin just edges it for me
and yes, he is wearing a visor!

Guy Martin at the Gooseneck - IOMTT 2013 by deathwalkerred, on Flickr
This is my favourite from 2013 as it was the first time I went to the Isle of Man TT and it was such a wonderful experience. Got a lot of great shots from the Donington Park BSB round as well but this one of Guy Martin just edges it for me

Guy Martin at the Gooseneck - IOMTT 2013 by deathwalkerred, on Flickr