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My 35mm 1.4L is my favorite lens, but recently I've needed to shoot some video so I pop on my 24-70 2.8L to grab video to put into After Effects. (I'm learning how to composite my 3D models against video backgrounds :D )
My two everyday lenses are the 35L and 85L (on my 5D2). This combo is absolutely killer.

They fit perfectly in my Billingham Hadley Small. Awesome combo (though, admittedly, not cheap).
Using 50mm 1.8 on my T3i however I'd like to get something nicer like a 24-105 or 10-22 for wide angle shots.
24-105 L 5d2
Panasonic 20mm gf1
On ASPC it was the sigma 17-50 (is version) which was incredibly good for the money and is seriously underrated by many. On crop I'd wholeheartedly recommend it.

The above 35/85 l combo is great...I think I may go 24/50/135 for now! L/sigma/non L
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16-85 nikon for my D300, and an Olympus 17mm M.Zuiko for my E-P2.
I am just looking to upgrade my 18-55mm that came with my xsi so I just wanted to know what everyone uses for there everyday lens.

As you can clearly see, "everyday lens" is so vastly different because we all have different daily needs.............

Low light

Ability to get in close up, then quickly wide shot



So, what are your daily needs?

Oh, on my T1i now use the Canon 15-85 as my daily lens, it replaced the 18-55 IS (same as you have).
Heh. Brokeh. Is that broken bokeh?

Sigma 17-50 would be a peach and do in a pinch for low light. 15-85, well my copy of it was somewhat of a letdown for the money but people love it. I think it's overpriced. What is your budget?

Here is a direct link to compare the sigma and canon. The sigma is significantly cheaper, faster, but has shorter focal range.. my copy of the sigma was sharper than the canon

Look at the embassy suites sign. These are all from a 7d. but sensor wise the same as t2i ,t3i, 60d...

Canon 15-85 -

Sigma 17-50 -

These were taken with the 15-85, but had sharpening etc applied in post.



This was taken with the 17-50, but the battery died and I sorta blew the shot..

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Put me in the camp with the 35L, at least for indoor shots on crop sensor (I currently use 7D). Looking forward to going full frame with this lens, too!

Outside, it can have pretty obvious green/near purple/far CA, but I'll gladly live with it.
Put me in the camp with the 35L, at least for indoor shots on crop sensor (I currently use 7D). Looking forward to going full frame with this lens, too!

Outside, it can have pretty obvious green/near purple/far CA, but I'll gladly live with it.

I love it too.. but I can't justify buying one right now when there may be a version two that corrects the fringing. I took a shot that was an awesome pita to fix...

But man, that lens has the 'something special' for sure.. I just hope they come out with a 35L ii soon!

I had (perhaps mistakenly) assumed that lens was not in the budget though
Think the OP's gone on holiday! Hasn't been back since he posted the question. :) Still, we've all had a nice chat about our lenses! :D
If I am going out of town with my family and I could only take ONE lens with me, it would be the AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-300mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR II (see notes at bottom). It is a very slow auto focus lens but it covers a wide rang of zoom. The only other draw back is the f/3.5, if will not allow that much light in. But if I am at a sporting event or wedding, I like my AF-S NIKKOR 70-200mm f/2.8G ED VR II (over $2,000 it is not cheap, but worth the money) and the AF-S NIKKOR 24-70mm f/2.8G ED. Both have a larger f stop and can quickly forces while indoors. If I want to have more fun, I also keep in my bag the AF DX Fisheye-NIKKOR 10.5mm f/2.8G ED.

They do not really make an ALL-IN-ONE lens like they do with the macs. You will have to be thinking about what you want to be shooting, what kind of lighting is there, how are far away is your focal point is going to be, and how tight of a shot you want.

The only other thing I really REALLY do not like with the 18-300mm lens is the lens creep. if you have it hanging over your shoulder, the lens will creep out and make it easer to get hit. Before you go out and spend thousands of dollars into some crazes lenses, try renting them to see if they fir your needs. That is what I have done with almost every lens I have now. It only coast me like $50(US) bucks for 2 days to go out streetwalking and try out the lens.

Hope that helps!!!
Think the OP's gone on holiday! Hasn't been back since he posted the question. :) Still, we've all had a nice chat about our lenses! :D

Newbies : oh so often - sign up, post a question - never come back.
But as you say, it gives a chance for some input from everyone, so not a complete waste of time :D
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