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There is no point to these scores if you are not playing the hard round.:mad:
My best is 1305525 round 161 (hard level) grasslands..;)
Just started playing Drylands and the best was round 51.(much harder then grasslands):eek:
Interesting, anything about the fire rate? :)

Attached! Flame thrower and gattling gun got me a bit confused as there are no 'ReloadSpeed' values in the code. Flame thrower must be per second as it is continous and the gattling, the damage in my opinion is also per second. Feel free to criticise!


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nah, poponio's map is good, but it's not the best for helicopters, which is really the only unit you need to worry about. You're losing valuable unit space by leaving the middle clear. I'll get to round 1000 and post screenshots on the most efficient strategy.
Attached! Flame thrower and gattling gun got me a bit confused as there are no 'ReloadSpeed' values in the code. Flame thrower must be per second as it is continous and the gattling, the damage in my opinion is also per second. Feel free to criticise!

Thanks :)

I was definitely sure the Missile towers fired quicker than the Tesla.

But all things considered one should definitely go after the ones dealing area effect / splash damage.

I usually end up using only the Fire Thrower, Mortar, Missile and Goo towers.
cant wait to see thats blackmagic.
by the way i v been lot farther than round 1000 now...
Based on the DPS ratings above, here's the DPS per $ for each tower upgraded to Level 3 (I used the mid-point for those towers with a range of damage):

9.8 = Gatt
5.7 = Missile
9.2 = Fire
9.3 = Tesla
5.2 = Mortar

Clearly you get a lower damage figure from the mortars and missiles because they have greater range, while fire towers and teslas give you more concentrated firepower per installation. What this tells me, however, is that it's worth upgrading the Gatts that I use to create the fringes of my mazes, because I'm actually getting more bang for my buck with the Gatts than anything else.
mortar are the best against the heli
trust me

Mortars and Fire Towers attack an area instead of a specific enemy, which makes them better against fast-movers. What I do is pack Teslas under the flight path and eventually put mortars off to the side where they can still reach the 'copters. Then I just make a maze to have the ground forces run back and forth past the Teslas with Goo Guns interspersed to slow everything down.

FWIW, I don't do any flipping or switching to make the ground forces go back and forth. Just my preference, but it means the imperatives in my case are a little different to those who do flip/switch.
When do mortars "appear"?

I've gone well past Round 100 on easy on Grasslands, and past Round 50 on Medium, and I never use the flamethrower because it didn't seem to have the power I've wanted. I see from the screenshots that I'm obviously mistaken, but have never seen mortars.

ever since the 1.2 upgrade (some weeks ago) there are mortars and flame throwers, look at the screenshots, the symbol to the very right!
I see the screenshots here, and I've upgraded, but haven't seen the new weapons.

I haven't been able to use my computer since 2/8, so I haven't been able to backup and/or use iTunes, so if those weapons are now there, it'll be a great addition to the game I play the most (thanks for answering btw).
do u have the extended play mode between classic and endless?

I have it but haven't used it b/c I thought I could be playing for hours (getting past Round 100 takes a long time!) and that would be just too long at times. If that's where it is, thanks for the info. I'll check it when I get home from work. I thought I needed to make it to Round 500 or so. Thanks!
anyway i m still waiting somebody reach level 1000 without the maze i used...

OK well I am still going with this layout. I have only lost 5 lives due to helicopters, all the rest were due to my being distracted and not juggling in time. Had I been paying more attention I would still have 15 lives. Now I plan to build some more mortars along the second bottom line of the screen... man this is wasting time.


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Level 199 on HARD

Everybody talking about level 1000 or 1500-- what's the point? See how far you can get on 'hard' otherwise it's like you're playing t-ball with a Slugger & a golfball...

I just hit level 199 on Hard on Grasslands, for a score of 1598625. Nothing ever got through except helicopters; and so many of them were soooo close to being dead but I just couldn't get 'em. At the end, I used a lot of fully upgraded mortars & goo guns, and a few tesla towers left over right near the exit door (or, entrance I guess); and of course some minigats to sculpt my maze. I passed Drylands on Medium, but haven't gotten past around level 60 on Hard. That'll be my next challenge.. should be easier now that I have access to those Mortars... I'm sure those are the secret to passing it. We'll see... so much for getting any work done again this week.

And seriously, if you are considering buying this game and haven't, just go do it right now. Since I bought this game, I haven't turned on my other gaming systems at all. This game has done a descent job of displacing several hundred dollars worth of game systems and games... for $5. No other iPhone app comes even close. I hope they keep adding levels & enemies & weapons. Hell, I'd be plenty willing to pay a couple bucks for each level!
the point is reach the highest level and the highest score in case you didnt notice... thats the title of the topic
Round 1100 on Easy

It has taken 7 days to get this far.


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I couldn't get past 300k until the latest update(with the new towers), now I can get up to 450,000
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