Day Two
After my second day out in the field with the 10.5" as my rMB replacement and not even opening up the lid of my rMB, I have tentatively decided to keep both my 10.5" Pro and the mini 4, with the rMB getting the boot.
Worked a whole regular office day, 8-5 and still have 25% battery (45% brightness with auto brightness turned on). It has been super awesome! Still don't know if it is the novelty of it all, but this form factor finally did it for me, even still being on iOS 10.3.2. once I get my hands on that first public beta of iOS 11, it may just be a permanently iOS only mobile setup for me!
Did a lot of printing to PDF via the print share sheet, PDF creation, editing, merging, and manipulating today, which gave me a lot more confidence in the iPad as a viable productivity tool. PDF Expert is definitely iOS's answer to Adobe Acrobat Pro, and is a great tool.
Did some exports from a client's CRM system, opened them in Numbers and manipulated them easily, over 6000 rows, sent them directly via email as excel files and then saved to Dropbox.
Created a new financial monthly report for another client from scratch using Numbers and Pages, exported as PDF to client via email, got back some annotations and commentary, made changes and delivered the final product.
It has been a very productive day, despite having to rethink workflows and use apps I'm not accustomed to using. Once I have these new workflows wired in, I am confident I'll be easily as productive as I am with my rMB and macOS.
Can't wait to have saved spaces using split screen combinations of apps. That is going to be very nice with iOS 11. Drag and Drop and Files app will also be very welcome additions to the workflow.
However, in all honesty this is going much better than I thought it would, and I am very happy with the experiment so far. The 10.5" screen in combination with the ASK does it. Perfect combo of screen size and portability.
I almost forget about my disappointment at not having the same 2732x2048 resolution as the 12.9" as I type this on my train commute home, and watch as the screen changes white temps as the sun shines in the window and then I am cast back into shadow...superb stuff!