Level 199 on HARD
Everybody talking about level 1000 or 1500-- what's the point? See how far you can get on 'hard' otherwise it's like you're playing t-ball with a Slugger & a golfball...
I just hit level 199 on Hard on Grasslands, for a score of 1598625. Nothing ever got through except helicopters; and so many of them were soooo close to being dead but I just couldn't get 'em. At the end, I used a lot of fully upgraded mortars & goo guns, and a few tesla towers left over right near the exit door (or, entrance I guess); and of course some minigats to sculpt my maze. I passed Drylands on Medium, but haven't gotten past around level 60 on Hard. That'll be my next challenge.. should be easier now that I have access to those Mortars... I'm sure those are the secret to passing it. We'll see... so much for getting any work done again this week.
And seriously, if you are considering buying this game and haven't, just go do it right now. Since I bought this game, I haven't turned on my other gaming systems at all. This game has done a descent job of displacing several hundred dollars worth of game systems and games... for $5. No other iPhone app comes even close. I hope they keep adding levels & enemies & weapons. Hell, I'd be plenty willing to pay a couple bucks for each level!