My 35mm 1.4L is my favorite lens, but recently I've needed to shoot some video so I pop on my 24-70 2.8L to grab video to put into After Effects. (I'm learning how to composite my 3D models against video backgrounds
I am just looking to upgrade my 18-55mm that came with my xsi so I just wanted to know what everyone uses for there everyday lens.
Put me in the camp with the 35L, at least for indoor shots on crop sensor (I currently use 7D). Looking forward to going full frame with this lens, too!
Outside, it can have pretty obvious green/near purple/far CA, but I'll gladly live with it.
Heh. Brokeh. Is that broken bokeh?
Think the OP's gone on holiday! Hasn't been back since he posted the question.Still, we've all had a nice chat about our lenses!