Beryl Aftermath Day 3, Wed, 10July
On Sunday I had made a down payment to Lowe’s for installation of the natural gas standby generator, so I feel good about that.
Houston started with 2+M without power. They have a reported 11000 personnel deployed to restore power. The goal is to have restored power to 1 million by tonight. Having a power line laying on your house qualifies as “an emergency” but have not seen any repair crews around. Via the Ring network crews are reported to be working in the Development.
I’ve got a Westinghouse WGen7500 - 7500 Watt Electric Start Portable Generator. In 2 days. I’ve burned about 20 gallons of gas which is better than I projected. Maybe because we are being frugal with electrical usage which the more used the, higher the gas consumption. I told my Dad that I have AC in a bedroom, a refridgerator, TV, internet, microwave, and computer. He had the nerve to ask me “so what have you sacrificed?” Well, although I could be playing games on my computer, it generates too much heat in an un-airconditioned office. 😛
Plus, I went out on my first sojourn for gas. Via the Gas Buddy App, an area just North of us was reported to have gasoline. A short drive, I reached a point where the traffic lights were working, exciting!

The first 3 gas stations I passed were out of gas, but I hit pay dirt at Walmart. About 20th in line, with 16 pumps, I waited 20 minutes, not bad, not bad at all. So now I’m back up to having 50 gallons of gas, which might represent 5 days of power. We’ve spent the last 2 early evenings after the Sun is behind the trees, in the pool cleaning debris from the pool. It’s looking pretty good now, but really needs the pool cleaner going for the finishing touches, which requires electric.
Of interest a small neighborhood Kroger is open (self powered) I assume with natural gas generators, but not their refrigerated section, which is all going into dumpsters. However, the Local is open and completely self powered so refridgerator and frozen items are available. The funny thing about the H.E.B. Is that when they built it, instead of building it up above the surrounding land, they left it sunken several feet, so when it rains hard, the water drains into that parking lot, and if high enough into the store, so if they can stay above water,, they’re golden!
climbing rose before…
Climbing rose after, but after removing the limb, the rose is in pretty good shape.
Tropical jungle cement pond. That’s not a down tree on the right but our weeping cedar.
neighbor 1